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5 months later.

Arranging her clothes inside the traveling bag jadwa excitedly fold her things smiling, its exactly 5months since she left Nigeria it takes alot of pleading before armaan convince his grandfather to let jadwa come to London so when the summer ended she left with her cousins, following khadijah,malika and some of there siblings that based there.

"Jd."armaan mum say entering the bedroom.

"Aren't you done?"asma'u ask sitting on the bed looking at her daughter in-law.

"I will soon be done anty asma'u.
Can't even believe I'm going back."jadwa say smiling.

"And this giant bump you gonna answer some really serious question about that, don't actually understand why you and armaan hide it from everyone."asma'u say and begin helping jadwa arranging the clothes.

If not because jawahir give birth i won't leave until i give birth."jadwa say as she sit tiredly on the bed.

"Go and take your shower i will arrange the clothes our flight is in 3hours."asma'u say and jadwa sigh but stand up and maneuver herself to the bathroom.

Apparently jawahir gave birth to a girl 3days ago so they are all going for the naming ceremony, jadwa hasn't tell anyone about her pregnancy aside armaan, hafiz and his wife then there siblings staying in the UK which is khadija and malika that usually visit her once in a while nobody knows about it, jadwa did that because she believes it's the only way to keep her unborn child safe with her lossing two pregnancy in a roll she doesn't want to take any chances.


"My baby is soo beautiful."armaan say looking at the baby in admiration with a smile.

Jawahir stare at her husband from where she's laying on the bed, ever since jadwa left she find peace and stop bothering herself with any rivalry thought do armaan go and visit jadwa but it's always for a few days so he's always with her.
Jawahir isn't anticipating for jadwa to coming back but nevertheless with the way armaan is happy and pampering the baby she doubt if he will even pay attention to her with the rumors among there cousins going round that jadwa will find it very difficult to conceive again do to the previous miscarriages she had so she believes she has nothing to worry about.

"Baby."armaan call snapping her out of her thought making her to turn.

"Yes."she answer with a smile.

"Thank you for this amazing gift of life."armaan say with a smile.

"You are the world best husband."she say and he chuckle.

"That's flattering."he say as the bedroom door open.

Come on get out haba 24/7 you are here "a kan ka a ka soma haihuwa"
Let her rest, go to the airport jadwa and your lousy cousins have arrived."hanan say entering the bedroom as armaan remove his ringing phone.

6missed calls,
I will come back in a jiffy."he say and leave the bedroom answering his ringing phone.

"Sisto."fadila say engulfing jadwa into a hug.

"Aunty good morning.
Uncle fu'ad.
Zainab,basmah and ya Danish all came yesterday."fadilah say collecting the handbag luggage from jadwa.

"We are staying for the winter here, I can't deal with the snow over there let me manage the dry hamattan here."malika say as they walk to the car.

Walking quickly into the airport premises his eyes roam around the crowd trying to spot his wife he put his hand into his pocket but sigh he left his phone in the car, he look up and spot the group of familiar faces walking up to the parking space and he head there slightly running as his eyes meet with his wife making her to squeal.
Armaan embrace her into a hug making everyone to smile.

"Good morning mum,
Silly cousins."armaan say smiling as he hug each of them.

"Ehhnn see his head,
You make me a grandmother,
Silly boy."asma'u say slightly hitting him on the head and he laugh.

They all head to the car talking mostly about the baby as armaan tell them about the day jawahir started labor and how he took her to the hospital,
His parents enter fadila car while his two cousins and him enter his,
Armaan misses his wife it's been 2month since he last visited her through out the drive he could stare at his wife pregnancy bump and smile.

the chattering and bickering of adults and children running around is what fill the Amir household, with far cousins and family friends coming in and out to see the baby the house seems busy.

"When is jadwa coming?"jasrah ask her best friend.

"Armaan went to pick them from the airport, i hate family gathering wlh don't know how this family become exceptionally large."sobia say as the parlour door open loudly and samira and fadila run in.

"Bala took jawahir to the hospital something about birth control."sobia say and jasra node.

"Are you two mad?
Karda ku kawo wa mutane halin mahaukatawa nan."hanan say to her nieces who run inside the parlour.

Sister jadwa is pregnant?
Did you see her big bump."samira say making the elders to look at her weirdly.

"I don't know when you learn to start lieing so Much."hanan say as fadilah,armaan and the rest enter the parlor making everyone jaw to drop when they see jadwa.

"Jadwa?"hanan say looking at her daughter mouth open as everyone look at her in bewilderment making her to smile.

"Good morning mummy."jadwa say with a smile kneeling next to her mother.

You are pregnant and you didn't tell anyone not even me your mother.
Asma'u,khadijah,malika even you faadila i am sure you know,
Why did you all hide it from everyone."hanan say looking at them .

"Mummy I'm sorry,
I just want it to be a surprise."jadwa grumble.

The elders continue talking mostly quarreling armaan and his mum on how stupid is for them to do such thing.
  Jadwa and the rest see the baby and armaan take them home to rest with the intention of coming back later in the evening to check on jawahir when she comes back.

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