Peaches // P.P.

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Soulmates were a thing Peter always thought about.

He wasn't exactly completely happy with the idea. Peter never understood the concept of finding your perfect match, the person that'd be next to you until your last breath. Only proof he had about the existence of soulmates was May and Ben's love story.

His aunt would always talk about that feeling that just seems to stop your heart from beating the minute your eyes fall on your soulmate. Yet again, she also spoke about how much it hurt to lose one, May told him it felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest and crushed. Peter remembered that when Ben died, he'd listen to his aunt cry in agony for days over the death of her other half. The young man had been afraid of finding his soulmate for that very reason.

As Spider-Man, Peter had so much to lose. His job wasn't safe and everyday he risked his life to save others. As much as he loved it, Peter knew losing his life was likely and he wouldn't wish that unbearable pain over whoever his soulmate was.

Something that was true though, was that Peter was in love with his soulmate already. He didn't have any idea of how they'd look, but no matter what, he knew they were perfect. He knew no one could compare to the beauty for his soulmate.

He had spent years waiting for them, but the moment he graduated from Midtown, Peter started losing hope. All of his closest friends had found their soulmate, except him. He knew it was too soon to give up but a big part of him felt  like he'd never find his soulmate.

"Parker! If you spill that everywhere again I'm not mopping," Peter jumped in surprise. For a second, he had completely forgotten that he was still at work and should, in fact, be making a yogurt frappuccino that a girl had just ordered. Instead, he was in a whole other world fantasizing about his soulmate and how they'd possibly look like.

Once Peter got a hold of himself once again, he grabbed a small cup full of yogurt and blended it along with a handful of berries. He could still feel his co-worker's gaze on him which made him sigh, "It was only once Lucy, won't happen again, I promise."

"She's such a fucking bitch," His co-worker and close friend, Grace, complained once she saw Lucy dissapear into the supply fridge. Peter chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Tell me about it. She's like an uncomfortable rock on my shoe that I just cannot get out."

Grace laughed before getting closer to Peter and whispering, "Probably shouldn't say that unless we want her daddy firing us," She rolled her eyes and returned to take the next customer's order.

The afternoon went on as it usually did. Compared to most Starbucks, the one Peter worked at happened to be slightly less active most of the day. During the night was when they got the larger number of people. It was around that time that students from Universities close-by would stop for a coffee and a late night study session by themselves.

By the time that happened, Lucy had already gone home which left him alone with Grace. She was one of the few people apart from Ned, Mj and May that knew he was Spider-Man, it made life easier for him whenever he had to go and do his job.

He had been cleaning the counter when the bell rang and one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen walked in. Something that stood out to him when he saw her were the colorful socks with small peaches drawn all over them that slightly poked out of her white shoes.

She walked up to Grace and offered her a bright smile as she told her what she wanted and paid for it. Peter watched as she sat down on the small island placed close to the large glass windows and took out her computer.

"Who is she?" Peter asked Grace when she walked up to him to give him the order he had to prepare. Grace laughed at Peter's star-struck expression and leaned back on the counter, "She's gorgeous."

"She really is. Her name's Y/N. Usually comes in when you're out doing your spider stuff. I think she goes to Columbia or something," Peter hummed and started preparing all the orders.

Ever since his eyes fell on the girl with the cute peach socks that's all Peter could think about. It seemed like a coincidence that after that day, he was there whenever she was and had already memorized her order after having to make it seven days in a row.

Grace had offered to let him be the one to take the orders around the time she'd usually walk in but Peter refused. He didn't feel one bit ready to even utter out a few words to her. Ever since Peter broke up with Michelle, his luck with love had been significantly low, practically nonexistent in fact.

One night though, Grace had gotten so sick that she had to miss work, leaving Peter alone to deal with the customers, not like he minded much anyways but he was just praying that you decided not to go to starbucks that very day, but when did he ever get what he wanted?

"Hey," She smiled at him. Peter smiled back, but he was sure that, even if he didn't mean it to, his smile looked more like a grimace.

"Good night, what would you like to order?" He asked while he kept his gaze focused on the screen right in front of him, "I'll just have a tall hot chocolate, thank you."

Peter couldn't help but notice that wasn't her usual order. She'd always get iced tea and a blueberry muffin, "That'll be $2.75," She nodded and handed him the money.

The moment his hand brushed against hers though, it was just as if time had suddenly stopped. He got overwhelmed by a feeling of sadness and grief as he thought of a woman he had never even seen before. He could picture her smiling at him, singing to him and baking peach cupcakes and making hot chocolate whenever he felt sad.

It took Peter a few seconds until it finally dawned on him that the beautiful girl standing in front of him was his soulmate and the woman he was thinking about was her grandmother, who had died exactly 2 years back. He finally understood her love for the fruit and the reason she had bought a hot chocolate.

"Uh, are you alright?" She asked Peter upon noticing the way he zoned out all of a sudden. He nodded and sent her an apologetic look as he handed her the ticket and watched her walk away without saying another word.

He didn't want to make a stupid comment that would forever be rememebered by his soulmate. Instead, he decided on doing a small gesture that would hopefully cheer her up.

Peach cupcakes were part of their secret menu and Peter knew they surely had some that had been freshly baked earlier that day. After grabbing one and placing it inside a paper bag with a smiley face, he prepared her hot chocolate and added just a few marshmallows, just like he had seen her grandmother serve it. He then told her the order was ready.

When she opened up the bag, Y/N was surprised to see a peach cupcake sitting inside, "I didn't order this," She told Peter with tears threatening to spill down her face. He shook his head and smiled, "It's on the house."

"Thank you so much uh-"

"Peter... Parker," He spoke shyly and Y/N nodded with a smile, "Thank you Peter Parker," He saw her eyes scan the empty coffee shop before her gorgeous eyes fell back on him.

"Look, I'm sorry if this sounds crazy but did you, by any chance, feel something when our hands touched earlier?" Y/N asked, taking him by surprise. After swallowing the lump in his throat, he nodded.

"Yeah I-I did feel something," He responded and Y/N smiled brightly. He watched with a smile of his own as she ran behind the counter and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"I've been looking for you my whole life."

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