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You had been so distant around Peter lately and it was killing him, normally, you'd spend as much time as you could with him and would rarely leave his side, however, out of nowhere you started keeping your distance from him by not responding to his messages and ignoring him in the halls.

He hated not seeing you every day and worst of all not even knowing what he had done so he decided to put a stop on it all one Friday afternoon at school.

"You probably did something to make her act so off." Michelle told him after watching you walk away once the last class of the day ended; "She's usually very close to you."

"I think I know exactly what you did." Ned told Peter making him look in his direction with a questioning look.

Ned pulled him away from Michelle, "You didn't tell her about you know" he said while making a ptss sound and copying how his hands were when shooting webs, "that's it."

"Now just go fix it." Ned told him pushing Peter away lightly, Peter groaned before walking away, you were talking with Betty Brant so he just tapped your shoulder making you turn around.

"Y/N, can we talk?" Peter asked quietly so Betty wouldn't hear, making you smile softly, you found it adorable how shy he was, Peter noticed how you kept a distance as you walked with him, instead of taking his hand into yours and intertwining your fingers like you always did.

"Look, Peter, I don't really know how to tell you this." You paused, sighing, your eyes welling up with tears as you avoided eye contact with him, "We need to break up, there's something going on with you and you're hiding it from me, I thought we could trust each other."

Peter didn't know what to say as you walked away without looking back, in a matter of seconds, you had managed to break his heart into a million pieces, he didn't push the tears back and just let them run down his cheeks, he stood in the middle of the hallway for what felt like an eternity, processing what had just happened, he knew he should've told you about everything from the moment he was bitten, but he didn't and now... he regretted it more than anything. 

He tightened his grip on his backpack after he swung it over his shoulder, he kept his head down as he walked home, for once, Peter wasn't excited about his Spider-Man duties, he felt so terrible he didn't want to do anything.

Peter walked into the apartment, dropping his backpack on the couch and crying again, he didn't care if May saw him crying, he just wanted to get rid of the pain of his first ever heartbreak, he loved you more than anything, even tho he was just 16 he was sure about what he felt for you.

"Oh Peter! What happened to you?" May asked the poor boy, she walked into the living room after hearing his sobs from the kitchen, she hugged him, Peter immediately relaxing in his aunt's arms, all he wanted was some comfort, "She broke up with me."

The woman sighed, she hadn't seen him so upset since he had supposedly lost the Internship and she was more than eager to help him fix everything with you, "Does she know?"

Peter knew what she was talking about, he just shook his head, "Then tell her, she probably feels like you're hiding something because of how Ned and you act around her."

"I tried to tell her May, she walked away before I could do anything to stop her." 

"Then go find her."


Meanwhile, you were in your room, crying and regretting your decision, you didn't even let him explain what was wrong and that just made you cry even more, you loved him and hated the idea of him lying to you.

A loud knock on your window surprised you, you got up from your bed, not taking the soft and warm blanket off of your body, your eyes went wide when you saw Spider-Man outside of your window, holding three sunflowers and a small box of chocolates.

Before even thinking things through, you opened the window, letting the masked vigilante into your bedroom, he awkwardly stood next to the bed, not taking his eyes off of you.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said before pulling the mask off, revealing none other than Peter Parker, the person you adored, "I should've told you sooner and I didn't want you to find out like this it-"

You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him passionately, caressing his cheek softly, he melted into your delicate touch, smelling your perfume and thinking about how fortunate he was to have you.

Once you pulled away you whispered, "It's fine, we all keep secrets." 


I found this in my drafts a few minutes ago and decided to complete it, hope you guys liked this imagine, also, I finally updated two days in a row, which is nice.

-Sarah xx

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