Just an Old Sailor's Tale//T.H.

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The kiss was feverish, rushed; you both knew how much you desired each other. Tom couldn't be more desperate to get you closer to him; he pulled you into his lap with force, not once separating his mouth from yours. You straddled his hips and grasped his hair as you deepened the kiss. His shirt had already been discarded and was now on the other side of the room.

His hands roamed your body slowly as if he was trying to remember every single detail of the masterpiece that your body was. The kisses he left on your neck were just as delicate; he sucked and bit on your skin, turning it a shade of purple.

"I love you so much princess, you're perfect." You smiled as you heard him say those words. He had stopped kissing you just to admire the bright smile on your face but resumed quickly. A feeling of happiness invaded you as you lay on the couch with Tom above you, peppering your body with kisses. You were experiencing the peace you longed for, a moment alone with your husband, just the two of you, enjoying each other.

You lifted your body slightly, just enough for him to take off your shirt, "You're gorgeous my love."

A sudden feeling of coldness woke Tom up from his sleep. The first thing he noticed was how stiff his neck was and how much his back hurt. He had fallen asleep on the ship's deck. The first thing he saw after rubbing his eyes with force was Harrison standing above him with a broom, then, he noticed his wet clothes and hair, there had been tears running down his face, but at that point, he wasn't sure if they were tears or water.

"Mate, what the fuck?" Tom complained to his best friend as he watched him standing there with a sad look on his face. Harrison had noticed how he was stirring around and he could hear your name come out of Tom's mouth in hushed whispers. He had no idea how to wake Tom up from his slumber; thankfully the heavy rain had woken him up.

Tom got up from the floor and noticed it was pouring. Even with the harsh conditions nature had to offer, everyone was still doing their labour, even some men that looked like they were about to pass out from the lack of food.

"We should get you inside." Harrison helped his friend walk, he had seen him drink cup after cup until he passed out on the floor, no one dared to move the young sailor, so they just left him on the ground.

They walked into the room where they'd eat their food almost every day. Men had gathered around, some of them playing cards, others drinking away as they joked around.

"Aye, I see you're finally awake." Robert, the man in charge walked up to them with a smirk. He was a longtime friend of Tom's family so it was safe to say he knew Tom and his history very well. "I'm happy to see you could actually get a decent sleep."

Tom sighed and nodded as he avoided Robert's gaze, "Me too, lately, it's just her that's on my mind, I miss her." You had passed away just four months ago after getting so sick no one could do anything to help you, taking the baby you were expecting with you. It had left Tom without a purpose seeing as the most important things in his life were you and the baby you were expecting. He found his path again when he became a sailor.

"Just don't think about her when you're near a mermaid. That shit messes you up." Tom looked in confusion at a man in the back of their so-called bar, he was approaching them.

His breath fanned in Tom's face once he was close enough, it reeked of alcohol; obviously, an indication that the white-bearded man had drunk one too many.

"Mermaids are just looking for broken men to kill and feed the ocean, I'm telling you." He whispered.

"That's bollocks." Harrison replied quickly after, he was never one to believe in silly myths like those. Tom just agreed with a nod, "Think that all you want boys, just remember I warned you."


Tom sighed as he looked up from the notebook he had in hand. His eyes had started to fill with tears as he wrote about you on his notebook. He had started to do that since you passed away, in fear that one day the memories he had of you would turn to dust and he wouldn't be able to remember. Some saw it as self-torture, but he just wanted to keep your memory alive.

He accommodated himself on the squeaky and uncomfortable bed and glanced at his best friend, who was still sound asleep. He was about to extinguish the candle and cover himself up with the thin bed sheets when he heard the prettiest sound that had ever reached his ears, even prettier than your laugh or your voice.

Harrison didn't seem to hear a thing as he was still sleeping, shivering every now and then due to the coldness of the ship. Tom walked out of the tiny room he shared with Haz as he followed the song; he looked at the sea from the deck. There was no one there he could see, but the song still resonated inside his head, loud and clear. It seemed as if he had just fallen into a deep trance. He jumped into the freezing water without much thought and he swam and swan until his arms were sore, not even that stopped him. Tom stopped only when he had reached land and the music finally stopped.

That's when he saw you, sitting on a rock, a big blue tail was replacing your legs and your long (y/h/c) covered your exposed breasts. Tom stood there in awe, wondering if you were really there or if it was just a product of his imagination, "Y/N?"

AN: I'm sorry that this isn't as long, I haven't had the motivation to write in months, hence the lack of activity in this account, I don't even know what this is either, thanks for reading!

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