Yesterday//P.P. 1

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The box in your arms felt way too heavy for you to be carrying it. You didn't understand how in your mother's head, it made sense to give the kid one of the bigger boxes instead of a small one. You didn't complain though, just carried the box into the house. It had a great size and was almost identical to all the other blue Suburbans in the neighbourhood. The garden was really pretty though, you couldn't help but imagine yourself playing with all your toys in the front garden after putting away your stuff.

A sigh escaped your lips at the exciting thought. You hurried up the small steps and walked into the house, the door had already been opened by your father.  Your sister Tessa helped you carry everything all the way to the room that had been designated as yours. You thanked her and began unpacking the small amount of stuff you had yet to store away.

The doorbell rang, which stopped you from packing. You rushed down the stairs, curiosity nagging at you, wanting to know who was at the door.

You walked into the kitchen where your mother was as your father opened the door, "Hey mommy, can I please have a cookie?" She nodded softly and gave you a cookie.

"Hello! My nephew and I came here to welcome you to the neighbourhood. Hopefully, we can help you with anything you're missing." The voice of a woman could be heard from the kitchen.

"Hello. It's so kind of you. We're almost done packing actually, but, you are more than welcome to come in!" Your father took a step back and let the people in.

A young, brown-haired boy that looked about your sister's age walked in after the lady. He stayed behind her shyly, which made you smile slightly. You had always been shy, which a lot of people called you weird for, so it was relieving to meet another shy person.

They sat on one of the couches as your father sat on the other one. Your mother smiled softly at you before joining your father and the woman. You noticed the boy was wearing a Star Wars shirt, which finally made you shyly approach him to try and talk about Star Wars with him.

You hit things off with Peter right off the bat. Even with the age gap between the two of you,  it was also easy to understand the other and he immediately took notice of your intelligence. You'd often talk about anything and everything, but most of the time, you were either watching movies or playing video games. You were like a little sister to Peter and he always treated you with love. He'd often help you study for exams, not like you needed much help since you were crazy smart.

As a few years went by, you found yourself feeling butterflies in your stomach whenever you were around him and without even noticing, or wanting to, you developed a crush on your nerdy neighbour. You would never say anything, you knew you'd probably end up looking like a fool since he was way older than you and would most likely never like you that way.

When his uncle Ben passed away a few years after he had met you was when you became closer. As the child you still were, you were yet to experience the real evilness of the world around you, which always made it easy for you to give him a more positive point of view in any situation. He'd often vent to you, even if he knew you probably wouldn't understand certain things. He always appreciated the fact that you listened to him.

The last day you saw him had started as any other one would. Ever since Peter became Spider-Man, he tried to protect you and keep you from harm as much as he could, so when Tessa left for college, he made it his duty to walk you to you school every morning. You had been kicking rocks around as you walked next to Peter, a few words exchanged once in a while.

"You feel ready for the exposition?" Peter asked with a warm smile as you happily nodded. He had helped you memorise it the day prior, "Yup,  I'm actually feeling confident this time around," You snickered, remembering how disastrous your last presentation had been.

Peter dropped you off at your school, that was conveniently close to him. He ruffled your hair before you pushed him away with an annoyed smile, making him laugh, "Stay safe bug," he smiled and waved goodbye. If you knew that was the last time you would see him, you would've hugged him as tight as you could manage, you regretted not doing so.

This lovely request was made by Scar_bug10  I'm so sorry it took such a long time but I hope you enjoy it anyway. I'm so excited to write this. By the way, this is just like an "introduction " to this small series.

Also, to anyone else that requested something, I'm so deeply sorry for the delay. I've been really busy with school and just feeling under the weather. But I actually finished so many things this week that I hope you guys will like.

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