The England Plan//T.H. 1

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The only thing Y/N had of the young prince were foggy memories of a once happy childhood. The ephemeral feeling of peace and belonging that she only felt in the presence of the curly haired boy.

Distance had grown between them as the visits to the other’s kingdom were so apart until they never saw each other again.

The young princess always wondered what it had been of her childhood best friend. There had been no letters, no owls, just radio silence.

All that ended the day the prince was supposed to turn eighteen.

Y/N straightened her pale blue dress after she sat down on the window seat. Her head rested on the wall as she stared at the colorful garden from the inside, wishing that she could go down the stairs and let her shoeless feet feel the cold grass beneath them.

A person softly knocked on the door from the other side and with a weak voice asked for the princess’ permission to enter.

“You may come in,” Her father walked in with a somber expression on his face. The king’s sorrowful eyes worried the princess to no end, “Father… What’s wrong.”

He sat down next to her and placed his cold hand on top of hers, “My darling. An official from Kingston came today.”

Her eyes glimmered with hope when she heard the name of her best friend’s kingdom, “Prince Thomas is dead my dear.”

In an instant, her face fell and tears pooled in her eyes. The young woman shook her head and let herself cry on her father’s shoulder while he comfortingly rubbed her back, “It’s impossible. Today he was supposed to turn eighteen… He was supposed to inherit the throne.”

“Life is short, Y/N. There is never a right or wrong time for us to leave,” He spoke trying to calm his daughter. Her sobs were so strong they mad her whole body tremble in his embrace.

She pulled away, tears still falling down her face like a broken dam. Y/N stood up, “Can I please be alone? It’s already kind of late.”

The king nodded and walked out of her chamber. Once her father closed the door behind him, she collapsed as her knees grew weak. Y/N didn’t know what hurt more. She didn’t know if it was the crushing feeling of having so much unfinished business with him, or maybe it was all the promises they had with each other.

She didn’t have much time to process things and calm down before yet another gentle voice was heard from the other side of the window, “Princess Y/N?”

Y/N stood up and with a trembling voice spoke, “I do not desire any visitors. If there is an important matter, my father and mother are a lot more capable of resolving the issue.

"The Raven has a message to deliver,” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at the code name. Last time it had been used was when Tom and Y/N were fourteen and playing a mystery game, but no, it couldn’t be.

She was quick to open the door to be met with a pair of soft green eyes she had grown to know. They belonged to Tom’s most trusted friend, Harrison.

Y/N let him in without thinking twice and closed the door behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and let tears fall freely down her face once again, “Tom’s gone Harrison. How did it happen?”

Harrison put distance between them and shook his head, “That’s what I’m here for. He’s not gone.”

The young man slid a letter into her grasp and before the princess could ask any questions, he left as quick as he had arrived.

Y/N was overwhelmed with emotions. She didn’t know if she should feel confused or heartbroken. She sat down on the edge of the bed and inspected the letter. It did have the Royal seal and it was addressed to you. Her name was written in elegant cursive.

She broke the seal and took out the piece of paper. As Y/N unfolded it, multiple pieces of paper fell. She gathered them all in her lap and read over the content of the first page.

My dear Y/N

I hope this letter has come to your hands without much trouble for Haz. There’s hope in the back of my mind that you still remember me, if not, I don’t blame you in the slightest.

I am prince Thomas Holland, in case you don’t remember me. We used to be close when we were children.

If you do remember, I’m sure you’ve been informed of my passing. An official has probably visited your kingdom by now and in less than a few hours everyone in every kingdom will know I’m dead. Well, my dear friend, I’m not. I’m very much alive and breathing as you read this letter.

You must be confused, I know I would be if I was in your shoes. Let me explain. I will start from the very beginning, if that makes things easier for you to comprehend. I do feel the need to apologise in advance for the length of this letter. You know I’ve always been one to speak a lot, writing isn’t much different.

This all began after my fifteenth birthday. I was running around the castle looking for something to do. I had an unexplainable urge to look for something. I don’t know why, I just know if I hadn’t, then I’d definitely be dead.

  I stumbled into my father’s study. I never knew the exact location, after my mother’s passing, he kept me away from anything business related, for my safety.

For the first time in a while, my father wasn’t hiding away in his study, so I entered. That’s the first time I came into possession of the England Plan. It was just a piece of paper, yet, it contained one of the kingdom’s deepest darkest secrets as well as my faith.

We’re brought up to think that our parents will always protect us with everything they have, but, my lovely Y/N, they were very wrong. Our parents can be monsters, just like anyone else. My father’s one of them.

The England Plan was very concise. My father was planning to kill me before I inherited the throne in my eighteenth birthday, which, if everything is like it should, it’s the very day you’re reading this. They were planning to execute whoever didn’t agree with the plan. The first victim was my mother. Of course she didn’t agree with the plan. Her first mistake was voicing it.

There’s only one way for me to escape, that is if they follow the plan accordingly. They want to poison my drink and, if I’m right, these fools won’t even care to check if I’m still alive after. They’ll just abandon my body in the forest and hope that a farmer will find it.

You might be wondering why I’m telling you all this. Believe me when I tell you that I hate to overwhelm you. The thing is that this plan didn’t involve getting rid of just me, but you too. It didn’t say how, or who.

I need you to stay calm, please. If things are right, you have at least five hours before they try to make a move. I need you to trust Haz and I. We’ll help you.

Harrison is at our hiding spot, which I’m praying to God you remember. Please burn these pages the moment you finish reading them. I hope I can reunite with you soon.

Love, Tom.

Y/N followed Tom’s orders and burnt every single page. As she did, Y/N felt numb. She wasn’t capable of feeling anything anymore. Y/N didn’t leave the room until the pages were reduced to ash. She wrapped a thick coat over her body and exited the room.

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