Markers and Pens//T.H.

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You had always been glad soulmates were a thing. The idea of having a perfect match chosen by angels had always made your cheeks grow hot and your heart swoon.  Your parents had a perfect love story, like one out of a fairytale and all your life you had wanted to have the same happy ending as them.

That's why you didn't sleep one bit on the night before you turned twenty one. It was spent tossing and turning as you thought about everything you wanted to ask your soulmate the moment ink appeared on your arm for the first time. All your life you had wondered why you'd have to wait until you were of a certain age to be able to communicate with your soulmate, but you still waited patiently.

Even miles apart, Tom felt the same way. There was a small timer on his wrist that told him his soulmate's birthday and he couldn't wait to finally meet you after years of watching everyone around him find their soulmate. For the longest time, he didn't believe in soulmates until he witnessed first-hand how both Harrison and Tuwaine fell hopelessly in love with their soulmates.
Your very first interactions were simple. You had let the washable marker grace your skin as you wrote a simple Hello followed by a smiley face. Tom chuckled as he traced your words with his fingers; he had already fallen in love with your handwriting. He didn't waste a second to grab a marker and respond.

From then on, you slowly felt comfortable with each other. It took a long time until you finally exchanged phone numbers and even longer until you spoke over Facetime for the first time. Your jaw dropped when you recognized him as the guy from those superhero movies your family liked to watch, not like you cared if he was famous, he could've been a complete nobody and you'd still be head over heels for the young man.

Years after being with each other, you finally felt complete. You were with someone that with just a look could tell there was something wrong with you; he could even tell what you were thinking sometimes. You had one of the strongest soulmate bonds anyone had seen.

Along with falling for the young man, you also found new ways to tease him and push his buttons and so did he, "I seriously cannot believe you, Tom!" You whined as you examined the cat whiskers that now adorned your face, no doubt drawn by your soulmate on his own skin You held the phone in between your shoulder and your ear as you tried to wipe them off your face, "I have a presentation  in five minutes, babe."

It hadn't been the first time he had drawn something on your face without you noticed until someone embarrassingly pointed it out. In fact, you had some kind of war going between the two of you to see who could be the worst. So far you were in the lead after writing "I'm so full of shit," on his forehead while he was on Instagram Live with Sam and Harry. The fans mocked him for weeks after that.

"It's my revenge, besides, I bet you look cute as hell right now," He commented and you could picture him smiling innocently, eager to plant a sweet kiss to your lips as an apology, "C'mon Tommy, just help me wipe it off, okay?"

He sighed from the other line and minutes later you heard him shuffling around as he browsed through the bathroom cabinets to try and find a baby wipe to remove the whiskers from his face, "Since we're in the middle of a phone call, can you at least tell me a bit about how your day has been?"

Your boyfriend was currently on the other side of the ocean filming reshoots for one of his newest movies while you stayed back home and worked, "It's been very boring honestly. I actually started doodling in the middle of class."

"Huh, guess that explains the tattoo sleeve. The dragon looks amazing baby," Tom commented as he took a look at his left arm, which was fully covered in colorful drawings, "Thanks, although in my honest opinion, mermaid Haz looks way better," To snickered at the comment. You had drawn him and all his friends as a weird type of mythical creature and Harrison just happened to be a mermaid.

"Tom, are you even wiping? They won't fucking come off," You giggled and tried to scrub on your skin a bit harder to try and get as much out as possible. You could wipe the whiskers off your face even if Tom didn't but it'd just take longer and you didn't have time.

"I am but fuck, I think I used permanent marker," Tom commented in s voice as low as a whisper in hopes it would go undetected but of course it didn't, "You're in deep shit Holland, I swear to God."

The fifteen minutes that followed consisted on Tom, who by the way, had whiskers painted on his face, in case you had forgotten, explaining to the teacher why his student had to present like that.

Of course your little war didn't stop there, not even after you got a C in your presentation. After the whole stunt he pulled, you wanted payback and a very good one at that.

You striked again minutes after your clueless boyfriend informed you that his Comic Con panel was about to begin. The moment you stood in front of the mirror, with a bag full of markers beside you, creativity was sucked out of you so you drew the first thing that came to mind, which happened to be a silly drawing of Dave, the frog fans speculated that inhabited your boyfriend's mouth. You intentionally drew it in a way that gave the illusion that the frog had actually jumped off his mouth.

Meanwhile, Tom sat in a comfortable chair in between Timothée Chalamet and Jake as he waited for the panel to begin. He casually turned around to make small talk with Timothée, who managed to keep a straight face as he watched the drawing slowly forming in Tom's face.

The presenter, however, wasn't so good at keeping a serious face. Once fans noticed what had the host in hysterics, they began laughing along. Tom sat there, confused, until the camera focused on him. He turned around and his jaw basically fell to the floor as he noticed the frog, "Dammit."

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