💧Bonus chapter💧

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Staring at there only son from the small window of the hospital bedroom, fu,ad sigh as he wrapp his hand around his wife body to comfort her, for the past 3 month since jadwa death armaan literally completely lost his mind, he's been diagnosed with schizophrenia, he do spend the entire day talking to himself or an object saying it's jadwa, he's become insane and the family decide to bring him to one of the best psychiatric hospital in the UK but nothing changed it rather worsen with each day that passes.

"How long is he going to be like this?" Asma cry and her husband sigh hugging her as he whisper comforting words to her ear.

"He will be  fine,
I will speak with doctor henry, we are taking him back to Nigeria." Fu,ad say with a sigh and Hus wife sigh.

"How is that going to help him,
Look at him,
baby,my son is crazy, he's insane." Asma say as she glance at the hospital door and they begin walking down the hospital lobby.

"He will be fine, maybe if he See's his family, farhana precisely he will try and be fine, let's go the office is by the right." Fu,ad say as the two walk to the office thinking about how life has been unfavourable and unfortunate to there only child for the past five years.

"Farhana your food is ready." Farhat say to the 6years old girl who's staring at her mother's pendent in her hand.

"Farhana." Farhat call again and she turn to face her.

"I want my mummy back." Farhana say and farhat sigh, she sit next to the girl on the floor with a weak smile.

"Am i not your mummy?
Farhana I know you are a little girl but I'm very sure you know your mum isn't coming back, it's difficult for evryone,
Your dad is in the psychiatric hospital because he still doesn't want to accept the fact that she's gone, your mum gave me something to give to you while she was sick in the hospital, I thought maybe you are too small before i give you but I think I will just bring it to you." Farhat say and stand up, she exist out of the children bedroom and enter there bedroom.

Hasn't the writing specialist bring the note yet?
Farhana refused to eat since yesterday." Farhat say and sit opposite her husband who's working on his laptop.

"Ohhh about that.
Check inside my work bag the zip by the left he brought it to me in the hospital yesterday." Hafiz say as he look up at his wife.

Jadwa's death has make alot of things and everyone changed  in the family, Hafiz wonder if things and everyone will ever be back to normal, he has to plead with there grandfather to let them take farhana to stay with them, the girl barely speak nor eat she do spend the entire day in the children bedroom, so farhat bring the idea of finding a handwriting professional to write an emotional letter with jadwa handwriting they gave him a sample of jadwa handwriting and what he should write in the letter, it takes a lot if searching before they find the right person for the work.

I typed this a very long time and it was supposed to come before the last chapter but anyway this is the struggle farhana and her dad been through before they both learn to embrace the death of jadwa.

I just published the first chapter of "tale of farhana" it's going to be the last book in the desire series so add up and enjoy one last intense complicated love story.

You can as well add up my other two books.
"Chronicles of Abduljabbar" and Uncle jalal.

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