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"Mummy bye."samrah say and fadilah smile weakly at him closing the car door shut.

"Take care mummy."jamal say waving at his mum who's waving back at them she watch as the car drive out of the premises making her to sigh and walk back to the house.

Fadilah believes she needs some space to get ready to start sharing her husband with someone else so she decide to take her children to her parents house for some days it's been a hell of two weeks with multiple family meetings and wedding arrangement which there grandfathers fix the wedding date in a month time it's going to be a very big wedding with 6 of her cousins getting married fadila knows it won't be long before the town is full with there extended family members from all over the states and across the country, do her husband doesn't look really happy with the idea of the marriage but he was left with no choice than to respect the elders decision.

"Fadilah!."hafiz call making her to turn abruptly.

She glance at him and sigh turning her gaze back to the large television screen, hafiz sit next to his wife, he stare at her wondering how he is going to bring back the cheerful side of his wife.

Do you have any idea how hurt i am any time i see you like this, it wound me and shattered my broken heart into pieces, i wishe there's something i can do to change this situation we are in, yo.........

"Please just keep quiet.
I don't want to hear a single thing from your mouth.
Just let me be, that's what all you men say trying to convince someone but immediately after the marriage you turn your back against someone,
Just let me be ya hafiz, leave me alone ."Fadilah say making hafiz to sigh as she wipe her tears.

"Fadilah you know i care about you.
Even i myself haven't come to accept the fact that I'm going to marry jamila, it is one of the biggest decision i have to make my entire life, I need you to support and believe in me,
I have never love someone except you,
You know that Fadilah, I.............

Hafiz don't know a single word to say to convince and even make his wife happy, he himself knows jamila is Lucifer in disguise nothing good happens whenever she steps foot in a place except havoc, the fact of her becoming his wife and also fadilah rival makes him sick because he knows just how much. fragile his wife is.

"Jamila is the reason jadwa and ya armaan can't even stand each other now, she did all that because she hate jadwa then just imagine what she will do when she marry you, ya hafiz you and i but know we are are never going to be happy again things are never going to be thesame, my kids are my only problem, jamal and samrah did you think they will be happy again?"Fadilah say with a sniff and hafiz hug his wife there isn't a single word to say to please his wife,
They both just have to embrace qadr and pray hard for the almighty to choose what's is best for them.


Feeding her daughter the cereal jadwa wait patiently for farhana to finish the content in her mouth, for the past two weeks she won't say things are bad but they aren't good either, Armaan once in a while could show up in her bedroom unexpectedly most especially if jawahir is not at home one thing jadwa observed is he's completely whipped by jawahir because he doesn't question her regardless whatever decision she makes he can't say no.
  The bedroom door open and just as she expected armaan comes in making there daughter to smile at him.

"Daddy."farhana say and armaan walk inside the bedroom.

"How is daddy's little princess doing?"he ask and sit on the edge of the bed facing her.

"Little princess is fine daddy.
Mummy say hello to daddy."farhana say and jadwa sigh feeding the spoonful of the cereal.

Armaan stare at his wife wondering why she barely speak to him it's excruciating but he doesn't understand why he can't even speak up to her.

"Can i feed her?"armaan ask and jadwa hand the bowl of cereal to him.

She stand up and walk to the closet she was going to arrange farhana clothes so she could go stay with jamal and samrah at there grandparents house for some time,
Jadwa has been really cautious since jamila get back and have been staying in there house she doesn't want to let her daughter all alone by herself because she didn't trust either of them even for a single minute.

"Where's are you going to ?"armaan ask staring confusedly at his wife who's removing some clothes from the link wardrobe.

"Mummy is arranging my clothes,
I am going to stay with jamal and samrah at there grandparents house."farhana say and armaan sigh.

"I will take her myself."armaan say making jadwa to glance at him with a glare.

"Just leave my bedroom ok.
The doorbell has ring and you know how your wife can behave."jadwa say and armaan shake his head.

He stand up and walk to where jadwa is standing by the wardrobe making her to turn face, staring intensely into her eyes armaan wonder why the burning flames of her love die down in his heart.


"What else can we do?
I will speak with a friend maybe she know another sorcerer, even i myself need to see a sorcerer that will do something about hafiz before the wedding."jamila say as they come out of the car.

"I hope this thing didn't have any negative effect before i will collect another charm from a different person and it turn into a chaos"karda wajen neman kiba a samo rama"jawahir say making jamila to chuckle as she pick sleeping baby samira from her car seat.

"Nothing will happened.
Just pray the person we will go to next his work is effective as the first sorcerer."jamila say picking the baby bags and toys.

Nowadays ya armaan barely stay with me it's either he's in his bedroom or he isn't at home, even do he comes inside my bedroom he just speak with samirah and he sleep.
No sex no chat nothing just sleep and leave the next morning."jawahir say bitterly and jamila sigh.

"It will be fine besti.
Just be patient I will contact a friend immediately i am so exhausted."jamila say as jawahir push open the parlour door open.

Apparently the two take a morning flight to maiduguri to see the sorcerer leaving samirah and the car at jamila friend house as usual but all there excitement died down when sadiya told them she wasn't able to get in contact with the sorcerer but the two still board a flight to maiduguri and go to the sorcerer house which at the end the few people in the rural area told them the sorcerer died 3months ago, the two come back disappointed with jamila promising to call in favor of an old friend to find another sorcerer for them to visit.

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