If By Chance//P.P.

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"You're not what I need anymore," Peter confessed. Your head snapped up to meet his gaze. Tears were running down his face and you could tell it was hard for him to keep eye contact with you. You were hesitant as you reached up to softly wipe the tears with your thumb, only to be pushed away by Peter's hand, "But... all we've fought for Peter, all we have..."

His gaze visibly softened as he heard your words. He was doing the correct thing, right? "I know Y/N, just, please don't make this harder for me than what it already is," Peter said after a few seconds of silence. Your mouth practically fell open at his words, you couldn't believe what he was saying.

"This is hard for you? Let me remind you that I love you! It's not easy for me either, don't you see? We can still do something, just please let me!" You pleaded, causing no further effect on him. A sigh left your parted lips, how could that be happening?

Peter took a few steps backwards, to keep his distance after you took steps forward to try and get close to him, "Don't you see it? The decision is already taken. Your parents don't want us together and there's nothing else I can do that I know of. You told me yourself, they don't even want us to speak to each other."

You quickly wiped the tears that had started to fall down your face. His last statement had left you without words because you knew he was right, "Well fuck that! I was not thinking clearly, besides, since when are decisions forever Pete?" He shook his head softly as yours hid behind your hands.

"I cannot keep doing this. In all this time we've been together Y/n, we've never gotten anywhere, have we?" A look of disbelief was reflected in all your facial features at his words. You would've thought he was joking if it wasn't coming out of his mouth in such a serious tone. You knew Peter was not the same since the snap but was he really that different? That cold?

You looked into his honey brown eyes, pleading, wishing for a sign that this was not real, just confusion and sadness talking. After some time of practically nothing was when you realised that this was actually happening, there was nothing behind Peter's words other than honesty. It broke your heart.

"Y/N. Y/N stop it." A harsh voice spoke up. It was obviously Harry judging by his tone, the same tone he seemed to use whenever the topic of Peter came up, "What?" You replied harshly as you looked back at the blond-haired man staring back at you with concern in his eyes.

Harry opened up the curtains of your room and sat down next to you on the unmade bed, "It's been two years darling," An exasperated sigh left your lips as you realised where the conversation was heading. You didn't want to talk about it again.

He reached for your phone, which was held tightly between your hands. Harry sighed as he saw that he was right. A picture of Peter and Gwen Stacy was staring back at him. You had looked up his profile yet again and he knew exactly what you were doing the moment he walked through the door. Things had been that way since you broke up with Peter after your parents discovered everything the two of you were doing behind closed doors.

Harry knew better than anyone how strong the connection and chemistry was between you and Peter. He understood perfectly why letting go of him was so hard, but things had gotten even worse as time passed, "Haz, I'm fine, honestly. We do not have to talk about this."

His intense gaze persisted for a few seconds until you finally broke, "Okay fine. I just cannot stop thinking about it, at least not after what happened on your birthday. What I did was stupid and it just opened back old wounds."

You had been avoiding Peter for months, only sending him a few texts every now and then just to ask if he could give you back a few things of yours he still had. All that changed on Harry's birthday though. His father had organised a trip to Paris for Harry and a few of his friends. Harry still had a tight bond with Peter, which you did not blame him for since he had hurt you, not him. You obviously had to tag along since you were Harry's sister.

Things were incredibly confusing to you. You couldn't really remember much from that day since it was quite fussy. However, you did remember ending up alone at the hotel after getting sick from eating suspicious seafood the night before. Peter had decided to stay with you just to be nice, for nothing more. You started to talk to him again and you honestly felt like you had your Peter back, he was just so easy to talk to. It all started with a kiss, but of course, it didn't stop there.

The next day, however, Peter practically acted as if you didn't exist and that's when you came to the crude realisation that whatever had happened the night before was just a game to him and nothing more.

Truth was, Peter Parker had been your first best friend, your first love. Even after the thing in Paris, you would've been dumb enough to take him back if he ever asked, just because you were in love and being in love made you sickly selfish. Everyone had repeatedly told you that you should've moved on a long time ago. They all spoke like it was easy, like your relationship with Peter had been nothing other than just teenagers playing like they were grown-ups.

"I don't really want to talk about this Harry, let's I dunno, watch tv or something." You pleaded. Your brother nodded and that's where the conversation died down as you both focused your attention on the episode of Elite that was playing on the TV.


The next day you found yourself comfortably sitting on a couch in the school's library. You had been asked to give a small conference about human cognition. A lot of books were placed on the coffee table closest to you as you read through each and every one of them as you wrote down key things about each book. Loud laughs took your attention away from what you were doing. You looked around for the source of the sound, even though you knew perfectly well who it belonged to. Peter was laughing around with Gwen.

A sigh left your lips at the sight, you didn't know why it seemed necessary to the Universe to make you see them. At the same time, you could not help but feel embarrassed for being so selfish. If you were being true to yourself, it hurt you to think that you weren't the cause of any of his smiles anymore.

After your breakup with Peter, there had been so many questions left pending, so many things you still wondered and things you didn't want to know.

You knew your brother was right. Being stuck in the same place was not healthy, especially after dreaming about him so many times and after realising how much you wanted him back.

Moving on had been a process you worked on the months that followed. you didn't speak to him at all just like you had done before. You also tried getting to know new people per Harry's request. It hadn't been easy but you were really trying to leave your past behind so you could finally focus on your future and on everything you wanted to do.

The thing that helped the most was moving away to go to University. You had finally started to get to comprehend yourself in a way you just hadn't previously, which helped enormously with your healing. Either way, Peter still held a special place in your heart, because even after all those years, you had never met someone that could even compete with your first love.

One morning, you were cleaning around your apartment. It had gotten a bit messy after inviting your friends over for a small party which ended up being twice the size you had planned.

You collected all of the red solo cups and placed them in a trash bag as you listened to one of your favourite songs, which you hadn't been able to hear in so long since it had always been Peter's song.

A knock on the door made you leave the bag on the floor. You looked around the apartment and made sure that it looked great enough before opening the door. You were shocked when your eyes met those familiar soft brown eyes that had once belonged to the love of your life. Peter passed a hand through his messy mop of curls nervously before finally speaking up, "Hey."

Hey! So I'm finally back after a small hiatus. This imagine was requested by the lovely Scar_bug10

I hope you guys enjoy this!

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