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Arranging the warmers on the dinning table, jadwa glance at the wall clock and look upstairs she wonder if jawahir is in the house she haven't seen her since yesterday night after dinner and it's past 2pm, she drop the glass cups on the table and head upstairs to check on her.

Squatting next to the WC in her bathroom jawahir sigh tiredly as she feel the nauseous feeling in the pit of her stomach making her to sigh, she's so exhausted and have vomited everything she ate last night.

"Jawahir?"jadwa call entering the bedroom as she heard the grunting sound coming from the bathroom making her to rush in there.

Jawahir what happened?"she ask touching her forehead and try helping her up.

I will call ya hafiz to come check on you."She say and help her up.

She sit her on the couch and arrange the bed before helping her to lay down as she leave the bedroom assuring her she will be back.

Going through the folders in his office armaan sigh and relax on the office chair, it's been two days since he came back from London and the confrontation between him and jawahir, do jadwa insist on him settling things with jawahir which he ofcrse did it but he's still angry with her he hate hypocritical people he do caution her to stay away from jamila and don't repeat anything of sort nature which she promised.

"Hello."he answer his ringing phone and put it on loud before dropping it on the bed.

Ya armaan you need to come home jawahir isn't feeling to well i called ya hafiz to come check on her he's on his way."jadwa voice say making him to sit upright.

I will just round-up some work and will be home in a jiffy."he say dropping the pen in his hand on the table.

Just hurry up she's been vomiting since morning."jadwa say and end the call making him to sigh.

Armaan sigh and open the folder in front of him, he won't say he love jawahir but she's adorable in her own selfish way, he close the folder with a sigh and decide to go home to know what is really happening.


"What's wrong with her ya hafiz?"jadwa ask as hafiz look at the blood test sample.

"She's pregnant."he say and jadwa feel her heart drop.

"Okay."she say and turn to face jawahir who's now sleeping looking really exhausted.

Hafiz do some examination on her before leaving the bedroom with jadwa trailing behind him.

"Jadwa."hafiz call once they reach the parlour downstairs and she look at him with a weak smile.

"Yes."she answer and hafiz smile weakly at his sister.

"You will have a baby to,
sooner or later, fadila told me what really happened and I'm sorry for been so judgemental.
i was planning on coming so i can talk to the both of you and you called me this afternoon.
Be strong, exercise some sabr and don't payback with evil,
a clean heart is always free from pains "kinji"hafiz say staring at his sister worriedly and she node.

"Thank you ya hafiz."jadwa say and he slightly hug her making her to smile.

"I have to go now,
Have this special patient i have to meet by 3pm."he say as the parlour door open and armaan comes in.

"Good afternoon ya hafix."armaan say as they exchanged handshake.

"Ok i have to go now,
Your wife is fine and healthy."he say and they bid him goodbye.

What is mrs armaan up to this afternoon?"armaan say with a smile and hug jadwa by the waist making her to smile As she slightly hold him by the neck.

"I have good news for you."She say with a smile and sigh.

"I love good news.
Can we?"he ask gesturing for her to go upstairs and she shake her head.

I have things to do,
Jawahir isn't well you should go check on her."jadwa say and slightly push him as she head for the kitchen.

About that
What's wrong with her?"armaan ask trailing behind her into the kitchen.

You Mr armaan fu'ad is going to be a father soon."jadwa say turning and face him making him to look at her weirdly.

"You are pregnant?"he ask wide eyes and she laugh.

Jawahir is pregnant."jadwa say and armaan open his mouth several times but close it not knowing what to say as he massage his head.

"She's pregnant?
I'm going to be a father?"
A dad."he say in excitement smiling as jadwa node smiling.

You are going to be a father,
I'm going to be a mother,
An anty, a step mom."She say laughing as they hug each other.

Jadwa try controlling her emotions as she feel her eyes burning and as hard as she try not to cry but she couldn't, the sialic acid leave her eyes.

"I'm sorry."armaan say he doesn't even know what he's apologizing for but he feels she needs it.

"I love you."She say smiling as he use his fingers and clean her eyes.

"I always love you jd."he say and hug her back.

Armaan  feel sorry for jadwa, he wishe jawahir didn't do what she did to her but nevertheless it happened and they just have to embrace qadr and accept it the way it comes.


Entering the bedroom armaan walk inside and sit on the edge of the bed staring at jawahir who's sleeping and from all indication she's restless, his eyes wander to her flat tummy as he put his hand on her stomach making her eyes to flutter open as she try sitting up but armaan stop her.

"Lay down.
How are you feeling?"he ask smiling and she look at him weirdly.

Just a slight headache."She mutter as the bedroom door open and jadwa comes in with the tray of food.
She drop it on the table next to the bed and sit on the bed with a smile.

Jawahir stare at the two smiling beings in her front wondering what is making them all happy and smiling.

"You are pregnant."jadwa whisper into her ear making her to turn abruptly to look at her, jadwa node and she turn her gaze to armaan who's now holding her hand smiling.

I'm going to be a father j.
You are going to make me a dad."armaan say smiling at her.

Jadwa help her sit upright she pick the plate of food and armaan collect it from her.

"Let me feed her."armaan say and collect the food from jadwa who hand it to him.

Jadwa watch as armaan feed jawahir,
He look really happy, she wishe her pregnancy is still there jadwa do know regardless how much armaan really love her she do just have to learn to cope with the new side of him because she knows just how Much he adore kids.

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