Forever Yours//T.H. 5/5

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Y/N never imagined how much things could easily change in three years. As she sat on the grass, she couldn't help but think about how her life had shifted since she left the castle that night. A soft smile adorned her face as she watched her husband play with their children.

Months after leaving the castle, Y/N gave birth to their son Cillian. Both Tom and Y/N had agreed on the fact that the little boy was the spitting image of his mother. It didn't take long for her to get pregnant with their daughter Jolene, who had Tom's brown curly hair and your smile. At only two years old, the little girl was perhaps one of the most determined people Y/N knew. Jo would never back down or give up until she got what she wanted and she'd always try to convince them to let her get away with things by giving them the cutest puppy eyes they had ever since, which always worked like a charm on Tom.

When Tom caught her staring, he sent a wink her way and beckoned her to get closer to where they were. He was trying to help Cillian collect flowers on the small basket she had made with Y/N a few days ago while he assisted Jolene with finding frogs hidden underneath rocks or inside empty logs.

She got up from where she was sitting and let her hands rest on her lower back as she walked over to her husband and kids. The size of her bump was starting to get in the way of getting things done. Tom had been so careful and was determined to help her around the moment they found out Y/N was pregnant again. She was sure that if he hadn't been too busy taking care of his two little devils, he would've already run up to her and try to help Y/N get to where the three of them were.

Y/N sat next to Tom as a huff escaped past her lips. Jolene went running up to her once she noticed Y/N was next to Tom. She was carefully holding a small frog in the palm of her hand, "Look, mummy!" She squealed in excitement as the little frog jumped from her palm to Y/N's lap. She picked it up carefully and smiled. It reminded her of when she was young and she'd use to look for frogs in the garden of the castle during the summer.

When she looked at her husband, Y/N couldn't help but smile wider as she saw their son place a flower crown on top of Tom's dishevelled curls. It was falling apart, but it still made her heart swell with jow when she heard Tom's voice, "Thanks bud, it looks beautiful."

Cillian giggled as Tom tickled his sides. Y/N looked down at the small frog in her palm and back at her husband, that's when she got the idea of letting the small animal jump to Tom's shoulder. Both Cillian and Jo took notice of it, which sent them into a fit of giggles.

Tom looked at his children in amusement and lifted Jo over his shoulder, making her giggle even more, "What's so funny, young lady?"

"I wouldn't open my mouth if I were you unless you want to trap a frog inside your mouth again," Y/N replied jokingly as she pointed tot he frog on Tom's shoulder. He groaned and rolled his eyes at the joke as he carefully took the frog from his shoulder and finally let it go.

"Will you ever let that joke go? It's been years since Harrison pointed it out," Y/N shrugged her shoulders and bit her lip to suppress a smirk. She loved how even though they had two kids and a third on the way, they could still have those few moments when they'd act like the two teenagers sneaking around that they once were.

While Tom and Y/N were having their conversation, their two kids went back to playing with the animals and flowers that they found on the large field. It had been the first day in a while when it wasn't pouring outside and they were finally able to take their toddlers out to have a picnic with them on the field close to their small home.

Tom wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist and brought her close. She let her head rest on his chest and her arms wrap around his waist. Tom kissed the top of her head and sighed in content, "I love you, princess."

She craned her neck to peck his jaw, "I love you too, Tommy, always will."

"Always is a long time, don't you think so?" He chuckled, she shook her head as she sat up straight and brought his lips to hers in a slow kiss that she had been waiting to give all afternoon. Tom melted into her touch as he smiled into the kiss. Y/N still drove him crazy.

"Not when I'm with you," She smiled and pulled away from their kiss, "I'm forever yours."

I knowww this was short, don't kill mehhh. But it had to be this way because it was only a small epilogue to catch you guys up on how they're doing. While this series is over, my requests are still open for anyone who wants me to write a little something extra about their story :)

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