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I think that it is worth mentioning that nothing I write related to this topic is looking to romanticize the situation we are in right now. This is a very serious thing that is affecting millions of people.

You had gone to visit Tom for about a week because of your anniversary. Your flight had been cancelled and he, Haz and his family had been kind enough to let you stay as long as you needed.

You were already very close with the Holland family, you'd usually spend summer and winter holidays with them, so this time it was no different, they were like your second family.

Mornings were very chaotic. There were too many people for the three bathrooms in the house. Breakfast was way smoother; everyone would help to get it done as soon as possible. You'd have very interesting conversations with Nikki and Dom during breakfast and they always put you in a happy mood.

After breakfast, you'd play FIFA with Paddy and you loved the banter you'd have, "What the fuck did you do? It was impossible for that to get in! A 100%"

"I did nothing mate, the game just glitched or some shit, I swear," He'd raise his hands defensively as you rolled your eyes while Tom, Haz and Tuwaine watched in amusement. What got you riled up more than anything was when your boyfriend would boo at you whenever you missed a shot; it annoyed you to no end.

"C'mon Y/N, just accept you're bad at it," Tom would shout and you'd flip him up, "Shut up! You lost yesterday so you cannot talk about this."

You loved watching the International TV series on Netflix as well, so of course, you had the Holland clan join into your marathons of Elite and Money Heist, "Everything is Tokyo's fault though. Like not to be rude but it's true."

"She's just as annoying as Marina from that other show," Haz would comment, which would earn a slap upside the head from Paddy, who was obsessed with that character.

You'd also beg them to join in on making Tik Toks with you. You had created an account for everyone in the family and made Tom post at least one Tik Tok. It would take hours of convincing but after, they'd be too into the app to stop making them. This was especially true for your boyfriend, who'd post one at least every day no matter how ridiculous or pointless it was.

The jigsaw wars were also amazing. You'd spend hours in different rooms trying to see who could win against the other team. You had been paired up with Nikki, Dom, Sam and Paddy because everyone said that you'd distract Tom and vice versa, which, was actually very accurate.

You obviously made sure to spend time alone with your boyfriend. You'd often cuddle on his bed, "I love you," Tom would whisper on your ear every now and then, making you smile softly.

"I love you too, so much."

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now