The Glue Incident//T.H.

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This was requested by someone on tumblr a while back and thought I'd post it here too :))

You had been apart from each other for way too long, two months to be precise. You had gone to the States to film the new season of your TV show and Tom was growing desperate to feel your lips against his once again. The facetime calls hadn't been enough for either of you.

He had been playing videogames with Haz when his phone dinged. It was already pretty late at night and you had just gotten off the phone after talking for almost two hours. When he opened the chat, Tom dropped the controller on the couch and his attention was captivated by the picture you had just sent him. You were only wearing Tom's favourite set of lingerie of yours, the lacy material left nothing to the imagination. You took it in front of a mirror, which allowed him to have a complete view of your body.

A few minutes later, his phone dinged again and he ignored Harrison's yells of protest after he just walked out of the living room and locked himself inside his room. Once he was finally lying down on the bed, Tom opened the next picture. He could feel himself growing harder at the sight of you touching yourself in front of the mirror. The panties had already been discarded and your legs were wide open so he could see you playing with your pussy perfectly.

He slipped his hand inside his trousers after removing his shirt. Tom wrapped his hand around his length, completely focused on the pictures. Not even a minute later, you had already sent something else. This time it was a video of you touching yourself as you loudly moaned his name. You were fully naked and sprawled out on the bed, your phone resting on the nightstand so he could see you better. He felt around the bedside table for a small bottle of lotion. Tom dropped the phone on his bed to unscrew the small cap the bottle had. He let a few drops of the white lotion fall on the palm of his hand, which he proceeded to rub on his other hand as well. His hand slowly slid into his pants once again and he began to jerk himself with slow movements of his wrist. However, as the seconds passed, it grew harder and harder to move his hand up and down his length. He tried to move his hand once more, but it felt like it was glued to his dick, "What the fuck?"

Tom looked for the lotion with a panicked expression and when his eyes landed on it, he swore he wanted to dig a ditch and bury himself in it after reading the words Industrial Super Glue. He had completely forgotten that just that morning, he had used the glue to repair a picture he had broken by accident and had left it lying on the nightstand. In his defence, both products had very similar packaging and it would have been hard to notice the difference.

He got up from the bed as curses spilt from his mouth while he tried to avoid touching anything with his left hand in fear that whatever he touched would glue to his hand. For a second, Tom considered asking Harrison for help but he knew his best friend would never let him live it down and it was too embarrassing to even consider thinking about asking for help from the twins which was how he decided to take a hot shower.

As soon as the glue had completely dried on his left hand, he turned the hot water tab, desperate to wash off the glue because it was starting to burn. Tom was scared; he didn't know what the fuck he was supposed to do after glueing his hand to his dick with fucking industrial glue.

Tom hoped that just by letting the water fall on him that his hand would unglue itself, but all it did was help him realise how much of an idiot he was because oh surprise, he still had his boxer and trousers on. He quickly slid them down his legs and threw them to the corner. Tom grabbed the soap and started rubbing around the area in hopes that it would do the trick, but of course, it didn't. He tried rubbing harder and in a desperate attempt to set his hand free, he gave it a few pulls, which ended with him moaning in pain. Honestly, at that point, anything was better than asking for help. Tom could only imagine the horrific jokes that would follow if he ever tried to ask any of his friends for help. Tom could already imagine the tears in your eyes from how much you had laughed after he told you all about his incident with you over the phone the next day if he could even fix it that was.

After almost an hour of being under the water and trying to unglue his hand with anything he could find. Tom gave up and closed the tab. For some reason, Tom thought it was a good idea to sneak out of the house through his bedroom window, which was on the second floor. He had read somewhere online that paint thinner was a good thing to remove glue from stuff and if he remembered correctly, there was a can in the garage. Before he tried to do anything though, he put on a loose pair of boxers and shorts, he wouldn't risk a scandal.

It took Tom a few minutes to unlock the window with one hand but he managed to do it eventually. He slipped out of the room with ease and carefully walked around the roof. It would be even worse for him if he ended up falling.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he noticed the paint thinner sitting on one of the shelves of the garage but his relief didn't last long when he realised he'd have to jump if he wanted to reach it because it was just too far away.

"For fuck's sake. Of course, out of all people, it happens to me," Unbeknownst to Tom, the old man living right in front of them had noticed him walking around the roof as he violently moved his hand. He couldn't make out who the person was but the man wasn't going to take any risks so he immediately dialled the police.

Fortunately for the man and not so fortunately for Tom, the police were making their usual patrols nearby so it took them less than five minutes to arrive at the Holland household. He was blinded by a flashlight and he immediately covered his face with his free hand to shield his eyes from the light, "Hey! Hands where we can see them," Tom's eyes widened like two plates when he came to the realisation that it was the fucking police.

"Young man, I'm not going to ask again," Hands where I can see them," Tom gulped and spoke up with a trembling voice, "I'm uh... stuck Sir. I can't lift up my hands, I'm sorry."

"Tom, is that you?" Sam asked as Harrison, Harry and Tuwaine followed him out the house, "Uh yeah, it's me. Can you please tell the officer I'm not breaking into my own home?"

Harrison nodded, "Why the fuck is your hand inside your pants?"

The twins turned to look at Tom with more attention and tried to stifle their laughs as they realised what had possibly happened.

After Harrison tried to explain the situation to the cops in between laughs, Tom's father accompanied the embarrassed young man to the ER so he could get his problem solved.


A few weeks later, after Tom had picked you up from the airport and taken you home, you had decided to catch up with the Holland family and somewhere into the conversation, Paddy asked, "Has he told you about the glue incident" Which earned him a slap to the head from Tom. You looked at your boyfriend with raised eyebrows. He sighed deeply and rubbed his face with his hand in frustration, "You couldn't keep quiet, could you?"

His mother quickly interjected before you could question him further so you waited until you were alone with him to ask, "So, what's the glue incident?" Tom told you the whole story and you immediately broke into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

"So, you're telling me you glued your hand to- to your dick?" You laughed loudly and he pouted at you, "Yes, that's exactly what I did, okay?"

"God, I'll never let this go," You giggled as you wiped your tears. Tom grimaced at the thought of you telling the story during your vows at your future wedding because he knew none of you would ever let it go.

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