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Seconds creeps to minutes as minutes creeps to hours, Hours crawls into days and days turn into months there's Still hasn't any news of jadwa Armaan have start giving up all hope of finding his love, he's become even more gloomy and obscurity, everyone fear that he could commit suicide or do something crazy, he could spend days without coming out of his bedroom, he's so obscure and his dishy body now become so conspicuous.
The summer end 2days ago jawahir is worried about husband she feared he could get hurt because of malnutrition and lack of vitamins she could spend hours crying in her bedroom, she started schooling and ended up quitting do to her marital stress, today like any other day she is sitting in the garden behind the house which is now her usual spot every evening.
   "Hey you."the familiar voice say making jawahir to turn abruptly.

"Ya Armaan,
Good evening,
Do you want something?"she ask standing up and he just smile weakly at her making her to look at him surprisingly.

"No I'm fine,
Do you care for some company?"he ask and jawahir node gesturing to the concrete garden seat.

Armaan sit with a sigh ,he stare at the yellow roses in the garden which reminds him of jawahir they where her favorite. It's been 4months and no one has any information about her whereabouts Armaan fear that something bad could happen to her, every single day he try her contact no matter what jadwa did to him he still love her,she's the reason he laugh and cry, his existence is because of her,
She's present in every single breathe of his, wether or not she causes him pain she's stilll his only true love.

"Will you ever forget about her?"jawahir find herself asking staring at Armaan who's gaze is fix on the yellow roses.

"No, never."he say with a heavy breathe and turn to face jawahir.
"Have you ever been in love?"he ask and jawahir shake her head making him to humm in response.

"My love for jadwa isn't the type i will give up on, if i have to wait then i will wait till my very last breathe and if fate happens to separate us forever then  "I will search for her to a thousand world In ten thousand life times until I find her" Jadwa is the light in my life, she's my everything."Armaan say with a painful smile and jawahir feel like a knife stab on her chest her very own husband saying all this in front of her maybe it's best if she ask her parents to let them separate this marriage because she's sure nothing positive will come out of it.

"I thought you are leaving after summer?"jawahir ask and Armaan sigh.

Grandpa Amir wants me to look after his firm for a while he's traveling and it will take a while before he comes back."Armaan say and jawahir node.

The two spend the evening together talking, mostly jawahir doing the talk and Armaan listening but when he speaks it'susually about jadwa.

Hurriedly descending down the stairs jawahir pick her backpack from the dinning table and run to the garage where Armaan is already waiting for her in the car.

I woke up late."jawahir say entering the car Armaan humm in response and start the car.

"How many papers are you writing today ?"Armaan ask as he drive out of the garage.

"Two geography this morning and biology by 2pm."she say tiredly relaxing on the car seat.

"I'm sure you will do just fine."he say with a smile and she nod.

Ever since there little conversation the previous evening which is a month ago jawahir and Armaan become a little closer , they spend the evening in the garden talking mostly about there previous life during that period of time jawahir get to tell Armaan her story which he felt pity for her and make the two become even more closer to each other making them to confide  in one another,
   They could talk about whatever is on there mind without a doubt, Armaan manage to convince jawahir to go back to school he register her into one of the secondary school close to there grandfather office, he usually drop her at the school before he go to work and pick her up after closing time.

"When are you finishing the waec?"he ask as they approach the school.

"Next week,
My last paper is mathematics,"she say and Armaan node.

He halt at the school gate and she come down.

"Your breakfast."he say and hand her the small foodbag and she mutter a thanks.

"You are a life saver,
Thank you ya Armaan I'll call you when I'm done."she say with a wave and close the car door,

Armaan wait till she enter the school before he drive away.
Sometimes he wonder when his life will be back to normal, he doesn't want to get too attach to jawahir because he know how naive women can be, he knows she deeply Care about him and want him to be a husband to her he do stumble across her diary the other day he doesn't mean to read it but he cant help it when the first word his eyes caught was his name, so he ended up reading it and every single page is always about him, he wishe he can say he feel same way as she did but how can he love someone else when he believe the love of his life will come back one day, Armaan knows jadwa will be his only love if by any chance she didn't come back then he's sure he will die waiting nevertheless he never loss hope that she won't come back,
  He knows his jadwa and he believe she won't let there love story end this way even do she said she doesn't love him Armaan believe deep beneath her heart jadwa knows she's lieing because there's no love better than one that begin since childhood.

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I know this book is a little bored now but believe me soon the drama will begin and i assure you it's going to be your favorite among the desire series.

I love you all,
You can as well check my other book wobbling hearts and our pretzel destiny.

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