Time Will Tell//T.H. 5

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You were looking down at the picture in your hands, fresh tears still in your eyes. A cry of frustration escaped your lips as you hit the mattress of your bed. Why had you made the mistake of going to the stupid party?

As you stared down at the picture, you wondered how that unbreakable bond could've been so easily broken by a silly argument. The picture was of the two of you lying on his bed playing videogames, Tessa was sitting on your lap and Tom was raising his arms in victory. You remembered when that picture was taken. Just seconds prior, you had tried to distract Tom by kicking him, so he'd lose, in the end, Tessa was the one to distract you.

The words from the argument echoed inside your head painfully. You didn't know if things would be better if the two of you got back to being best friends, maybe it would or maybe it would not.

Even after those long six years, there was still a gaping hole in your heart, almost like a puzzle piece, that only Tom could fill up. For so many years he had been your rock, your shoulder to cry on; basically, everything you had to keep yourself up and navigating through life with happiness and ease.

You still remembered the late nights trying to play the piano together, which would generally end up in a laughing fit, or the times when you forced him to dance whenever your favourite song played on the radio. There was never anything to hide when you were with Tom.

But the moment your eyes met his pretty brown ones at the party, you just felt yourself crumble down because he mattered and because of how much it hurt to fuck things up with him and just disappear from his life.

A sigh left your lips as you placed the photo on the nightstand and aggressively wiped your tears away. You covered yourself up with a blanket and turned off the light as a deep breath escaped past your lips.


"Today, we are writing a letter to someone important to us." You smiled the classroom full of seven-year-olds, they were one of the quietest groups you had and they were the younger ones. There were loud squeals heard across the room as you announced the activity. You knew they were all really close friends and loved activities like those.

You gave each kid a coloured page that Cassie had been generous enough to buy, along with a few stickers and glitter, which you knew would be a pain in the ass to clean later. You walked back to your desk and sat down. A Spotify playlist made by your students played from the speakers. They all stayed in silence as they worked happily.

You could see Rachel and her best friend Ethan laughing and whispering things to each other as they wrote on the paper. A smile made its way to your lips as you watched the pair interact, just wishing you could go back to that age when things were just way easier.

When recess started, you stayed inside the classroom to eat the lunch you had packed. A few minutes later, a knock was heard. You looked at the open door to see Cass standing there with a bag in her hands.

Cass had apologized countless times for dragging you into the party and much to your surprise, she didn't even know Tom would be there. She only stopped after she was sure you had forgiven her, which you had.

"So... I brought you your favourite Starbucks order. I also kind of just got fired." Cass said with a sad smile on her face. A sigh left your lips, you knew how much Cassie loved her job. She had been devastated after they announced that the animal shelter she was working at would close for good. You had been too, because the owners were the ones that had given Moonie to Cass and you, along with your dog Charlie, that had passed away a few months earlier.

"Oh darling, come 'ere." You opened up your arms to comfort your best friend. She accepted the loving gesture without much hesitation after placing the bag on your desk. You rubbed her back as an attempt to comfort her.

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