The Heist//T.H. LCDP

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Your alias in this is Dhaka and Tom's is York :)) this is based on La Casa De Papel.

His teary eyes looked into yours as you cupped his face with your hands, "I love you, but I can't keep doing this."

"Doing what? Look around you, we're in a fucking paradise!" You shook your head repeatedly, "Don't you get it? I feel trapped. I need to get out of this place."

Tom placed his hands over yours, "We're on the fucking list of most wanted fugitives in the World and you think going on a goddamn field trip is a good idea?"

"We're in here because the Professor deemed it a safe place and I will not let you get out of here just so you get captured and tortured to death!" He breathed heavily as the volume of his voice rose even more with each word that came out of his mouth.

However, before he could speak again, an official seemed to come out of thin air. Tom's brown eyes grew wide in fear as he heard someone charge a gun next to his ear. You looked up, only to find a police officer pointing a gun right at your boyfriend's face.

You couldn't utter out any words before he shot Tom right on the head. You could feel wet droplets running down your face. When you reached your hand to wipe them away, your hands filled with blood, his blood.

Tokyo was still half asleep when she heard you whimpering and screaming in the middle of the night. You were tossing and turning in your sleep as you mumbled the same name over and over again... Tom.

She looked over at Rio, he was the best one out of the two to handle a situation, but her boyfriend was still asleep beside her. Tokyo sighed, she brushed her black hair backwards and stood up from the bed, making it creak. Just the night before, you had all been woken up by a serious fight between Denver and Monica so it didn't bother her much, as she was used to barely sleeping when she was with the group of robbers.

Tokyo nudged your shoulder strong enough for you to frantically sit on the bed. In two seconds, the gun sitting on a table beside you, was firmly placed against her throat. She let out a loud gasp and immediately put her hands up in defense, "What the actual fuck Dhaka?"

You felt as the cold metal of a gun was placed against the back of your neck. You immediately recognised the voice as Rio's and it seemed to let you out of the sleepy trance you were in. You immediately dropped the gun and Rio lowered his, "Shit, I'm so sorry, I-I just," Your voice broke before the sentence could fully come out. You began crying like there was no tomorrow.

Both Tokyo and Rio kneeled down in front of you. Tokyo placed a comforting hand on your knee, "Were you having nightmares again?" Rio wondered. You nodded as more whimpers escaped your lips, "I'm such a fucking coward."

"Amor, listen to me," Tokyo spoke in the softest voice she could manage, "York is out there. He's alive and breathing and I promise over my dead body, we'll get him back."

"It's just two days until we get into that bank and give the government the war they deserve," Rio added, no doubt in his voice. Hearing them so sure of themselves coaxed you more than they could imagine.

Both adults looked at each other and then back at you. The professor had always said that he recruited people that had nothing left to lose, but that was not true, at least not for you and Tom. You were still seventeen years old when everything started, barely adults with so much of your lives ahead of you.

The professor had found both of you because you were involved in the same heist as Rio and upon seeing the effectiveness of your partner work, he didn't think twice to recruit you.

After the heist to the Royal Mint, things had sailed smooth, that was until your boyfriend was captured by the Australian police after a big fight you had.

"You deserve this pain the least," Nairobi quietly spoke from the doorway, where she stood next to Helsinki and Monica.

You cringed just by thinking about the fact that you had woken your friends up yet again, "I'm sorry guys, didn't mean to wake you."

Monica shrugged and walked into the room. She sat next to you, followed by Nairobi while Helsinki preferred to stay by the door and give you space.

"Dhaka, you are important to us," Monica smiled comfortingly, Nairobi nodded and spoke up next, "A lot of us in this room owe our lives to you and York."

They came out of nowhere.

Way to many policemen to count and definitely way too many to defeat with two people. Rio and Tokyo were in the basement alone while everyone else busied themselves with transporting the money to the tunnel.

They moved quick and the shields made it impossible to inflict any significant damage. They were getting closer and closer until they were almost surrounding the couple. The Browning was was upstairs and they were truly helpless.

That was until Tom walked in, screaming as he fired his gun, you close behind, "Cover me," Tom whispered. You nodded firmly and followed his every instruction, trying your best to get every single person out of there alive.

After a few minutes passed, the professor, Denver and Lisbon joined you, cups and a wine bottle in hand, "We need to prepare the last details of the heist tomorrow morning, but, I think you guys desperately need this," He spoke. All of you hummed in affirmation as he passed the cups filled with wine around.

"We still need to keep our heads cool though, otherwise, we'll get captured before we can do anything," You slowly nodded in understanding and took a sip of the drink.

Tokyo tapped your knee and stood up, "Well then, let's give those assholes what they deserve."

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