Little Lies//T.H.

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"Why did I even agree to this? Care to remind me?" You groaned in annoyance as you looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to adjust the dress so it fit your body in a more comfortable way as you had your arm extended so it was past the curtain.

"Just stop whining and show me the dress so we can get this shit over with," Tom whined in response,  ot bothering to even answer your question. Once the dress felt comfortable enough for your liking, you walked out of the dressing room and into the crowded shop. Tom's gaze was focused on his phone and he only glanced up at you before giving his full attention to his iPhone.

You rolled your eyes and cleared your throat loudly, he looked up from his phone and looked at you with an annoyed, almost confused look on his face. You shifted your weight from one foot to another, only wanting to get out of the store and away from Tom, which of course you couldn't do.

"They all look the same, just choose one, I don't care." He huffed, you resisted the urge of slapping the bratty attitude out of him, "Why did you even come with again?"

"Not like I had another option." Tom rolled his eyes in a very exaggerated way and lifted up the arm that was tied to yours by the handcuffs. You sighed once again, something you did quite often around Tom, "For fuck's sake, I shouldn't have agreed to this!"

You mumbled through gritted teeth before getting back into the brightly lit dressing room. You stepped out of the pretty dress and changed back into your normal clothes after struggling for a whole ten minutes, you stepped out of the dressing room once again with the beautiful dress folded in your arm.

You kicked Tom on the leg quite soflty to inform him that you had finally found a size and literally dragged him to the front desk, earning a lot of weird stares and giggles from bored kids.

As the cashier looked up from the computer, you immediately noticed her eyes go wide as she glanced back and forth from Tom to you and back.

However, after a few seconds she cleared her throat, "Good morning, will that be all?"

You nodded at her with a bright smile, "Good morning! Yeah, it'll be all, how much do I owe you?" You asked, Tom's eyebrows raised in surprise at your change of mood, seconds ago, you were just kicking him and complaining and now there you were being all nice and shit to the lady.

"Uh yeah, that would be... £110, please." You nodded once again and took the credit card out of your purse, you handed it to the lady.

After paying, you finally exited the store, Tom was next to you, rubbing his cuffed wrist with a pout on his face, knowing his wrist would probably be bruised the next morning. It was already incredibly sore.

You two had been rushing around since the early hours of the morning and all thanks to your incredibly stupid best friend, Harrison.

You had met Harrison through some of your YouTube friends after 2 years of starting your channel, he had introduced you to Tom months later and to say you hadn't really clicked would have been an understatement. In fact, that day you had exchanged more words than in the three years of knowing each other... Even if you two spent almost every day together thanks to Haz.

It wasn't a secret to the media and to fans that you two weren't exactly best of friends, so they were just as surprised as you when, after losing a challenge against Harrison and his fiance, you were dared to be handcuffed for a whole day and out of every day of the year, Harrison decided it would happen on his wedding day.

Out of boredom, you started humming a song under your breath. Tom sighed, could you get more annoying?

It had been a terrible experience changing into your dress while your hand was bound with Tom. But after almost a full two hours of struggling and whining, you two were already sitting down in the reception watching as everyone danced and had fun.

A close friend of yours, Joe Sugg walked up to the two of you. Him and your other friend Conor found the dare amusing and would constantly pick on the both of you.

"You guys having fun over there?" He asked laughing, Tom groaned in response and gently tugged on the handcuffs.

After a few too many, Tom was starting to be really bubbly with you and would be telling you silly jokes that got ugly laughs out of you.

"You're way nicer when you're drunk off your ass." You giggled as you took another sip of wine. Tom laughed a little.

"Why do we hate each other? Care to remind me?" He asked, you turned to look at him but shrugged in response. If you were being honest, you had no idea why you despised each other so much.

"Dunno, wanna dance?" You tugged at the handcuffs softly. He groaned but left his glass on the table and let you pull him to the dance floor.

You swayed together to the beat of the music, maybe, just maybe, Tom Holland wasn't so bad after all.

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