Secret Soulmate//P.P.

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You had been avoiding his gaze. Your y/e/c eyes were focused on the posters around your room instead of being focused on the curly boy kneeling in front of you as you sat on the bed. Guilt was the only emotion you could feel as you heard him sniffle, trying to contain in his sobs.

"This is going to sting a little, sorry." Your eyes finally looked down, meeting Peter's red eyes. He was holding a damp blue towel and your arm was being held softly by his hand as he cleaned up your wound. You winced in pain at the sudden burn; Peter could only mumble out a few apologies as he continued.

You were passing your free hand through his hair as he cleaned you up. You ignored the pain you felt all over your body. You knew it was a mistake to try and chase down Kingpin all by yourself, but of course you did it anyway and now there you were, making your best friend feel like utter shit as he helped you.

He had finished cleaning your left arm, which had once been full of deep cuts, some of which he had to stitch up by himself as you held him tightly to keep in any screams. Peter slowly stood up and looked at you awkwardly before asking for permission to take off your shirt.

You knew the worst injury of them all was the one on your back since all you could feel was the bloody shirt sticking to the stab wound. It was still out of your understanding the fact that you hadn't healed yet, the process was usually faster.

Soft whimpers fell out of your mouth as he slowly took your shirt off, leaving you only in a bra. Peter let out a little cry of surprise as he saw the bloody wound that went from under your neck to where your bra started.

He was surprised with the deepness of the wound, Peter couldn't even start to imagine how it must've looked before you started healing slowly, "Shit Y/N. You are so stupid, you know that, right? If that fucking knife had gone any deeper you'd be paralyzed or dead."

"Geez, thanks for your beautiful words Pete." You sighed as you tried to turn your head a little bit so you could look at Peter. He had handed you a baby blue teddy bear to grasp since you couldn't hold his hand; sometimes you felt like Peter thought you were like six or something, "Turn around babe, please."

He began to clean up the wound once you turned around. Some of the dried blood was wiped up easily, giving Peter a cleared view of your back. He traced his fingers softly over the small tattoo that was on your left shoulder, "Is that-?

"My soulmate tattoo? Yeah." You replied through clenched teeth as Peter kept cleaning you, "It's funny how I have a Star Wars lightsaber as a soulmate tattoo." You commented, trying to make the tension of the room dissipate, but it only made it even more tense. Shit, you thought, if my mother was here I'd already be six feet under.

Peter had remained silent as he continued cleaning you up, only speaking to you to ask if you were good. He left in a rush claiming that he had a Spider-Man issue to take care of.

The week Peter found himself taking to Wanda Maximoff while drinking a cup of coffee at Pepper's living room. After all, he was the closest to his age without including you.

"So... what's the big deal? You found out who your soulmate was. Isn't it supposed to be great or something?" The green eyed woman questioned as she added yet another tablespoon of sugar to her coffee.

"Not when your soulmate is fucking Y/N Stark, it's not." A groan escaped his chapped lips as he pulled at his hair in frustration. Wanda's eyes shone red as she looked at him. He knew she was probably reading his mind.

Her expression turned sad as she kept looking into his head, tears had even started to spill, "Oh Peter..."

"I'm just scared, y'know? I feel so guilty for Mr. Stark's death and I couldn't bear to lose her as well. She was so close to dying a week ago and she's already exposed to so many threats by being a Stark, now imagine how it'd be if someone after me chased her down as well. I mean, I know she has powers and all but she doesn't deserve to be running from someone, neither does Morgan."

Wanda sat speechless as she heard the teenager, she didn't know how to help him, sure, she had looked into your head as well, but you both we scared of being committed to each other for the danger it brought to the other person.

"Peter! Wanda, hey, good morning." You smiled at the pair sitting on the couch as you happily walked into the room. Your wound had healed over the week and you felt like a new person, "Morgan was wondering if you guys wanted to watch Star Wars with us, if you're not busy that is." You raised your eyebrows suggestively. Peter rolled his eyes at you in annoyance.

"I'll pass today, thanks for the invitation though." Wanda smiled at you, she was like a second sister to you.

Peter got up from the couch and followed you out of the room. Both of you walked into Morgan's room, where she had already placed a mountain of cushions close to the television.

Once you were all sat down and the movie was already playing, the little girl crawled into Peter's arms and rested her head on his chest. You smiled at the sight; you knew Morgan and Peter were attached at the hip.

Morgan had fallen asleep in his arms an hour into Empire Strikes back, so you took that as your chance to speak with Peter, he had been noticeably avoiding you since he saw your soulmate tattoo while cleaning up your wounds.

"Is something wrong Pete?" You mumbled as you looked at him with concern, "Is it about my... soulmate tattoo?

He finally unglued his eyes from the screen right after Luke fell out of his handstand; Peter looked at you but just shrugged his shoulders as he tried to put his thoughts together, he knew he couldn't lie to you. It wasn't like he could tell you the truth either.

"It's not. I was just... taken aback by the injury. You've never gotten so seriously hurt before. I-I just wish I could've been there to protect you because you know I love you so much and I really care for you. I don't ever want to lose you." You sighed softly at his words. You always wished that your soulmate, whoever they were, cared about you as much as Peter did.

That's when it downed on you that you didn't really know anything about Peter's soulmate. You had never seen his tattoo despite having seen him shirtless like twice beforehand.

"Hey Pete... What's your soulmate tattoo?" Doubt and hesitation were clear in your voice as you spoke after a few minutes of silence.

He sat there for a few seconds without a remote idea of what to respond, "It's um... in a private area... yeah!"

"Bullshit, I know soulmate tattoos are only on visible places. Peter if you don't want to show me it's fine. I-I'll respect your privacy." A sigh escaped Peter's lips. He hesitated for a few seconds and looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms. He placed her on her bed gently and placed a comfy blanket on top of her to keep her warm.

Peter guided the two of you out of the room, he hesitantly took his shirt off after. He turned so his back was facing you and that's when you saw. The blue lightsaber was also drawn on his skin on the exact same place as yours.

"Holy shit!"

(This is unedited so I'm sorry for any typoss ❤️)

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