The Huntsman//T.H. A.U. Part 1

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"Tom, your father's expecting you." Tom got up from his bed as soon as he heard Harrison come inside, he had just arrived back to his father's mansion after months of being absent, taking care of an issue for his father, Harrison was his second in command.

Tom was a cold and smart man, he never let emotions get the best of him at the wrong times and he never gave up on things until they were the way he pleased, that's what made Tom Holland one of the best supernatural hunters in all England and whoever knew him, knew that if he was commanded to kill you, you'd not live to see another day, it would be your doom.

Dominic Holland was the man who was in charge of training young girls and boys in Europe so they'd eventually become the hunters that would finally end with supernatural creatures.

Tom walked down the many halls of the cold and quiet mansion in the early hours of the morning in search of his father, he knocked on the door of his father's office, the doors he had walked through so many times only to be sent away by his father once more.

"Hello, my boy," Dominic told the young adult who was now standing in front of him with a confident look on his face, "I'm happy to find out that you completed your mission without any troubles, congratulations Thomas."

Tom smiled proudly at his father's compliments, "However, that doesn't mean that work is finished, not yet at least." H gestured for his son to sit down, Tom sat down on the comfortable chair on the other side of the desk, he watched intently as his father scanned with his eyes the many books on the walls and took out a book Tom had read many times. 

"Does the name Tanner Harlow sound familiar to you Thomas?" Thomas nodded, his eyes never leaving the book his father had forced him to memorize page by page, detail by detail.

"Well obviously, he was the shapeshifter that could transform himself into any creature he desired, the last one of his kind, was murdered by the Russian hunter Nadya Pavlov in 1996." There was an extense legend behind the name Tanner Harlow, his story and how he was killed by a famous hunter was popular between hunters and supernatural creatures alike.

Dominic nodded at him, "You're right, except for a minimal detail, he's not the last one of his kind like we all expected." 

Tom looked at his father with a puzzled look, that couldn't be possible, there was no record or evidence of a shapeshifter of that kind.

"Sounds unlikely, I know, but look at what Sam found the other day." He was handed a folder with a few pages.

He scanned the first page which contained a picture of a young girl who was apparently named Y/N Y/L/N, her birthday and other important things about her.

"Notice anything?" Dominic asked as he watched his son scan the paper, Tom looked up for a second and shook his head, "She looks like a normal girl from what I've read father."

"We believe her to be Harlow's daughter, Sam tried finding information that almost confirms it, no one ever saw Harlow's lover  until 3 years after he was killed and they believe that she ran away while she was pregnant, this girl has been in the foster system until she was a kid after her mother was killed, her mother died the same day Tanner's wife did."

Tom was surprised at all his father was saying, they never did anything without being 100% sure, but he understood his father's worried state, somebody as powerful as Harlow was dangerous.

"Look for her and find out what she knows and kill her."


This is kind of an introduction to a small series I'm writing.

Congrats to anyone who met Tom this weekend!

I really hope I can meet him if he comes to a CONQUE in Mexico, anyways, that's all

-Sarah xx

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