Prohibited Love #3

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The covers fell to the floor when you tossed around on the bed, the cold air from the room hitting your skin, making you shiver, when your sleepy state started to disappear, you took notice of the soft mattress your body was lying in, the mattress you slept on was far from soft.

You opened your eyes in panic; you definitely were not in your room, you noticed it was still day time, you remembered falling asleep in Tom's arms hours ago after things had cooled down, but you didn't know how you got to where you were at that moment.

The room you were in was huge, the walls were decorated with pretty wallpaper, a big chandelier hung over the bed, something you took notice of as you looked up, the furniture looked as if it was made of gold, your mouth hung wide as you observed the luxurious room, asking yourself if you were in Tom's room, but you just let the idea go when you noticed there wasn't anything hung up on the walls, he had always told you how many pictures hung from the walls of his room so it definitely wasn't it.

You were about to get up and explore more of the room, but you jumped when you heard a knock at the door, "Come in." You said.

You were secretly hoping Tom was the one who had knocked on your door, but you still were happy when Nikki was the one who came in.

"Hi sweetheart, I hope you could rest well after the events of this morning." She smiled, you nodded in affirmation, suddenly feeling ridiculous because you were sure you didn't look your best and in front of the royals everyone should always look their best, at least that was what your mother always taught you.

"I did my Queen, thank you." You replied politely like you would in any other situation, she was now sitting next to you on the bed; she took your hands in hers.

"No need to be formal Y/N, you've always been like family." She told you, making you smile, she always did treat you the best way, the queen had slowly become a mother figure after your mother passed away.

You nodded at her words "Thank you for what you did." You thanked her; truthfully, if it weren't for her you'd probably be in a jail cell at that very second, freezing to death.

"You don't need to thank me for anything Y/N, if anything I should be the one thanking you for making my son so happy." You never thought you'd have a conversation with the Queen about his son so to say you were surprised was an understatement, "Why- what made him change his mind?" You asked in a hushed tone, you hoped the question wouldn't be too invasive.

"I used to be a six too Y/N, your caste shouldn't get in the way of things like this." She explained shortly, "You two deserve to be together."

Your smile got even wider as you heard the Queen talk, you didn't say much, after all, what were you meant to say to all that?

"Well I'm pretty sure you are very eager to see my son, so I'm going to leave you two alone, yeah?" You nodded again, eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. Was this a dream?

Right after Nikki left you alone, Tom entered the room with a box in his hands and a bright smile on his gorgeous face, you got up from where you were previously sitting on the bed and hugged him as tightly as you could, sighing in content when he wrapped his strong arms around your figure, Tom always made you feel safe, like you were at home every time you were with him, he made all your worries fade away.

Once you pulled away, he left a soft kiss on your forehead; he cupped your cheek with the hand that wasn't occupied by the box and caressed it softly with his thumb, a gesture he found himself doing a lot, "Hi princess."

"Hi love." You looked into his eyes, always full of love and adoration when he looked your way, something you had missed for months.

He placed the box he carried on the bed, Tom intertwined your hand with his, his chocolate brown eyes never leaving yours, he leaned in to leave a chaste kiss on your lips, they looked so inviting and he was just tired of always holding back, tired of always having to be cautious with what you two did.

"I love you so much." He whispered after pulling away, you two had missed your moments together, in the time you spent as friends, if you could even call it that, you both noticed that you needed each other a lot, feeling empty while being apart.

"As much as I love this, I came to tell you something else." Tom told you, his face turning serious, he let go of your hand and stayed in silence for a few seconds, your happy smile morphing into a worried frown.

"So, we've known each other for years and we have been together for most of that time and I am tired of hiding this, of hiding you, look, what I'm trying to say is that we don't have to anymore." You could sense he was nervous, he'd constantly pass his hand through his hair or he'd bite his bottom lip.

Tom reached for the box he had left on the bed and slowly opened it, your mouth hung open in surprise as you saw the pretty ring sitting inside, it looked expensive as hell, with small diamonds placed around the edges of the ring and a big one on the top.

"I know that becoming a one might be something you're not very fond of and if you're not ready yet I-" You put an end to his rambling when you leaned in to kiss his lips, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer to you, "You're insane if you think I would turn you down, I love you."

Here's part 3!! I don't know if I'll be doing a part 4, would you guys like one??

Anyway, I'm starting school in a week sadly, so I'm going to try and write as much as I can until then

-Sarah xx

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