Short Imagine- Proposal//T.H.

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"Merry Christmas my love." Tom whispered in your ear as you cuddled together on your couch, watching a movie with Haz, Harry, Sam, Paddy, Zendaya and Jacob, you were all having a sleepover at your and Tom's place to celebrate Christmas.

Once the movie ended you  were all ready to go to bed, it was already 1:30 in the morning and you were exhausted, however, before you could go to bed, Harrison exclaimed,

"We should exchange gifts before going to bed!" You laughed at Harrison's childish behavior but nodded, you were excited too.

"Yeah, that's a great idea!" Paddy agreed with a bright smile, you watched as the colour drained from Tom's face as everyone agreed.

You sat down in a circle next to the christmas tree, everyone had the present they were giving in hands, no one knew who would give them their present which made it very exciting.

"Okay, I want to start." Harrison exclaimed, "So I chose this because I know they will use it as much as they can, Harry, this is for you."

Harrison stood up and hugged Harry, giving him a box wrapped in gold paper and with a small black ribbon, Harry opened it up and you saw as his eyes went as wide as plates when he took out a camera, "Thanks Harrison, it's awesome."

"So now's my turn... I chose this because I know you've wanted this for a while so, I hope you like it." He smiled handing Paddy, who was sat next to him, a large box wrapped with christmas trees.

Paddy smiled from ear to ear as he unwrapped the box and saw it was a lightsaber that actually turned on, "This is incredible, thank you Harry."

That went on for a while, Paddy gave Jacob his present and Jacob gave one to Sam, while Sam gave one to Zendaya, only Tom and you were left.

Zendaya handed you a small envelope with your name scribbled on the front, you smiled curiously at what could be inside.

You opened the envelope and took out a folded piece of red paper, you unfolded it to find a note that read, "LOOK AT JACOB!" with big letters.

You looked at Jacob, who was also holding a piece of paper, but blue, his read, "LOOK AT SAM!"

You looked at Sam and he was holding a note too, "LOOK AT TOM" it read, you quickly turned to your right, to see Tom on one knee holding a box with a small shiny ring.

"Would you marry me?" He asked with a bright smile, you squealed and jumped up and down in joy, before takling Tom in a tight embrace.

"Yes! A thousand times yes!"

I hope you liked this, I thought about this while watching a video a few days ago.

How are you guys enjoying your Christmas break so far? Mine's going nice, I've been practicing gymnastics and it's really fun, I can finally do my good leg split!

Well I'm gonna go eat something now😂😂

-Sarah xx

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