Alone Tonight//T.H. Prologue

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The night was cold. The football match was about to finish and your voice was starting to get hoarse from screaming at your friend Thomas and your other friends for so long. Erin, Thomas' girlfriend and your best friend Corinna, had started screaming with you.

You were honestly starting to regret not grabbing the cosy scarf from the coathanger before heading to the game. You had already contracted a cold a few days back and you didn't doubt that you'd wake up feeling even worse the next morning.

"Are you going to Harrison's party after?" Erin wondered. You shrugged your shoulders. You didn't really miss Haz's parties, but you weren't exactly feeling like going that very night and you had to study for the exam that you were having the next day.

"I'm not really sure- Ah! Oh my God! Alex is about to score!" A scream of excitement escaped past your lips as you focused your attention on the game once again. Your friend Alex had just caught a pass that more certainly made your team have the win on the bag. Alex passed the ball to another player -Tom Holland- as the cheering increased. He finally scored and Erin practically bounced off her seat as she cheered and filmed the whole thing.

You walked down to the field after the game ended to congratulate all your friends. Your friend Ilya was the first one to run to your direction with his hands up and hug you tightly. He lifted you up from the ground in excitement as he laughed, "Shit, I really thought we were going to lose."

Alex held you next, "That catch was amazing dude!" It was just another friendly match, nonetheless, you knew it meant a lot to the team after losing the past two games. Thomas approached you as he gave Erin a piggyback.

Thomas threw you his disposable camera so you could take a picture of him and Erin, "Are you guys joining at the party?" Harrison asked as he approached you all. Corinna tensed up as the blond-haired man smiled, she instantly nodded her head, "We totally are."

Harrison looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smirk. He understood very well that you didn't like to go partying during exam week. You shrugged your shoulders, "I-I don't know. I'm not feeling that great."

"Well, you're welcome to come if you want." You nodded your head and smiled softly as a silent thank you for not pressuring you into anything.


You ended up going to the party thanks to Erin's persuasive skills. She promised she'd take you back home whenever you got tired of being there.

Alex sat next to you on the couch as you both watched Corinna do body shots off Harrison. You were both drinking beer that you had grabbed from the fridge after entering the house, "10 bucks that they hook up by the end of the night."

"Nah, I ain't losing 10 bucks," One of your friends, Dom, approached you and Alex and sat down next to you, "Y/N, Ilya's completely pissed and Natalie's looking for you." Dom told you with an apologetic smile. You nodded, knowing the usual routine. You gave Dom your beer and stood up from the couch. People were mostly concentrated in the living room, so once you got through the mass of people it was easy to find Natalie. Her and Ilya were on the bathroom. Ilya was kneeling down in front of the toilet and for some mysterious reason, he was shirtless.

A body pushed you to the side gently so they could get inside the bathroom. You turned around to see who was trying to enter. You were met with a soft pair of brown eyes, "Sorry darling. Um, what happened?"

"Drank too much beer." Natalie responded with a sigh. Tom nodded, "I'll take him to his room. Can anyone please bring him some water upstairs?" You nodded and told him you'd do it.

You went to the kitchen to retrieve the water bottle, glad that the crowd was starting to disperse. After all, it was already about 3 am on a Monday and only close friends of the frat were hanging around. You walked up the stairs of the frat house and softly knocked on the door that led to Ilya's room. Tom opened the door. A soft smile was plastered on his face, which usually only held a serious expression, "How is he?" You asked, handing him the water bottle.

"Thanks lovely. He's fine, just fell asleep." You nodded and walked out of the room with Tom after leaving a few pills for his hangover.

You both sat down on the couch, Dom and Alex were playing beer pong with two other friends. Music was playing, it wasn't loud enough to overpower the sound of Tom's voice though, "So... what you studying?" He asked out of the blue.

"Musical Theatre actually, it's amazing." You replied awkwardly. Why did you always have to shut down whenever you talked to a really cute guy? You heard him let out a small oh, which made you look back at him.

"You're Thomas' friend. The one he tells me about. Y/N, right?" An expression of shock appeared on your face as you heard his words. Truth was, you barely knew Tom and it surprised you enormously that your best friend ha talked to him about you, "That's me. What has he said? I'm curious."

He shrugged his shoulders, which made you groan in annoyance, "Said you liked me," Your eyes went wide at that.

"No he didn't! You're bullshitting me." You replied with a laugh. You did remember telling Thomas that Tom was cute, but never anything else.

"Just kidding. He's just said you're really intelligent. I was actually going to ask for your help. I-I was looking for a tutor actually," He explained, looking down at his hands in embarrassment.

You nodded with a kind smile, it wasn't really the first time someone had asked for tutoring and you were always incredibly happy to help.

"Sure! No problem. When do we start?" Tom looked back at you with a smile, happy that you had accepted to help him.

"Tomorrow at six? Library?"

"You're on."

This series is based off of the request by 

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