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"So, you sure you have everything?" Ned asked Peter for the fifth time, he was coming over to see you, you weren't feeling your best and he was only trying to help you feel better.

You were wrapped up in a blanket, music playing from your phone, you were sound asleep in your bed, shivering, you had a fever.

Peter crawled into your window which you left slightly  open in case he decided to visit; Peter smiled when he saw you sleeping, he thought you were very pretty.

"Peter?" You asked when the sound of the window closing woke you up; you looked around your room and saw Peter standing by the window awkwardly, he was wearing his Spider-Man suit.

"Hey Y/N, are you feeling any better?" He asked as he sat down in your bed and removed the mask; you had found out about his alter ego thanks to the fact that Ned didn't know how to keep secrets.

"Yeah, thanks Spider boy." You laughed a little and he just rolled his eyes at you.

He disappeared into your bathroom, it was a thing he always did, you always told him it was better if he came in from the front door and his response always was that your parents intimidated him.

Peter reappeared, now wearing normal clothes, you made him a space in your bed so he could cuddle with you, even if you were friends it still felt like such a normal thing to do.

"You'll get sick too Peter." You told him even tho you knew he didn't really mind.

"It's worth it if I get to spend time with you." Peter smiled kissing your forehead.

He gave you a few snacks he had bought for you because he knew how much you loved sweets.

Peter wrapped his arms tighter around your waist bringing you closer to him, you rested your head on his chest and felt as one of his hands went through your hair.

You spent a lot of time in that position, just talking about what you had missed since you hadn't gone to school.

"Flash asked Liz to homecoming, let's just say it didn't go that well." You laughed a little, it was a very Flash thing to do, he asked half the school out including you but you declined without thinking twice.

"Would you like to go with me to homecoming?" He whispered in your ear, you had been waiting for him to ask you.

"I'd love to Peter, I thought you'd never ask." You answered almost immediately, no one in their right mind would say no to Peter.

"Would you sing to me? I haven't been able to get any sleep." He nodded with a smile on his face, he really loved singing to you.

He started singing to you with that sweet voice of his, a few minutes later you drifted off into a deep sleep with Peter's arms wrapped around your waist.

This is kinda short, sorry.

So I'm very sick, oh how I wish I had a Peter Parker to take care of me, my friends and my crush went to the water park ): oh welp.

-Sarah xx

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