Just Caring//T.H.

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Tom couldn't keep his eyes away from his phone as he scrolled through Instagram after they called him to film his scene, it was the only scene he had to film for the whole day and he was hoping to spend the rest of the day with Harrison and Y/N like they'd usually do whenever none of them were busy.

"Kids these days don't know how to take their eyes away from their phones, do they?" Robert laughed as he snatched the phone from Tom's grasp, earning a small groan of protest from the young adult, he tossed it to Harrison, who wasn't too far away, he caught it with ease and slipped it in his back pocket.

"Very funny, but, have you seen Y/N at all this morning?" Tom hadn't seen his best friend at all that morning, when usually, she'd be the one to do his makeup before scenes but that very day; she was nowhere to be seen and another person was doing his makeup instead, "No, sorry Tom."

He just shrugged and walked to the set, which was like a simulation of a giant spaceship, Benedict and Robert doing the same seconds later. Filming went smoothly like it normally would with the three experienced actors.

After retrieving his phone from Harrison, the brown eyed man asked his friend what he had asked Robert, "Have you seen Y/N?"

"She didn't come today, Y/N wasn't feeling very well." Harrison replied, to which Tom just nodded and walked away from the blond haired guy.

Robert and Benedict approached Harrison and watched as Tom left the lot, "When will they admit they like each other? They're both so oblivious it's exhausting." Benedict commented and rolled his eyes, Robert nodded in agreement while Harrison could only shrug, knowing the two older men couldn't be more correct.

You found yourself lying on the big couch wrapped around layers of blankets like a burrito, unable to keep yourself warm and comfortable as you watched reruns of Riverdale to pass the time, when you woke up, your head wouldn't stop throbbing, your throat felt dry and your stomach had instantly rejected the pop tarts you decided to eat for breakfast, it was now 1:00 in the afternoon and you were feeling even worse than in the morning.

When a loud knock was heard from the front door, a deep groan of annoyance escaped your aching throat, knowing you'd have to get out of your warm tower of blankets just to open the door.

You stood up from your spot on the couch, instantly regretting it when cold air hit your skin, your baggy hoodie and pyjama pants weren't helping, it almost felt like you were half-naked, you walked to the door, curses leaving your mouth as your socket feet lazily moved across the floor.

The door opened to reveal Tom, you practically threw yourself into the warmth of his embrace, your head laid comfortably on his chest as he wrapped one of his arms around you.

"Nice Stitch pyjamas." He said with a chuckle after you pulled away and finally let him into the house,

"Just shut up Holland." You laughed, your head still throbbing, it felt just like you'd imagine a hammer hitting your head repeatedly would, you felt awful, "Isn't it hot as hell tho? I mean... How can you be wearing all that with this weather?"

"Hot? I'm cold as fuck!" You complained after burying yourself back into your mountain of blankets you may have stolen from Tom, who knows? Tom put his hand on your forehead, making you shiver because of the coldness of his hand.

"Love, you're burning up." He mumbled, his hand still on your forehead, of course you'd be burning up, the fireplace was on and you were covered by all those blankets; a little oh escaped your lips, so that's why Haz was giving you weird looks that morning after he saw you covered in blankets.

Tom left the room after he finally convinced you to get yourself out of the multiple layers of blankets and replace the comfy hoodie for a thinner shirt, an adorable pout was on your face as he tried to pry the blankets off of you.

He returned minutes later with a cold rag, which he placed on your forehead, and a mug of warm peppermint tea, which he placed on the coffee table, "Scoot over." He mumbled and plopped down next to you on the couch, you leaned your head on his shoulder, something you found yourself doing whenever you were tried or needed comfort.

Tom passed you the cup of tea after you started complaining about being thirsty, "You're more needy than Paddy when he was little." Tom mumbled making you let out a little giggle.

"Thanks Tommy, you're the best." You replied, your voice drowned in sarcasm before you took a sip of the warm beverage, it ran down your sore throat, soothing the pain for a few instants.

You two found yourselves making commentary on the show as you watched it together, it was a thing you did frequently with Tom, whenever you two were free you'd watch one or two episodes of Riverdale.

"Anything else I can do to make you feel better?" Tom asked, you were still feeling sick, except for the fever, which had now subsided, things were practically the same as they were that very morning, "Well, I can think of something..."

"No Y/N I'm not singing Electricity, don't even ask." He interrupted, you pouted at his comment, you had forced him to sing and even dance electricity since you were teens after he lost a bet or you were bored.

"As much as I want to cuddle, I can't get you sick because the Russo brothers will kill me." You complained once again as you pushed him away softly with your feet, even though you weren't strong enough to move him one bit, "Oh c'mon Y/N, this wouldn't be the first time the two of us get sick, like remember that time when you were just comple-"

You shushed him before he could say anything else as you cringed internally by just remembering what he was talking about earning a laugh from him, "Okay, I got it, fine."

He put his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, your chest was close to his and your head rested on the space between his shoulder and his neck, "Thanks for taking care of me, always." You mumbled into his shirt.

"I always will, without a doubt." He ran his hands through the mess that was your hair, you looked up to meet his big brown eyes that were already staring back at you as he (not so subtly might I add) lowered his gaze to your lips, his hand went to cup your cheek, "Is this okay?"

You couldn't do anything else but nod, his lips captured yours in a much-awaited kiss, they moved roughly against yours, you were now practically on top of him.

"You're definitely going to be sick now." You laughed, he groaned in annoyance and pushed you softly off of him, "What a way to ruin the mood Y/N."

I hope this wasn't crap, I know I already wrote something similar with Peter but I had to write one with Tom, I just had to!!

Prohibited Love #4 will be out soon, I promise, I've just had a hard time writing it ):


P.S. I'm actually feeling quite dizzy rn, if I get sick one day before I start school I'm gonna...

-Sarah xx

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