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Entering the parlour the sound from the kitchen is what gains it's attention and he walk to the kitchen.

"A kwana a tashi sai labari
bar wa Allah komai kaji,
zaman duniya sai hakuri.......jadwa sing from the loud mp3 that she do always hang in the kitchen, armaan wonder why jadwa seems so unbother about his now enchanting relationship with jawahir, he misses her but he just want her to be the one to talk to him.
   She turn from the chopping board and glance at him before turning back to what she's doing, jadwa shrug it's been 6 days since she last saw him she wouldn't know his whereabouts if not she heard jawahir over the phone saying he traveled to London.

"I'm back from a long journey."armaan say and jadwa turn she look around the kitchen before turning her gaze back to him.

"Are you talking to me?"she ask confused and armaan walk inside the kitchen.

"Who else is in the kitchen with you?"he say and jadwa chuckle.

"How am i supposed to know you traveled, the last time i saw you was days ago which isn't a new thing,
ya armaan to be honest with you i really don't care wether or not you pay attention to me but i just want you to know i never abort your baby,
How those pills find there way into my bedroom is still a mystery to me , you know me right from childhood and i wouldn't lie if i do something because i believe there's nothing someone will do to me if i say the truth, you have neither heaven or hell so what's the point of lieing."jadwa say with a straight face and shrug.

"Then how did those pills get into your closet and what were you discussing over the phone?
It all doesn't make any sense to me.
Hafiz would never say it if you didn't do it."armaan say and jadwa shrug.

"I don't know how those pills get into my bedroom.
And what i was discussing over the phone was nothing to hide i was just telling my best friend how i weirdly found those pills in my closet,
Plus if anything the last food i ate was the couscous your beloved wife served me and the next thing i knew i was rushed to the hospital so please just let me be, I'm in no mood for all this."jadwa say and turn back to cutting her carrots.

"And what couscous are you talking about
why will jawahir put some pills inside your food?
how did she even find out you where pregnant when we never tell anyone."armaan say and jadwa sigh.

"I don't owe you an explanation.
Besides i didn't say she put some pills in my food, you can think whatever you want to, If you want to believe me that i never abort the baby then good and if you think i abort the baby then good for you just let me have some peace."she say picking her phone and  increase the volume of the music.


Slamming the bedroom door shut jawahir wake up abruptly with a sigh massaging her forehead.

You're back?"she say tiredly looking at armaan who throw his suitcase and jacket on the couch.

"What the fuck did you put in jadwa food the previous day before i took her to the hospital?"armaan ask giving jawahir a daring look as she look at him confused.

What exactly are you talking about?"she ask curiously looking at him.

"The couscous you gave jadwa the previous day she miscarried our baby, what did you add inside the food?
Hold on.
how did those pills get inside her closet because i was sure it wasn't there when i picked her clothes to dressed her to the hospital again you where the one that arranged that bedroom.
What the fuck did you do?"Armaan say his thunderous voice hoarsely echoing around the bedroom.

I didn't kn........

"What did you and jamila did to jadwa and i baby,
How on earth did you even know she was pregnant?"Armaan say staring closely deep into jawahir eyes as he emphasized on the last part of the sentence.

Jawahir heart will probably explode by the way its beating so fast, the intensity of anger in armaan eyes is soo much that if she lie right now she do know it won't end so good, this is the very first time she sees him soo livid and it's soo unlike him he look different and scary.

She was the one that told me and initiate the plan, I'm sorry i was vulnerable you weren't paying attention to me and i was becoming impatient i was left with no other choice, i.........

"Shut up."Armaan yell raising his hand making jawahir to cringe waiting for his hand to collide on her face.

"You are soo soo selfish and wicked.
You are evil jawahir
You are a witch or even worst."he say and open his fist hand as he clap.
"Nice one.
Jadwa always look up to you as a sister, do you know how many times she keeps on pressurizing me to do justice between you two,
She always want the best for you.
And you?
This is how you pay her back.
You used me,
How did i even trust you,
I hurt her.......my wife.
My jd.
I betrayed her trust, i question her character all because you instigate this stupid lies into my head."armaan say staring at jawahir strangely.

"I'm sorry."jawahir say in a whisper staring at the floor.

Armaan shake his head reminiscing about the few days he's been callous to jadwa, he feel like crying and beating jawahir to death for making him do such thing.


Dropping the plate of noodles on the bedside drawer in her bedroom she sigh and enter her closet as she mutter about how she need to take a shower.

"Jd."armaan weak voice say making her to rush out of the closet into her bedroom.

"Wh.......jadwa try saying but armaan embrace her into a very intense hug as she try coming out of his tight grip.

"I'm sorry jd,
Sorry for not trusting you,
I was stupid."armaan say engulfing her into a tight hug again as she comes out of his chest quickly.

It's ok,
stop acting this way you are scaring me." She say staring at him with a weak smile.

I am even speechless.
How can i even trust her she used me an......

"She did all that because she loves you,
She care about you ya armaan regardless what she did jawahir loves you, you just need to learn to treat each an everyone of us equally."jadwa say staring at him.

"She's selfish and.......

"She's doing what every woman in her shoes is going to do i will also do same thing if  i was in her place, we women are weak beings but a little love and affection will solve all this.
So promise me you will be a good husband to eitherof us."jadwa say smiling and he node.

I will do anything for you just because of you jadwa."he say smiling and embrace her into a hug.

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