Dancing In The Rain//T.H. A.U.

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"I already told you I don't have any interest whatsoever to go to that party." You sighed in annoyance at your best friend, she was forcing you to go out to a party with her, but you weren't really feeling like it.

"Oh c'mon Y/N, just for a tiny bit, you can get your mind off of things if you know what I mean." She winked at you, your only response was to roll your eyes at her and shake your head.

"I don't want to get laid, I'd rather stay home and watch some Netflix." You smiled at her, it was your usual Friday night routine, you didn't really like parties, especially because you were way too stressed about assignments and many things like that to worry about going to a stupid party filled with fuckboys.

Your best friend took you by the hand and dragged you out of your bed, ignoring your complaints and taking you to the bathroom to get you ready, that ended up happening most of the time, she was way too stubborn and nothing you could say would change her mind.

She made you take a quick shower, which you did after she begged you to, going to parties with your best friend was something you never accepted, especially because you knew she would end up finding someone for you to hook up with and leave you.

Once your hair was dry, she made you try a handful of very short and tight dresses which you refused to wear right after seeing them.

You ended up looking through your dresses, finding a wonderful dress that reached right above your knee, it wasn't tight or too short, you remembered using that on high school and you were surprised that it still fit you perfectly.

She left your hair down, just because you were both lazy to actually do anything with it, however, to your dismay, she went all out with your makeup, it was a very simple but dashing look and you couldn't lie, you felt very confident.


The party was incredibly boring so far and the only thing you wanted to do was to return home and wrap yourself in your blankets as you watched Stranger Things, but your best friend wouldn't let that happen so you got up from your seat on the couch and wondered around the house, it was full of people and you wanted to find a quiet place, so you figured the roof would be perfect.

You took out your phone from the brown purse you had been carrying around and played your favourite playlist, which consisted in slow music you loved very much

Dancing was your favourite thing to do, after all, you were in a dancing school and there was nothing you could be more proud of.

The beat of the music took control of your feet and before you knew it, you were doing pirouettes and dancing all around the roof, trying not to fall.

You had your eyes shut as you let the music take control of you, there was nothing you enjoyed more than the pleasure dancing gave you, it was like a way to express yourself freely and you absolutely loved it.

That dance you choreographed by yourself at just 13 crossed your mind, as you remembered that was the first time you ever committed so much to somethings and seeing how far you had come since then was just amazing.

As you were dancing, you didn't notice the person watching you with a bright smile on their face, admiring your passion and the way you made the dance moves look easy and flawless.

Once the song finished, you took a minute to catch your breath away, that's when you noticed the brown haired boy looking at you in adoration.

"Tom." You blushed as you realized he had probably watched the whole thing, most of the time you wouldn't mind people watching you dance, but he wasn't just anyone, he had played Billy Elliot and was a very well known dancer.

You met each other at the school's dance studio, they had paired you up to do a dance, however, you didn't talk at all after that.

"Hey darling." He smirked at you, making your cheeks turn a dark shade of red, "You're an incredible dancer Y/N.

You smiled softly at him, bowing with a chuckle, "Thanks, I try."

He took slow steps towards you as the song you had danced together a while a go started playing, he offered his hand for you to take, "Would you dance with me?"

You nodded and grabbed his hand, he put one of his hands on your waist after grabbing your other hand and placing it on his shoulder.

You were extremely surprised that he still remembered the choreography perfectly after that much time; he didn't miss any step and went in sync with you.

You looked at him once the song finished, he was looking back at you, which made you move your gaze to the floor, you felt one of his hands cupping your face, he started leaning in as you eyes fluttered close.

His soft lips came in contact with yours, you didn't hesitate to kiss back, you put your hands on his neck, bringing him closer to you when you felt droplets of water on your face.

He pulled away, that bright smile still on his face, "We should probably go inside, it's raining loads."

You just shook your head and continued dancing with him, that night you spent hours with him, dancing and forgetting about everything else.

Found this idea cute, it's very cliché but I hope you guys don't mind :)

-Sarah xx

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