Forever Yours//T.H. 4

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Tom stared at all the books stacked on the table. He had spent a long time looking through the hundreds of bookshelves in the reading room, hopeful that he'd find the answers he needed amongst the thousands of pages those books had. If he was being completely honest, Tom wasn't sure what he was supposed to be looking for in the first place.

He opened the last book of the pile as he let out a long sigh. In the hours that he had been in there, he had found nothing of use. While many books included information on the Thanate Empire and the Eprihan Dynasty, there were no paintings of the necklaces or rings the jeweller had told him about. Tom needed to confirm the information before he sent everything to shit.

Just as he was flipping a page, Harrison walked into the reading room and sat on the chair that was on the other side of the table Tom was sitting at. The blond looked and sounded out of breath as he tried to speak, "Unless Y/N secretly has over fifty years old, I doubt you'll find anything there," He said in between breaths, "Those books are too old, why don't you speak directly to some people of the south? I've managed to find a few servants and guards who've come here from those kingdoms."

Tom didn't reply and kept looking through the book, making Harrison sigh in annoyance. He had not run up the thousands of stairs to the reading room just to be ignored, but before he could even try to complain, Tom shoved a book in his face.

Harrison furrowed his eyebrows, "Don't hold that so close! I cannot see anything," He grumbled as he snatched the book away from Tom. It took Harrison a while to understand what all the fuzz was about until he saw the drawings at the bottom of the page along with the footnote, Thanate Empire relics, "Are those...?"

"Y/N's ring and necklace, yes," Tom confirmed and licked his lips. He placed the ring on top of the book, right next to the drawing. The jeweller had told him all the women in the family had the exact same replica of the necklace, but only the Queen and the people closest to her got rings, uniquely designed for them.

The blond let out a breathy laugh and leaned back on his chair. It was the first time in those two months that they had heard some good news and he was more than grateful that his best friend finally had a bigger chance of being happy, "What a small world we live in, huh? You fell in love with the princess of the Thanate Empire."

Tom brushed his hair back with his fingers and shook his head, "That still doesn't explain what she's doing here, Harrison. Her kingdom's far away and...," Tom paused and looked up at his best friend, "You said something about maids and guards that have come from the Thanate Empire. I need to speak to them right now."

He felt relieved as he spoke to Harrison. There was no more doubt in his heart because at that moment, more than ever, he was sure that Y/N was, in fact, a princess and not one thing they had done together was wrong anymore. The laws of his kingdom had never mentioned any rules against dating a princess, on the contrary, it was deeply encouraged. There was nothing his father or Halia could do about it. Now all he needed was to speak to those people and go look for Y/N as soon as possible.

They both walked down the stairs to the service area of the castle. Most people eyed Tom curiously since they hadn't seen him around in a long while, others greeted him with a bow and a smile, which he kindly returned.

"When we're done talking to them, I need you to go and bring her here, please," Tom looked back at Harrison with a pleading look. They both knew very well Y/N would refuse to see Tom unless she got a clear explanation of everything that had happened since the night of the ball. While Tom longed to give her that explanation more than anything, he knew she wouldn't even let him walk in and Harrison had mentioned something about her not being able to go through too much stress.

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