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Sitted in the back of the car Armaan is furious but he just choose to be calm, he thought jadwa will take the ride with him home instead he's here alone, he sigh and relax on the sit JD can be soo mean sometimes but he still doesn't understand why he can't stay angry with her not even for five minutes.

"Ya Armaan how was the flight."fadilah say from the front seat and he breathe out a heavy breath.

"Good."he say trying to remember her name, he do know she's anty amany daughter which makes her his cousin but he always forget her name.

"How long are you staying?"fadilah ask as she turn with a smile.

"Don't know probably staying the whole summer."he say with a shrug.

The drive turn quiet everyone engross in their own thought, once at the parking garage of there grandparents house Armaan head to the apartment behind the main building knowing that's exactly where they will stay.

He lay on the bed and close his eyes,
The door to the bedroom creak open but he doesn't open his eyes.

"Are you staying here?"the familiar voice say and he open his eyes.

"Where else do you want me to stay."he grumble and jadwa chuckle.

"Come on ya Armaan I'm sorry for letting you drive home alone, I was thinking maybe you and Aleey will stay over at our house i personally arranged your bedroom."she say with a smile and sit next to him on the bed making him to sit upright.

"Ok fine on one condition.
Aleey will stay here."Armaan say and jadwa look at him confused.

He's your friend you should show some hospitality and be nice to him,
You are being a complete jerk now."jadwa say and Armaan snort.

"Then i am not going anywhere you should take him and show some hospitality to him."Armaan say he can feel the anger accumulating in him.

I thought he's your friend you should consider the fact that this is his first time here and he come all the way from the UK because of you, come on ya Armaan why are you behaving like a teenager."jadwa say a little annoyed.

"Ohh so you two have already started discussing shit, JD you don't know this guy and you are already defending him against me."Armaan say looking at her in bewilderment.

"You are ridiculous.
How am i defending him ?
I am just been honest with you but if you think it's alright for you to stay here then fine."jadwa say and leave the bedroom muttering to herself.

Armaan sigh, he doesn't understand why he doesn't like the idea of Aleey and jadwa getting close a little part of his brain is instigating shit into his thoughts, he pick his backpack and leave the bedroom.

"Ohh are you going somewhere?"fadilah ask making Armaan to turn face her.

"Yes i am going to uncle hafiz house."he grumble and walk pass fadilah who's holding the tray of food.

"But jadwa has already left with aleey."fadilah say making him to pause.

"She left with aleey?"he ask baffle and fadilah nod looking at him.

He head back to the bedroom and close the bedroom door close with the lock fadilah try opening the door but it's lock, she drop the food on the dinning table and quietly leave the apartment.

The drive back home is a frustrating one for jadwa she doesn't understand why Armaan can be Soo mean sometimes, she sigh and stare at Aleey from the corner of her eyes he is looking through the window with a smile on his face making her to chuckle to herself.

Once at home she ask the driver to take aleeys suitcase to the apartment as the two head to the main building,
The house is quiet a sign everyone is probably asleep.

"I thought you will sleep over there,
Thank God your mum has sleep."hafiz say from the staircase making jadwa and Aleey to turn.

You scared me, this is Aleey ya Armaan friend he's staying here."jadwa say and her dad look at the boy.

"Good evening sir."Aleey say trying to give a handshake to hafiz but he decline.
"My condolences on your grandfather."Aleey say and hafiz humm jadwa look at her dad weirdly but doesn't say anything.

"I will go sleep now, you should also go to bed immediately jadwa."her father say and she humm in response.

Once she heard the bedroom door closes she drag Aleey by the hand to the kitchen.

"Sorry about my dad he isn't always like that he will come around tomorrow morning he's just.........jadwa try saying but Aleey sshhhh her by putting his  fingers on her lips.

"It's ok,
I could do same if I see my daughter with a stranger in the midnight."he say with a smile and drop his hand.

Jadwa open the fridge and remove the fried rice she cooked for Armaan, she sigh before putting it in the microwave. The two stay in silience Aleey could glance at jadwa , there's something about her that makes him want to spend more time with her, how fate can twist things, he just saw her few hours ago on a video call and now she's here, she's even more beautiful in person he thought and smile to himself.

"Do you want an orange juice?"jadwa ask removing the food from the microwave.

"water will be fine,"he say and collect the plate of food from her.

"Do you want to eat here or in your apartment?"jadwa ask arranging the food on a tray.

"My room will be good but i will carry that don't bother."he say and collect the tray from her hand making her to smile.

The two walk in comfortable silence to the apartment, jadwa doesn't understand why she find solace and so comfortable around Aleey there's something about him that makes him special in a unique way.

I will leave you here, have a goodnight sleep."jadwa say once they reach the apartment door.

"Thank you."Aleey say with a smile and she nod the two stare at each other probably lost staring to even acknowledge the presence of anyone.

"What's going on here?"the voice say making the two to turn there gaze to the floor.

"Welcome back ya hafix."jadwa say to her brother and he nod looking at the stranger.
"Ohhh this is Aleey ya Armaan friend they came together he's staying here."jadwa explain and Aleey give a handshake to hafiz who smile at him.

"Nice meeting you Aleey,
And you should probably get going it's getting late."hafiz say to his sister.

"Goodnight ya hafiz,
Goodnight aleey."she say with a smile and leave the two.

Jadwa find herself extremely happy for no reason, once inside her bedroom she pick her phone and see the multiple missed calls from fadilah and Armaan, she drop the phone and decide to call them tomorrow.

Please drop your comment.

Why do I feel like bringing Aleey is a bad decision for Armaan.

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