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2 months later.

Laying on the magnificent royal couch jadwa scroll through the new iPhone12 her grand father bought for her 2 months ago, she misses her husband but she don't want to go back because she is happy here she get whatever she request for within a blink of an eye and do whatever she wants without anyone questioning her.

After she was discharged from the hospital two months ago there grandpa and parents talk bitterly to jawahir and quarrel her about her indiscipline behavior which she apologizes for, do everyone plead jadwa to go back she refuses to listen and even go to the house and pack her clothes saying she will request for a divorce if any one pressurized her about going back, she hasn't seen armaan but according to everyone he always come to ask about her which she refused coming out.

"Ha,an my new wife."Amir say entering the parlour making jadwa to smile and sit upright.

"Abeg let your wife not hear this,
I'm not ready to for another rival"nayi gudun na gidana na dawo nan kuma"
Jadwa say making Amir to laugh and sit next to her, she cuddle next to him and take a selfie of them.

"Grandpa i want that new G-waggon amg they brought yesterday, dash me now my sweet sugar daddy."jadwa say playfully making Amir to smile.

"I will give you on one condition."he say making jadwa to node.

"Anything for that black sweetheart i will do."jadwa say and Amir smile.

"You will go back to your husband house."Amir say and jadwa frown.


Armaan is really sorry, he apologizes.
Did you know he come here almost everyday to beg me so that you can go back home, he misses you,
"Koh Allah muna mai laifi kuma yana yafewa" forgive him please,
He's sorry and you've punish him enough two months is enough please my sweet wife."Amir say and jadwa pout turning away making her grandfather to smile.

Among all the grandchildren in the entire family, jadwa is his favorite she has always been his favorite even do he knows she isn't his real granddaughter she's still his favorite regardless how petulant she behaves, she's the only one that would do whatever she wants and he will overlook it.

"I will go back on another condition."jadwa say and Amir chuckle.

"Tell me.
Anything and i will do it for."he say and jadwa turn.

"I want my own house,
I can't stay with jawahir in the same house because we can never get along."jadwa grumble and her grandfather sigh.

You two are sisters and i don't want armaan to be the reason you two will hate each other, she's your rival but she's also your sister,
I can't do that because i will encourage you two to keep grudges which is very stupid because you are sisters."he say and jadwa frown she might be stubborn but she knows when her grandfather is serious.

"Fine Mr ustaz.
I want new furnitures then.
My bedroom looks outdated."she grumble and Amir laugh.

I will ask him to change for the both of you so by Friday you will go back home."Amir say and jadwa node as he hug her with a smile.

"Don't think i forget about the car because i am going with it tell your wife not to ride it."jadwa say making her grandfather to laugh.

The two spend the afternoon together in the parlour mostly jadwa telling him about social media and the fake news about celebrities.


Admiring her new furnished bedroom jawahir stare in awe at the exorbitant
golden Royal bed, apparently armaan took her out and when he brought her back the house look different the parlour furnitures and her bedroom furnitures are been replaced with a very beautiful one.

"Did you like it?"armaan ask and jawahir turn with a smile.

"Are you kidding me?
I love it."she say and hug armaan who smile weakly at her.

I'm glad you love it but there's something I need to discuss with you."he say and sit on the bed as jawahir sit on his laps putting her hand around his neck with a smile.

"I'm listening."jawahir say with a smile as armaan place his hand on her bump.

Jawahir stare at her husband for the past two months since jadwa refused to come back to the house he always do whatever she requested and they are happy do he sometimes seems moody jawahir doesn't need to ask because she knows he's worried about jadwa because jamila told her he's always at there grandfather house persistent about jadwa coming back.

I understand that we are happy and all but i seriously need jadwa to come back, please this time around let there be peace you are sisters and i seriously can't choose either of you , jadwa is my world i grew up with her love in my heart and you..
You are the mother of my unborn child you mean everything to me because i can give up every thing for my child.
Soo jadwa is coming back today."armaan say and look up at jawahir.

"It's fine ya armaan,
I understand we are both your wives ofcrse she will have to come back."jawahir say with a weak smile and armaan node.

"Thank you for your understanding."he say and jawahir node.

"I have to go now,
Grandpa has called me earlier."he say and jawahir Stand up from his lap.

"You take care of yourself for me."he say and she node.
Jawahir watch as he leave the bedroom closing the door shut and she breathe out heavily, jamila has already told her jadwa is coming back today, there nothing she can do about that but one thing jawahir is certain about is armaan is going to hers alone, she will do everything it takes to claim him and remove jadwa out of his heart.


Listening attentively to every single advice her grandmother's, mother and aunties say to her she take every advice at heart.

"Sabr is the only solution jadwa,
We have talked to jawahir and I'm sure anything of such nature will never repeat itself,
Just exercise some patience and everything will be a story some days nothing last forever."hanan say to her daughter.

"And please just drop every anger here go back and don't bring whatever that has happened up,
Everything happens for a reason and by God wills you will be pregnant again,
God has a reason behind every lost."her grandmother say.

After what seems like forever armaan comes and the entire family escort her to the garage, zainab and khadijah arrange her bags in armaan car trunk.
  Danish, fadilah and malika enter the black g-waggon Amir promise her with jadwa while khadijah and zainab enter armaan car saying they will take her home and come back with Danish with armaan car much to armaan displeased.

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