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"Only you no rival
I will buy you motor and be your driver."armaan sing to jadwa as he slightly hug her from the back smiling as they arrange the dinner on the table.

"Ewwww Let go off me you are been soo touchy and clingy with your weird music."jadwa say pushing him making him to laugh.

"I don't exist if i don't have,
The sun doesn't shine,
The world doesn't turn around."armaan sing and jadwa shake her head and walk back to the kitchen making him to laugh as he trail behind her.

My husband is going nut."she mutter and armaan laugh.

"I love you jd,
Like i mean i really,really love you,
There isn't a word to describe just how much i love you."armaan say smiling as jadwa arrange the plates and cups on the tray.

"Give me the spoons it's like your sickness have increased you need a serious emergency."jadwa say snatching the spoons from him with a smile.

Halting in the garage jawahir open the car door with a sigh ,she reminisce about what jamila told her few hours ago as she massage her forehead, she do tell jamila she can't do that it's a hefty sin she can do any sort of cunning act but shirk, as mean and wicked as she can be she still has a piece of fear of the Almighty and hereafter. She come out of the car and close the door shut walking tiredly inside the house.

"Our life would have been perfect if you didn't ran away and leave me."armaan voice say from the kitchen as jawahir enters the house.

"You couldn't wait for me,
You married and forget about me
such a ridiculous lover boy that couldn't find his Juliet."jadwa voice say making jawahir heart to ache as the two come out of the kitchen.

I thought you are even in your bedroom.
Where are you coming from?"armaan ask and drop a bowl on the dinning table.

"I went to the hospital since you sees busy today that's why i didn't bother you."she lie and armaan shrug.

Where are you going to aren't you going to eat your dinner ?armaan ask as jadwa drop a warmer.

I'm ok i will be fine you two should enjoy yourselves."she say and head upstairs as she feel the jealousy in her accumulating.

She enter her bedroom and close her door shut, she remove her phone from the handbag and throw the handbag on the red love seat in the bedroom and lay on her bed.
Jawahir feel her heart excruciating with an intense pain of jealousy, she couldn't believe armaan is this romantic he doesn't even show her even the slightest romantic side of him maybe jamila was right she can never have him if jadwa is still in this house jawahir thought of calling her best friend to let her know she agreed to going to the sorcerer but decided to leave it as she continue contemplating until she fall asleep.

  days passes and it gradually creep to week and it's two weeks since jadwa has come back  and armaan has been really close with jadwa which he continued showing love and affection, jawahir try her possible best to ignore the two frisky behavior as she controls her emotions and try ignoring the devil instigating all sort of thought into her head.

"J."armaan call entering the kitchen and jawahir turn from the sink.

"What?"she ask looking unbother.

"Can you please prepare some noodles for jadwa she's not feeling too well i want to call ya hafiz to come and check on her."armaan say and jawahir look at him baffle.

"Ohh really.
I don't have energy for that ya armaan as you can see I'm heavily pregnant,
Banga zan iya ba it's either you cook for her or she comes down and manage to do it by herself."jawahir say as armaan look at her surprisingly.

He watch as she exit the kitchen muttering to herself and he shake his head with a sigh, he remove his phone from his pocket and call hafiz who assure him he would be on his way soon and he set the pot in the water to prepare the noodles himself.


"She's pregnant."hafiz say making armaan to cut the yawn that's trying to escape his mouth.

"Wh..what?"he say confused.

"Yes jadwa is pregnant."hafiz repeat himself making armaan to laugh looking at jadwa who's laying on the bed staring at them.

Jd you have my baby in you."armaan say smiling making hafiz to shake his head with a chuckle.

"Bring her to the hospital later in the day or tomorrow."hafiz say touching his sister head making her to smile.

"Congrats baby sis."hafiz say with a smile and jadwa node.

"Thank you ya hafiz.
Can you do me a favor and don't tell anyone."she ask making them both to look at her confused.

"Why?"they both ask in unison.

"Please just do me a favor and do just that, i will tell them all but not at this early stage."jadwa say and the two men look at her.

"Okay."hafiz say with a shrug and bid the two goodbye.

Armaan turn his gaze to jadwa and he frown.

"Come on jd,
I understand what jawahir did to you previously but i don't think she would dare to repeat such mistake,
We need to tell our family."armaan say and she shake her head.

I just have this ill feeling something might happen again and i will loose the baby again."she say and armaan shake his head.

"No jd.
Nothing will happen to you and you know what?
I'm taking you to London to stay with my mum for 3months by then the pregnancy has past that morning sickness pace and you can come back."armaan suggest making jadwa to smile.

"Thank you boo.
You are the best that way it's going to be a suprise to everyone when i come back."she say smiling and armaan smile as he lay next to her on the bed.

The two spend the entire day on the bed talking mostly about the pregnancy as they suggest different baby names and argue about which gender they do prefer.

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