Baby Fever//T.H.

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You had spent hours walking around the shops, hands swinging in between your bodies as you enjoyed the LA breeze.

Tom's hand was warm, in contrast to your cold one. You had missed him and the way things seemed to brighten up whenever he was around. His soft eyes stared into yours as you spoke about the movie script you had been working on for months.

Even if he felt guilty to admit it, all your words fell unheard as his attention got caught by a group of toddlers that were playing around in the fountain at the centre of a circle of shops. He smiled warmly as a little girl let out giggles as she quickly removed her hand whenever the water hit it just to place it back in the water. Her messy ginger curls were put into two ponytails with small scrunchies wrapped around them. Tom let out a soft laugh at the thought of you doing your child's hair, he was sure you'd be obsessed with braiding it and shopping for cute accessories to put into her hair.

His chuckle caught your attention as you followed his gaze until it fell on the little girl. You squeezed his hand as you smiled. You had noticed certain things Tom had been continuously doing for a few months; you noticed the stares whenever you carried your niece around or how he'd walk close to the baby clothing shop and take a few seconds to look at the items behind the large window. Tom would try to sneakily ask you if you were ready to have kids, but he hadn't asked the question directly. Still, you knew that's what he wanted.

Tom looked back at you with a loving smile as you finally started your walk back to the car. Not much was said between the two of you after that.

A few days later, you had been on the phone with your cousin. He had asked you to babysit his kids while he took his husband on a date. You were happy to accept.

Your husband was still in bed even if it was 10 in the morning, he was looking at his phone, probably playing that game he had been addicted to lately, "Hey bubba, Jason asked me to babysit, you want to-"

Tom was way too quick to interrupt before you had even finished the sentence, "Yes, I'll go with you," You let out a giggle at his eagerness. You slid next to him on the bed and draped the covers over the two of you. He kissed your forehead lovingly and wrapped his arm around your waist, so you were chest to chest. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes before getting ready for the day.   


You instantly sprinted to hold Greyson, the little three-year-old boy. You had babysat the tyke since he was only a newborn and you loved him to death. As years passed, you grew closer to Grey while six-month-old Emily would only stop crying whenever she was held by Tom. You softly tickled his sides as he squirmed around and tittered in your arms, his dimples were very prominent as he laughed, which just made you melt from cuteness.

Meanwhile, Jason carefully placed Emily in Tom's arms. You could tell just by the way his eyes lit up, that he was happy. Tom was amazing with children and you could tell that he had an undying love for the baby. You couldn't help but think about the way he'd be with kids of his own.

"You are an angel, Y/N. I swear to God." Ben, your cousin's husband, exclaimed gratefully, "You too Tom, thank you guys for doing this," Tom could only nod, as his attention was fully taken by Emily. He was softly swaying her around as Tom sang her a song under his breath, happy that she was starting to fall asleep.

"You both are magical with children, I cannot imagine how it'll be when you have your own," Jason whispered to you as he watched Tom lull his daughter to sleep. You could only smile as you nodded in agreement. Little Greyson waved goodbye to his parents before they hopped into the car, leaving Tom and you alone with the kids for the rest of the afternoon.

You carried the kid inside, Tom following behind with Em in his arms. He instantly took a seat on the L-shaped couch in the living room, making you laugh lightly. Greyson started to impatiently squirm in your arms, so you put him down and he immediately sprinted up the stairs. A sigh left your lips at the sight of the energetic toddler, you quickly followed behind to assure he was just fine.

Before you could climb all the stairs, he sprinted back down with toys in his arms. A happy laugh escaped your lips as he invited you and Tom to play with him. He took out a board game you had seen before. It had different coloured frogs and a pretty tree that would make sounds as it spun around. The three-year-old messily explained the way the board game was played and handed the two of you a few frogs and a funny catapult in the shape of a leaf.

You were having the best time of your life listening to the tiny boy roasting Tom every time he'd mess up and throw the frog way harder than he should've. Before Tom could even try and come up with a nice comeback to save what was left of his dignity, loud cries brought your attention to Emily, who was squirming around in her bassinet. Tom was quick to stand up and walk to her.

He gently scooped her in his arms and lightly cradled her. She giggled softly as she sucked on her thumb and Tom swore he could've melted right then. His loving yet distracted stare didn0t go unnoticed by you as you looked at him, "What are you thinking about Tommy?" You wondered with a soft smile. He looked back at you with timid eyes.

"Just..." Tom looked back down at the baby girl in his arms, whose hand was holding Tom's finger tightly as she curiously looked at his wedding band, " I can't stop thinkin' about the moment when we have kids of our own and I get to hold them just like this. Like, imagine... Having two kids, maybe a girl and a boy, although I'd love my children even if that wasn't the case. I can perfectly imagine you doing our daughter's hair every morning. She'd probably hate it though, cuz she'd be just as energetic as me. We'd probably end up naming her Hermione or something like that.

"And our son," He paused for a moment to let out a laugh, "I bet he'd be just like me when I was younger.  Would probably get on your nerves but he'd be such a mamma's boy. He'd be delighted with hearing some story you invented just to try and get him to go to bed... It'd be perfect, my darling," Tears were already pooling in your eyes as you heard him talk. Even Grey had gone silent as he looked at both of you with curious eyes. 

You got up from the floor and straightened the dress you were wearing. You walked up to Tom and wrapped your arms around his waist, your head resting on his shoulder as you softly whispered in his ear, "It'd be more than perfect."

This adorable request was made by emandrew  I'm really sorry because of how late these requests have been, I can't apologise enough guys.

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