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"Please excuse us,
Just give us some minutes."hanan say to the make up artist and the clothing teams, once they leave she close the bedroom door and go sit on the chair facing fadila.

Where is jadwa?"hanan ask sternly staring at the teenage girl.

"Wlh i don't know anty we wake up and she wasn't in the house, i slept with them fido in her bedroom and she slept in the guest bedroom alone."fadila say trembling.

Hanan sigh, she doesn't want to believe what her instincts is saying,
Jadwa isn't that stupid to that, she dial her contact again and it's switch off.

"Have you try calling her?"hanan ask and fadila node.

"Wanan wani irin iftila'i neh,
Do you have any idea where she could go?"hanan ask and fadila shake her head avoiding eye contact.

Fadila nibble on her fingers, she doesn't understand why jadwa has to do what she did, today is suppose to be an awesome day rather she turn it into a disastrous one, one that can inflict a lot of pain to everyone,
Fadila still can believe jadwa would do such thing, she doesn't want to think of how Armaan and her grandparents will take the news.

"Fadila!"hanan yell snapping her out of her thought.

"Na,am Anty."she answer with a jerk.

"Is there something you are not telling me?
The nikah will hold soon and everyone will come here, please if you know anything tell me."hanan say looking at fadilah, the bedroom door open and Amani comes in.

"Ha,a hanan is it now you want to give your own advice please let them hurry the photography team are here."Amani say sitting next to her best friend.

"The dinner hall look amazing,
Mummy will Soon be here,
Uncle Amir gave me this that you should give it to jadwa."Amani say handing the paper bag to hanan who sit emotionless letting the bag fall.

"Is everything ok?
Hanan what happened?
Fadila?"Armani say confused looking between the two.

"I can't find jadwa."hanan say with a sigh.

"What do you mean by you can't find jd?"Armani ask confused as hanan explain to her..

"You want to tell me you don't know where jadwa is,
Fadilah I'm talking to you stop nibbling on your fingers."Armani say looking at her daughter who start crying.

"Wlh i don't know mummy,
ya Armaan called me this morning that i should take the phone to her he's been trying to call but her contact is switch off,
I went and she's not in the bedroom,
I......i...I found this on the bed."fadilah say removing the paper from her clothes and hand it with a trembling hand.

Don't bother to search for me because you won't find me, sorry for all the pain i cause.


Hanan stare at the paper as the acidic liquid erupt from her eyes,

"How could jadwa do this to us,
I....i......"hanan couldn't finish her sentence as she feel her breathing palpitating and her vision clouding.

"I'm not marrying jawahir mum,
If i can't marry jadwa then i rather be single."Armaan say angrily to his mum.

"Maan, can't you see.
She left you, jadwa leave because she doesn't want to be with you,
She didn't think about us and even you, How can you even marry her when she's not here that doesn't even make any sense."Asma say to her son who just ignore her staring at mirror.

"I don't want to marry jawahir. period
And please mum why is everyone blaming jadwa for leaving, you all couldn't see how depressed she was since she found out her identity,
How are you even sure she left and is not a kidnapped and they stage the everything."Armaan say making his mum sigh.

"She left a note and the gateman saw her leaving this morning, entering a taxi, she never loved you, you know she never did so why are you even worried, she humiliated the entire family, what more embarrassment is worst than what she did today,
I don't know whatever you are thinking but i agreed with your grandfather wether or not jadwa is around, we planned for two weddings and two weddings will happen today,
So young man wether or not you agree, you are marrying jawahir."Asma say and leave the bedroom muttering about how stupid her son thinks some times.

Armaan sit staring at his reflection in the mirror, when his dad told him about jadwa disappearance the first thing that comes to his mind was maybe Aleey lure her but he called a friend and was told Aleey and his dad left the country few weeks ago.
Armaan knows he will never love anyone apart from jadwa and he won't stop searching for her, jadwa is his everything and he can't even believe no one cares they rather are asking him to marry someone he doesn't even know.

"Jawahir Anty is calling you upstairs."one of the maids call entering the kitchen.

Inna luba just leave the floor I will come back and finish it."jawahir say to the elderly maid with a smile and leave the kitchen.

Once she climb the stairs upstairs she could hear voices from there grandfather parlour, she doesn't understand why everyone look Soo unhappy even there lousy cousins that everyone were begging to keep shut look quiet and worried.

She knock on the bedroom door and open it.

"Good morning anty jasrah,
Mummy..."jawahir say as sobia gesture for her to sit on the bed.

I don't know how I'm going to say this to you."sobia say with a sigh as she try her best not cry.

"It's fine soby let me talk to her.
Jawahir."jasra say with a pause.
Jadwa has ran away,
I know you are new to this family and maybe you might think we are trying to use you or take you for advantage,
But jawahir we love you, that's why we are doing this, you are an awesome girl, sweet personality, good manners and everything a mother will want her daughter to be,
Please jawahir we want you to marry Armaan."jasrah say looking at the girl who just stare at them confused.

"Ma...marry Ya Armaan?"jawahir say a little unsure of what she just heard.

But it's fine if you don't want to, we can't force you to do that please if you don't want to don't hesitate to speak your mind."sobia chirp in and clean her tears.

Jawahir doesn't know what exactly to say, A little part of her wants to say no because she do know Armaan really love jadwa and she doubt if he will ever see any girl the way he sees jadwa she's like the light in his life,  but a big part of jawahir wants to be with Armaan matter of fact she's been yearning for his attention and couldn't even believe she now has the privilege to be his wife even do she know the marriage is supposed to seal the family reputation and shut all the gossip down.

Do you want to marry him?"jasrah ask hopefully and jawahir node making the two women to sigh on relieve.

"May AllahSWT bless you,
Thank you very much jawahir.
"Allah maki albarka."sobia say side hugging her making jasrah to smile.

Jawahir know this is a difficult decision because marriage isn't something to joke with but she hope she makes the right decision.

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