The Huntsman//T.H. A.U. Part 2

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This is kind of a mix between the real world/Marvel/ Teen Wolf just so you guys know.

You were talking to your best friend Zendaya as you put the books in the right bookshelf, it was already pretty late and you were ready to go back home and sleep for the next two days, work had been stressing the shit out of you lately, you still had to go to UNI in the morning and go straight to work in the afternoon, all because you were too stubborn to let your father pay for college.

The library you worked at was about to close and you were in charge of putting the books where they belonged after people took them out to read, you really loved your job, by now you were almost like the manager of the shop since you and Zendaya were the only people who watched over, Zendaya generally was there during the morning though.

"How's Robert?" Zendaya asked you, Robert was your legal guardian, the man that had taken you under his wing after your mom died.

"He's great, kinda worried about leaving me alone while he is in Germany, sometimes I think he forgets that I'm 20, not 10."

The bell by the door jingled informing you that somebody had entered the store, you looked up to see a young man with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes standing by the door.

You mentally groaned, he was surely going to take some time and you had to close that day which meant that you were going to be late for dinner.

The guy walked up to you and Zendaya with a smile, "Anything I can help you with?" You asked, sending a smile back, politely.

"Just looking, thanks anyways Y/N." The way his innocent smile changed to a sinister one sent shivers down your spine as your name rolled off his tongue, you were pretty sure you didn't have your tag on, did you know him from somewhere?

Zendaya looked back at you with furrowed eyebrows, she could sense how frustrated you were at that point, "Give me the keys, I'll close for you, you should get some rest Y/N."

You nodded and tossed her your keys, you put on the coat that was delicately placed over the table Zendaya was sitting at, you walked out of the store and into the snow-covered streets of London, Robert's car was parked right outside the store, you got into the car and immediately turned on the heat.

The house wasn't so far away from where you worked so it didn't take long for you to get there, you walked inside the house and hung your coat on the coathanger that was placed near the door.

"Dad, I'm home!" You called out, Robert was not your father, but you never met your father so he was the closest thing to a father figure, after all, he was the one who raised you since you were a child.

"I'm in the kitchen!" He called back seconds later, you dropped your bag on the tiled floor and walked to the kitchen where Robert was sitting sipping coffee, he looked back at you with a worried expression clear on his face, "Is everything okay?" You asked him worriedly, the last time you had seen him with that look on his face was when he told you your mother was gone.

"Y/N sweetheart, we need to talk." 

"About what exactly?" You furrowed your brows, God knows what he was about to tell you, you really hoped he wasn't about to kick you out because you barely had any money.

You sat down on the stool next to him and waited to see what he wanted to talk about, however, he just stood up and left, you were confused to say the least, you would have followed behind him if he hadn't returned almost immediately with a book and a small box.

"I swore to your mother I would take this secret to the grave, but he's coming for you, I can feel it." Robert was mumbling words you couldn't understand aside from that small sentence that made you panic instantly.

"I-I, you need to listen, please don't make any questions until I finish, this is life or death and you're not going to like anything I'm about to say." Robert stammered, you nodded letting him know you understood and that he should carry on with the story, he handed you a picture of a man, he looked not a bit older than 25, the picture sent shivers down your spine because that man looked so similar to you.

"Tanner Harlow was a man that was persecuted for most of his life, a man that committed many crimes out of fear and confusion, a shapeshifter, the only person in this world to be able to transform himself into anything and anyone, something not even one of the most powerful wizards could dream of doing.

"Tanner Harlow used to be the ambition of any hunter, they wanted their hands to be stained with his blood and they wanted to hear him scream in pain and beg for his life as they killed him slowly and mercilessly.

"The hunters screamed in victory after Nadia Pavlov killed Tanner after an exhausting and intense fight, they had finally ended with the Harlow family for good, that was until his daughter was born, he named her Y/N."

Robert paused for a few seconds, leaving you two in an agonizing silence as you tried to process whatever he had told you.

"So you're telling me I'm a what sorry? I'm like Mystique from the fucking X-Men?" You asked in annoyance, you had never heard something as ridiculous as that in your whole life.

"No, that's just fantasy," you snorted, THAT was fantasy but this had to be real, as if, "You've turned yourself into other things before Y/N, I just erased your memory and blocked out your power, if you found out about your powers you could get killed."

Yet another moment of silence as those words left his mouth, that explained how your mother disappeared or why you couldn't remember certain things, but it was fantasy, you didn't want to accept it.

"I don't believe it, I don't beli-." You shut up when you saw golden sparks come out of Robert's hands, your eyes widened in disbelief at what was happening, "Okay I'm totally dreaming, I'll wake up and I'll be in my bed, this is totally not real."

The sparks got brighter and brighter as seconds passed and the last thing you felt was Robert holding you before everything turned black. 


"I'm having mixed feelings about this Tom." Tom looked at his friend who had just returned from the library the girl he was supposed to kill worked, as Tom had suspected, Harrison hadn't found anything unusual about Y/N but he could always be wrong, "I know you are a killer and you've killed many, but you just don't kill innocent people."

Tom shook his head, "I don't care whether she's innocent or not, I won't let a Harlow harm my family, never again." Tom stood up from his chair, his fist colliding with the desk, Tom could not risk anything, he would never forgive himself.

"I'm not waiting around Haz, the quicker this gets done the better, I need to get to know this girl with my own eyes." Tom walked out of the hotel room, leaving his best friend confused, only the two of them knew the real reason behind Tom's urge to kill her and it wasn't because of his father.


Welp, I should be studying for two exams right now, but here I am, hoped you enjoyed this chapter :)

Thank you so much for 2k, it feels unreal, I never thought this book would get so much reads, thank you so much for taking your time to read this book 

-Sarah xx

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