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You had been dating Tom for four years and your fans had always known about it. However, lately, the negative comments had been getting to your head like they hadn't before. It didn't help that you were constantly separated from each other because most of the time you were filming your projects at the same time.

To add to the fire of hate and rumours that followed you two around, a picture had been released by the press. He was locking lips with a brunette in the middleof the street, after weeks of avoiding you.

"Look me in the eyes," You pleaded as tears slid down your face. You were desperately searching for a sign, something that told you how Tom was feeling.

Tom's tired eyes looked finally into yours, but all hr wanted to do was look away as you spoke, "I can't deal with this anymore Tom, it's too much. This is too stressful."

Your words seemed to finally wake him up completely, "What do you mean? What happened?"

"First, we both have to deal with people constantly trying to control our relationship. Now I have people telling me that you cheated on me?" You exclaimed. He looked dumbfounded at your claims. You sighed and took out your phone.

His mouth fell agape when he saw a picture of him kissing a girl. Tom sighed deeply and burrowed his hands on his curls, "Can you please tell me, for the love of God, what were you doing with her?"

Tom could've gotten mad, but your expression told him it was not the time to scream at you, but to explain.

"Remember I told you yesterday that I had to film a last minute scene with Kathryn? If you look at the picture from up close, you can see the camera crew in the background," He took the phone from your shaky hands and zoomed into the background, where surely, you could see cameras.

You sighed and started tearing up even harder. He embraced you and kissed the top of your head, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Don't cry, please. I know this is very stressful for us and both media and fans can be toxic as fuck sometimes," Tom sighed as you held him closer.

Even after minutes of him holding you, sobs still escaped your lips. He could tell you felt extremely guilty for blaming him of something so serious.

"Hey, look at me, doll," Tom let you go and cupped your face with his hands. You finally looked up at him. Tom wiped your tears away with his thumb and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"I'm sorry..." You whispered, barely loud enough for Tom to hear, "I know you love me and you would never do that. I'm sorry for all the fights we've had."

Tom shook his head, he held your hands, "Fights take two people. Relationships take to people. Besides, I know how that photo looks. I just want you to know I'd never."

You nodded, "I know, I love you."

"I love you too. C'mere," You snuggled back in his arms. You were lucky to have Tom in your life, despite everything, you knew you'd be able to get through things, besides, you knew not everything about having a public relationship was bad.

"Hey Tommy, just one last thing," Your boyfriend hummed, "I hate to stir up more trouble but I wanted to know, why have you been acting strange these past few days?"

"That has an easy explanation. Though I would've hoped to do this on a better time. Please close your eyes for a second."

Tom let you go and you closed your eyes. For a few seconds you heard nothing and you grew a bit nervous.

"Open your eyes, please," Your eyes fluttered open. Your boyfriend was kneeling down in front of you, box and ring in hand, "We've had a difficult relationship. It's been years of us getting to know each other with millions of eyes watching. It's hard and it's tiring but I know we can get through everything together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me?"

More tears slid down your face as you nodded your head repeatedly, "Yes, without a single doubt."

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