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Laying on the bed Armaan Stare at the rotating ceiling fan, he's happy with the decision his grandparents make but what about jadwa, will she be happy? Will she ever consider him as something more?
The thought of losing jadwa makes him scared?
His mum told him to keep praying for the best and everything will be fine, he don't know wether his mother told his grandparents about what he discussed with her that's why they make that hefty decision but he trust his mum and believe she do never tell anyone, the knock on the bedroom door makes him look at the wall clock,
9:34am he sigh and walk to the door, he mutter some prayers and unlock the door.

"Can I come in?"his dad ask and he nod opening the door widely for him.

The two sit in silence, Armaan don't know what to say to his dad he promised his mum to not confront his dad about his decisions.

"Good morning."Armaan mutter and his dad look at him, fu'ad know something it's disturbing his son but he doesn't know what, if anything he expects him to be happy and excited since he is finally marrying the girl of his dream.

"What is disturbing Armaan?
Aren't you happy about your grandfathers decisions?"fu'ad ask looking at his only son worriedly.

Armaan sigh and facepalm.

"I am dad but jadwa don't love me,
She doesn't even want to be with me."Armaan say and his dad look at him confused.

"Did she told you that?"fu'ad ask his son and Armaan nod.

"She like Aleey,
I love jadwa but i don't want her to be with me because of the pressure everyone is putting on her, I want her to be with me because she wants to, if jadwa don't want to be with me then  i don't think i will marry her, I want her to be happy."Armaan say and his dad humm in response.

"Sometimes we've to let go Armaan while other times we've to fight for what we want, as much as i want you to be with jadwa i want you to be happy to, marrying someone you love and doesn't love you back is difficult, if you think letting her go is best option for you then fine and if you want to fight for what you want its ok, I will always support you regardless the decision you make but one thing i want you to know is convincing a lady to be with you is very difficult they are complicated being."fu,ad say with a sigh.

"Thank you dad."Armaan say looking at his dad, the need to ask him questions about what he did to his mum keeps churning in his head but he doesn't want to break his mum promise.

"Dad."he call making his father to look at him.
"Why do you want to marry again isn't mum enough for you?"he ask looking at his father .

"Marry again?"fu'ad say confusedly and Armaan frown.

"Stop pretending dad mum told me everything, after all this years you want to marry a lady that left you in your wedding day, it's n........

"Hold on,
Ooohhh Soo your mum told you that?"fu'ad say laughing making his son to frown.

"It's not fair dad mum has been there for you and that's how you want to repay her."Armaan say looking at his dad laughing which annoy him more.

"I was just messing around with her?
Why will i marry a second wife?"fu'ad say with a chuckle Armaan sigh and tell him what his mum told him yesterday.

Samha is married with 5 kids.
I was just looking for a way to pissed her off."fu'ad say laughing and Armaan shake his head.

Sometimes he wonder why his parents behave like kids,mostly his dad.

"If she isn't married would you want to marry her?"Armaan ask and fu'ad look at his son.

"I don't know Armaan.
Maybe i still care about samha but your mum will always be who i want to be with."fu'ad say and Armaan smile.

"Love."Armaan say with a sigh and shake.

"It always complicate things,
The only word that can shatter you within a second and takes years to heal."fu'ad say with a sigh.

"I am going to marry jadwa.
I will fight for what i want,
I've love her for years i have gone too far to quit."Armaan say making his dad to smile at him.

Sometimes we've to fight fo what we want, I hope you make the right decision son, now if you will excuse me i have to go mend my broken wife."fu'ad say standing up as Armaan lay on the bed.

"Goodluck."Armaan say and his dad leave the room closing the bedroom door shut.

Armaan sigh and sit upright, he remove his clothes from the wardrobe and a soft knock on the door make him look over there.

He yell a come in and go back to arranging his clothes the door creak open and the unfamiliar girl enter the bedroom.

"Good morning sir."she say making him to turn.

"Who are you?"he ask looking at the girl, she wear a hijab dragging it to her forehead so you won't get a view of her face.

"I'm a maid, your grandfather is calling you."the girl say and turn to leave making Armaan to shake his girl muttering weird to himself.

"Tell him i will be there in a few minutes."Armaan say and the girl quietly close the door.

He enter the bathroom to get ready for the day , he know for sure jadwa has been trying to reach him he couldn't handle her bombarding questions to him that's why he decided to switch off his phone yesterday, with a lot on his mind he enters the bathroom and let the warm water calm him.

Like I said earlier you don't have to read my previous book to understand this, a lot is going to happen in this book if you read my previous "desires series book" then get ready for a lot of unrevealing family secrets, heartbreak and a lot more challenge the family is going to face.

So this story is yet to begin trust me you won't regret reading.

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