Once You Were Gone//T.H.

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"This isn't how I wanted to start my morning," Your best friend mumbled in a tired voice. You could barely hear him from where you were standing over the sounds the old -and surely broken- coffee machine kept making and the music playing from his phone.

"Well, sucks to be us, huh?" You chuckled and poured coffee on both of your cups as you did a small dance to try and shake the tiredness off your body. You handed Tom his cup after preparing his coffee the way he liked it, a teaspoon of sugar with a splash of milk, and walked with him to the large office down the hall, "I don't get why Harry and Sam can't do this instead of us."

The room was always cold and you seemed to forget about it most of the time since it still slipped your mind to wear a sweater or hoodie over your thin pyjama shirt. You grabbed one of the blankets from the small black couch on the corner of the room and wrapped it around your body as best as you could with your free hand.

You sat down on the chair next to him to have a better look at all the papers and files he had spread out on the desk, "What exactly are we looking for?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows. All the documents on the desk were enough to keep you occupied for the whole day.

"We are looking for any leads to the drug cartel or its leader. Really anything that can help us find them," Tom explained and took a sip of his coffee as he opened the first file. You had been trying to track that drug cartel ever since they infiltrated into your warehouse and stole some of your products. Tom's father had been at both of your necks ever since it happened as if it had been your fault instead of the incompetent guards that were supposed to keep any intruder out, "I'm sure these are people we've made deals with in the past, they wouldn't have been able to break in otherwise."

He removed the gold ring from his ring finger and left it on the jewellery box you had placed on his desk. You had known Tom Holland and his family for years. For as long as you had known him, the band on his ring finger had been gold, and you hated it.

That stupid little gold band was a silent reminder that he had met his soulmate and there was nothing to be done about it. For months you had silently hoped and prayed for Tom to be your soulmate, but any illusion or wish you had, had vanished the moment you saw the gold ring for the first time. You later discovered he hated wearing it because it put his soulmate at risk of being found, but he still kept it close to him at all times.

You hated wearing yours for an entirely different reason. The black ring and all the stares and words of pity that came with it were saddening and something you didn't need. While gold was a reminder of love and good luck, black was a reminder that your soulmate had been gone from this earth for too long. You were sure the band had been black for most of your life, or at least that's how you remembered it.

It was safe to say you were jealous of Tom's soulmate, Marlee. Not only was she one of the most beautiful women you had ever met, but she got to have perhaps the most amazing man by her side until her dying day, something you could never have.

You successfully ignored it most days, which wasn't so hard to do since you had better things to think about most of the time, but nights were always the hardest. In your loud and chaotic life, there was a speck in time where everything quieted and calmed down. During those few hours was when you'd break down and grieve for the person whose name you didn't even get to know. You'd cry for being stupid enough to fall for someone who wasn't only your best friend, but who also had a girlfriend.

"Tom, Y/N?" Marlee's sweet voice interrupted your train of thoughts. You had been reading the files consciously enough to notice anything unusual, but you had paid no mind to anything else until she walked into the room. You smiled politely at her and waved.

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