Stone Cold//T.H.

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Stone cold
You see me standing,
but I'm dying on the floor

You couldn't stop looking at Tom. His bright smile and pretty brown eyes had always captivated your attention. No matter how many times you'd look into those brown eyes full of love, they still made butterflies fly inside your stomach and at that very moment, the light was hitting him just right, making him look dreamy.

He cupped your cheek while he snaked his other arm around your waist and brought you closer to him. You smiled softly at his actions and cuddled into his chest. You had been silently lying down on his bed all morning. You even declined eating breakfast with Harrison and Tuwaine, only wanting a few hours to yourselves.

"I love you Y/N," Tom whispered with a tender smile on his face. You kissed his collarbone, "I love you too."

It was hard for you to think there was a time where Tom and you were so in love with each other. That there ever existed a time you'd stay in bed the whole day and never run out of things to talk about or the moments when you'd cook together and sometimes dance around the house until you ran out of breath.

You missed Tom being in love with you.

For months now, you had tried to ignore the issue that was right in front of you in fear of losing him. It took a lot for you to finally open your eyes to the reality of your relationship. Being stood up constantly wasn't normal, neither was catching him in so many lies. But what would you say to him anyway... I think you're cheating on me or Do you love me anymore?

Maybe if I don't cry,
I won't feel anymore

You didn't know what to do about it because everything was eating at you. The lack of contact and affection hurt. All you wanted was for him to kiss your worries away while he embraced you tightly and repeatedly told you how much he loved you. But you weren't stupid either, you knew it wouldn't happen and slowly accepted your reality.

You kept quiet and constantly tried to suppress the strong urge to cry until you just couldn't anymore because it never helped, it just sank you down further into the sea of feelings that was slowly starting to drown you bit by bit. Because all you could think about was him and all the signs you had been too in love to ignore. The more you thought about Tom, the more it pained you to realise how he slowly fell out of love with you and how impossible it was to stop it from happening.

That's why you didn't say anything whenever he'd arrive home late and night slip into bed after placing a large pillow in between the two of you. You just pretended to be asleep and followed the same routine for weeks. You had grown used to waking up to an empty bed and to no messages throughout the whole day. You'd barely exchange a few words with Tom on certain days and in others, you wouldn't even speak with him at all.

You didn't understand why and you were too afraid to ask. Tom had become a stranger to you. You had been his best friend for years before you started dating him and you thought you knew him better than many people, but Tom had proved you wrong.

On one of the rare nights where you'd have dinner together, you swallowed down the lump in your throat and finally built up the courage to ask him about the thing that had already bothered you for long enough.

Tom could tell there was something wrong with you. For weeks you had been unusually quiet and distant, not like he could ever blame you beca he had been like that for way longer than just three weeks. You cleared your throat and passed your hand through your hair but you didn't look at him, you couldn't.

"D-do you still love me?" You asked, voice trembling. Tom looked up from his plate and directly at you, eyes wide, "What? Of course I love you," He replied. You were his best friend, how could he ever stop loving you?

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