More Than A Woman//T.H.

976 8 6

Girl, I've known you very well

I've seen you growing every day

"How the hell can she sleep so much?" Someone mumbled, then another voice replied, "Like I'd know mate. Just shut up."

You groaned and yawned as you tried to sit up on the bed, more asleep than awake after taking a nap. You rubbed your tired eyes and opened them slowly only to see Tom, Harry and Harrison standing in the middle of your room looking through the stack of vinyls that sat in the corner of your room.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" You asked with a raspy voice. The three boys turned around to look at you, panic clear on their faces. Harry cleared his throat and shrugged.

"Just helping you clean, the place is a mess, mate," A sigh escaped your lips as you rolled your eyes. The night before, you had been hanging around with the twins and during one of their play fights, Sam accidentally knocked your bookshelf over and you had left everything on the floor, too tired to do anything other than placing the bookshelf back to where it was.

"And whose fault is it? Cuz it's definitely not mine," You let yourself fall back on the bed and cuddled closer to the large pillow you had beside you. It was about four in the afternoon and you had been asleep ever since you returned from your birthday breakfast.

It was the first year where you weren't as enthusiastic about your birthday. The previous night, you had been too preoccupied with finishing up college assignments to think about sleeping more than an hour so you had been in no mood to celebrate.

"Right well, we're gonna leave now," Your brother spoke as he pointed at the door and started walking out. Before Tom could walk out though, you stopped him.

"Wanna continue watching Locked Up? We are about three episodes away from finishing the season," You offered. Last time you had watched the show together, it had ended in a cliffhanger and it was a rule between you two to only watch the show with each other so you were anxiously waiting for a moment when you both had free time to watch it together.

He nodded and got into bed with you. Harrison was the one to introduce you to Tom and his brothers and you had grown close to the three older Hollands but especially Tom. You were just as close with him as Haz was and cuddling with him was nothing unusual for you.

After watching the show for a while you started noticing how strange Tom was acting. Instead of making commentary throughout the whole show, he just lied next to you in complete silence as you watched the show on your laptop.

You looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and poked his cheek to get his attention. His brown eyes fell on yours and that's when you noticed how tense he seemed, "Okay, what's up? You look like I'm holding you at gunpoint."

He stuttered out a few words and shrugged his shoulders but before he could say something that actually made sense, Harrison, Harry and Sam walked into the room. You immediately noticed the purple bag your brother was holding

Tom sighed when he saw them walk in. Harrison threw the bag at him, which he caught with ease, then he handed it to you, "Just put this on and I'll be back in thirty minutes," They all walked out of the room before you could protest. You sighed but opened the bag anyway and took out the black pieces of clothing.

You examined it carefully and once you saw the red high heels at the bottom of the bag, you started laughing and rolled your eyes as you realised it was a Sandy costume. You quickly put it on and did the simplest makeup look you could, only adding concealer to hide the bags under your eyes from the lack of sleep and topped it all off with the classic red lipstick. You left your hair like it naturally was, only styling it enough for it to look presentable.

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