More Than Just Living//T.H.

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This is based on one of my favorite songs Ya No Vivo Por Vivir by Juan Gabriel and Natalia Lafourcade. I hope you guys enjoy!!

Poco a poco a poquito me fuiste enseñando

A besar tus labios, tus ojos, tus manos, tu cuerpo

Little by little you taught me

To kiss your lips, your eyes, your hands, your body

Tom and Y/N had been best friends for years. Ever since Tom accidentally walked in on her kissing a guy in one of the supply closets back when they were in High School, they had almost sworn on being best friends for the rest of their lives.

They were polar opposites. Tom had always been the hopeless romantic out of the two and while Y/N did believe in love, she spoke of it as if it was a waste of time. They made it work though, it was like the perfect balance, they kept the other out of trouble.

Something that had always been clear between them was their limits. Tom and Y/N couldn't deny they had amazing chemistry and already acted as if they were dating, but even then, the mere thought of something else that was not platonic was prohibited. They wanted to keep their friendship intact and protect it from any type of drama or consequences non-platonic intimacy could bring.

Agreements like those don't always last forever though, especially when they involve people like Y/N and Tom. There was something between them, almost like magnetic energy that instinctively pulled them together.

One particular night, a bottle of tequila and two broken hearts was all they needed to break that silent agreement. They lost themselves in the pleasurable feeling of their lips being pressed together, of Tom's hands roaming Y/N's body and skin against skin.

It didn't stop after that. Their agreement changed to only being friends with benefits, without any feelings involved. It seemed easy. They were both single and trusted no one more than they trusted each other, nothing could ever go wrong.

Soñando te tengo en mis brazos

Quiero ser de ti, yo voy a ser de ti

El más grande y dulce amor

Dreaming I have you in my arms

I want to be yours, I'm going to be your

Greatest and sweetest love

It had been one of those mornings where Y/N woke up to Tom sleeping right next to her with his arm draped over her waist and his face buried in one of the pillows.

She started panicking the moment she looked at her phone and noticed it was already five minutes until 11 am. Y/N flicked Tom's forehead, making him groan, "Tom," She whined and flicked him again, "Wake up or we're going to be late."

Tom groaned once again and turned around to lie on his back. He looked up at her with tired eyes, "Late to what? It's a Saturday for fuck's sake. Just come back to bed," He spoke in a raspy voice.

"To the wedding!" She exclaimed and stood up from the bed. Y/N reached for one of her sandals, "If you don't get up, I'm hitting you with my sandal."

He sighed and sat up. Tom rubbed his tired eyes with his hands and let out a jawn, "At what time is it?"

"Well, the ceremony started about uh..." Y/N looked down at her phone, "Thirty minutes ago. The party starts at 12 so we have about ten minutes to get ready considering the fact that it takes about forty minutes to get to the venue."

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