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The unnecessary sounds coming from the stairs it's what makes jawahir comes out of the kitchen as she stand in bewilderment looking at Armaan weirdly.

After there conversation yesterday he later left the house in the evening and jawahir didn't even know when he came back.

She watch as he drag the suitcase down the stairs but that's not what bothers her, he looks different his afro hair is now braided neatly and he's wearing an ear ring on his left ear he look good but in a bad boy kind of different way.


"Hey just hold it there,
I don't want to come back and meet you in this house if not you won't like the consequences."Armaan say and jawahir watch as he leave the parlour slamming the door shut.

Coming out of the house Armaan hop into the car and close the door shut.

"Ray you need to hurry my flight it's in 2hrs."he say and the driver nod.

His phone ring and he remove it from his pocket and answer it quickly.

"Yes Leo."he say checking the time on his wrist watch.

"I'm at the place and yeah she's been staying there but they said it's been like 2days since they last saw her."

"I am on my way to the airport it's like five hours from here to BG please try and get any sort of information about her before i come, I really appreciate man i will catch you soon."Armaan say and end the call.

So yesterday after he went back to his bedroom he decided to post the picture on Facebook asking if anyone knows where that location which jadwa was in the picture and it wasn't long before someone called and told him he took the picture it's in Bulgaria he then went further to explain to him that he do called him but it was a female that answer which he's sure it was Jawahir, after that he called one of his friend(leo) who lives in Sofia and ask for his favor to drive to Bulgaria and check on jadwa.

Armaan fear that something terrible has happened to her, he pray and hope she's doing fine he can't believe jawahir is Soo wicked to do such thing she disgust him and when he comes back with jadwa he will divorce her so he can be with the love of his life.

"Why did you do that jawahir?
Ya salam she's your sister now do you have any idea how Armaan will hate you, in the process of winning him you will end up losing him."hafiz say to his sister.

After Armaan left jawahir didn't know who she will open up to hafiz is the only person she trust he could find a solution to this stupid decision she made.

"I don't know ya hafiz,
Wonder what everyone will think of me, i should have just told him and everything wouldn't change."jawahir say crying as hafiz hug her.

"It's ok,
My one come and pick your son he has wake up."hafiz yell at his wife who's busy in the kitchen.

"In kuka yakeyi yarona ne but if he's playing he is your son, I'm not coming out of this kitchen until i finish what I'm doing."she yell back making hafiz to sigh he stand up and pick the boy from his crib as he go to the kitchen to meet his wife.

Jawahir lay down on the couch wondering where Armaan is going to, she feel stupid for doing what she did what will everyone thinks of her?
Mostly fadila she do everyone pretend as do they don't care about jadwa whereabouts but she believes beneath there heart they are worried and wished she will come back to them.
  Hafiz comes back to the parlour and see his sister sleeping on the couch making him to sigh.

He seriously didn't know who's going to meet among the family to tell this, he could have discuss it with his wife she always have solutions to his problems but she do strangle jawahir to death if i tell her what she did,
Hafiz knows how worried everyone has been about jadwas disappearance,
He pick his car keys from the hook and enter the kitchen to meet his wife.

"I'm going to grandpa Amir house."Hafiz say standing by the door making his wife to turn from what she's doing.

"It's everything alright?"she ask giving him a questionable look and he shake his head.

Should i go with jamal?"he ask picking the 9months old boy.

"Yes please,
He should even sleep over he has some clothes there."fadila say making her husband to laugh as he enter the kitchen, he kiss her on the forehead making her to smile.

"I will be back soon,
Jawahir is sleeping in the parlour."he say and leave the kitchen with jamal.

"Wlh ya Amir you will never change,
"Meye na wani iyayin shagwaba at this age you are 50+ approximately 60"jasrah say laying on the couch with her head on her husband lap.

"Did i look 60?
It's not everyone that have this type of amazing body, i don't grow old I'm also worried about that,
Raheem hope is not a sickness?"Amir say making all of them to laugh as the 9months old boy run inside the parlour.

"Jamal."sobia say carrying her great-grandson

"See his legs like Ya Amirs own."jasra say and pick the little boy who wiggle out of her grip and run to Amir just in time hafiz enter.

"This one you are always running to ya Amir better don't be like him when you grow up because you will die single."jasrah say sitting on couch next to her husband as hafiz squatt and greet everyone.

"Hafiz how are you and fadila doing?"sobia ask with a smile.

"She's fine alhamdulilah."he answer and sit on one of the couch.

"How is work hafiz?"raheem ask and the two start talking about work considering the fact that they are both doctors.

After a few minutes hafiz clear his throat taking a deep breathe.

"Is everything alright hafiz?"jasra ask and hafiz sigh.

"Actually jawahir came to my house this morning."he say making everyone to pay attention to him,
Hafiz is very good at explanation so he tell them everything in details. exactly the way his sister told him.

Will problem ever finish in this family?
Why did she do that?
"Yanzu shi Armaan din ina yaje""sobia say frustrated.

"Which kind of question is this?
We all know Armaan will go and find jadwa "koh bangon duniya taje" i hope they come back safely jawahir shouldn't have do that she knows how obsessive her husband is toward jadwa."jasra say with a sigh.

"Now where is the jawahir?"Amir ask sitting jamal on the couch.

"She's at my house."hafiz answer and Amir node.

"It's ok i will send sani to bring her,
Let's wait for Armaan call he told me yesterday that he's traveling but i don't know wether it has to do with what happened between him and jawahir because he told me his dad needed his help at work."Amir explain.

"Don't tell your mum yet."Amir say and hafiz node, they chat for some few minutes before he leave,
His grandmother insisted on leaving jamal saying they will bring him in the evening much to hafiz happiness because he's going to spend some time with his wife he's been soo busy lately with work that they rarely have time for themselves.

Please drop your comments and votes.

I don't think what jawahir did was wrong because if i where in her place I would do same or even worst.

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