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The next morning jadwa wakes up earlier than usual, she do her regular morning chores bath before ambling herself down stairs, she clean everywhere and go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Armaan wakes up with a very terrible headache and body pain do to how he squeezed himself on the couch last night, aside that he missed the subhi prayer which makes him so angry.

"Good morning."jawahir grumble coming out of her closet all dressed up in a palazo white trouser and red t-shirt.

"Why didn't you wake me up for subhi prayers?"he ask and jawahir look weirdly at him.

"Wake you?
I am on my period so i don't see reason why i should wake up."jawahir say with a shrug.

Armaan look at her confused and leave the bedroom.


Coming inside the kitchen, jawahir walk pass jadwa who's arranging the plate of breakfast on a large tray,
Jawahir wished she can stay happy with jadwa but how could she when every time she look at her she reminds her that she's the reason why armaan don't even pay attention to her.

Jadwa open the fridge and pick the case of water, she pick the bowl of the black pudding from the table and add it to the tray, she glance at jawahir who's peeling the potatoes and she shrug she seriously don't care because at first she thought jawahir and her would live like sisters and drop the rivalry thing but since she observed that jawahir wants to play the rivalry game with her she's ready to take the risk after all she do know armaan will always be hers or so she thought.

She pick her continental breakfast from the kitchen and head upstairs to her bedroom.

"Good morning sunshine."she say smiling when she sees armaan dressing up and he turn from the mirror.

"Morning my love.
How was your night?
I really missed you."he say collecting the tray of food from her and drop it on the bed before embracing her into a hug.

"How was your night?"jadwa ask and armaan shrug.

Are all this mine?"he ask and jawahir chuckle.

Today you are eating with your first wife this is my food."jadwa say and sit on her bed.

Come on but you know this are my favorite." he say and pick the mushroom making jadwa to smack his hand and he pout.

"Not fair.
You are soo mean mrs armaan fu,ad."he say looking at jadwa with a smile and she chuckle.

"I know.
Take this do."she say and hand him the mushroom and sausage.

The two sit on the bed and eat the there breakfast talking mostly about fadilah and jamal upcoming one year birthday.

After what seems like forever the two come downstairs with armaan holding the now empty plates of food they enter the kitchen laughing and talking about there weird holiday experience in Cuba.

"Your food is ready."jawahir say making the two to turn face her.

"I'm ok maybe later."he say with a shrug and leave the kitchen.

Jadwa feel really guilty for doing what she did, jawahir look at her sister wondering how and why she's perfect in everyone's eyes regardless whatever petulant behavior she do,
Jawahir feel stupid she was supposed to be the loved one because she was the one that was swiped at birth she's the real daughter of the AMIR family yet she's the one been treated like an outcast.

"Jadwa."jawahir called making jadwa to stop by the kitchen door when she's about leaving.

"It won't last you know.
Some day you will yearn for his attention the way i am now but you won't get it, so you can enjoy it now."jawahir say and jadwa turn.

"Jawahir i am not the one yearning for ya armaan love wether or not he pay attention to me i seriously don't care, I don't beg for love it always find it's way to me because i deserve to be love."jadwa say and leave the kitchen.

"Baby."armaan say from where he's sitting in the parlour but jadwa head to her bedroom she feels like crying this is exactly why she never want to share same house with jawahir because of all this petty insignificant issues.

What happened?
Did jawahir say anything mean to you?"he ask sitting on the bed next to her and she shake her head.

"Just do justice between us please.
I don't want unnecessary drama,
Peace, peace please ya armaan that's all i want from you, just treat her right she's my sister."jadwa say and clean her tears.


"Go downstairs and eat your breakfast."jadwa say pointing at the door making armaan to facepalm.

"JD i........

"Just go please.
I don't want problem, she's your wife and my sister, your real cousin sister she deserves to be treated with loved because she's the real daughter of this family if it wasn't for her you wouldn't even know me, stop treating like a replacement girl because i am the one that replaced her since birth so please treat her with the love she deserves."jadwa say and wipe her tears making armaan to sigh every drop of jadwa tears is like a burning flame of anguish in his heart, he embrace her into a hug and she just couldn't stop crying.

After what seems like forever jadwa keep quiet and stop crying making armaan to sigh in relief, he remove her from his chest and she's asleep he lay her on the bed and her eyes open.

"Go downstairs and eat."she say sleepy with a weak smile.

Armaan hold her hand with a smile.

"Come with me."he say helping her up do she's sleepy but she node and they both head downstairs.

"Good morning jawahir."jadwa say as if they are meeting for the first time making jawahir to snort and armaan frown.

"I know i'm not a very nice person but jawahir we're sharing same husband we are sisters and he's our brother what's the beef all about, I'm sorry if i ever hurt you knowingly or unknowingly i don't mean to hurt you so please forgive me."jadwa say looking at her sister.

Jawahir stare at jadwa wondering wether she meant all she say or she's just playing a trick trying to look innocent in the front of there husband so he would view her as the mean one, she doesn't want to trust jadwa not even for once because as far as jawahir is concerned there's no trust between rivals it's like a forbidden shit so she doesn't want to take chances but staring into jadwa eyes she know she really mean whatever she says, jawahir smile with a node.

"Peace."she say and stretch out her hand for jadwa.

"Peace sister."jadwa say and hold her hand with a smile.

"Peace and justice i promise."armaan say stretching his hand to either of them with a giant smile as they hold each of his hand.

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Did you all believe this peace will last?
Did jadwa really mean whatever she said?
Will jawahir ever find a place in armaan heart?

To find all this answers continue reading untainted desires and don't forget to add it to your reading list

Book cover by rinahs_ink thanks you baby i love you.

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