Time Will Tell//7

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Your attention fell on the wall next to your bed. You scanned the pictures hanging on the wall as unshed tears started pooling in your eyes. You reached out a hand and traced the photograph of Tom.

You shut your eyes tightly and shook your head as soft whimpers escaped your lips. From the corner of your eye you spotted the teddy bear. It seemed like he was looking at you with his little button eyes, you chuckled at the thought. You reached for the plushie and more whimpers fell from your lips as you smelled the shirt he had on.

Tom had given you the plushie the first time Tom had to travel far for too long. He had dressed the bear with a Spider-Man shirt he had had since you were toddlers and had made sure to spray some of his cologne over it. Whenever you missed your best friend you'd just cuddle the bear as the comforting smell of his cologne filled your nostrils.

Now you found yourself clutching it out of desperation. You needed Tom. He was your best friend, your rock and most of all the closest you could ever get to having a soulmate. The moment he didn't show to your birthday party or sent a message was when you understood that the fight was it. You friendship was officially over.

Years later, the damn bear was still sitting close to your bed so you could reach out and grab it on days when you couldn't sleep. It was often that you had to cuddle the little stuffed animal. Cass had commented on the habit a few times but she really didn't think much of it.

That morning, when you woke up, the thing was being crushed by your arms. You let it go and reached for your phone, which was sitting on your bedside table.

Your eyes went wide as you noticed you had almost ten missed calls from an unknown number and a few texts from the same mystery person

Once you noticed they had left a voicemail, you let it play, "Good evening Miss L/N. I apologise in advance for calling this late. My name is Greg Collins. The motive of this voicemail is to offer you the opportunity to audition for a spot in our newest production. Unfortunately, that's all I can tell you over the voicemail. For more information please send an email to the direction we sent you over text."

You sat in your bed, eyes open wife and more awake than you've ever been. You blinked slowly and then pinched yourself as hard as you could. You groaned in pain and rubbed the spot you had just pinched. You definitely weren't dreaming. With a shaky voice, you called out, "Cassidy!"

It was highly possible that she had stayed the night at Harrison's, after all, it was his and Tom's last night in San Diego.

However, your best friend walked in a few minutes later. You sighed in relief and sent her a panicked look, "You've seen it, haven't you?" You nodded.

"Yeah, um, I-I got a call from fucking Greg Collins. He's so famous for his successful plays and he offered me an audition," You explained, still in disbelief.

She raised her eyebrows in confusion, "I-I meant your Instagram... It's blowing up," You furrowed your brows and shook your head, "I have my notifications for Instagram turned off. Hold on."

You turned your phone on again and got into the app. Your eyes grew wide when you noticed the amount of followers you had gained throughout the night. Many people were tagging you in the same video. You clicked play on it and much to your surprise, it was a video of you singing at the cafe the night before.

After a few more minutes of looking for the source of the video, you found out Tom had posted it on his story, "Holy shit, I'm gonna kill him."

"Hey, hey, sweetheart, calm down. Weren't you the one who said you wanted to get back into the business. Here's your opportunity," She smiled, arms crossed over her chest. You sighed knowing she was right.

"This is still not- I mean, I have to think about it, I can't just up and leave," You explained, Cass shrugged, "Ask for more info before saying no."

You sighed and nodded, "Fine."


Days later, after you sent the mail, you received a lot of information about the production. You also received a message from Tom.

Harrison obviously had given him your number. He asked to meet up with you. After a lot of consideration, you agreed.

That brought you to where you were, sitting down on a booth at a cafe with a hot chocolate in hand, facing Tom.

None of you had said a word in the whole twenty minutes you had been sitting there. Tom was obviously the first one to break the silence, "I'm sorry for the way things went at Harrison's and for posting the video."

You shook your head and for the first time, looked up to meet his eyes, "You don't have to apologise. If anything, I should be thanking you. I-I got a call from Greg," You smiled softly and he reciprocated the grin.

"Good, you deserve it."

"Okay Tom, enough ass kissing," You laughed, "Why did you ask to meet up?" Tom sighed and took a sip of her s coffee, which was, in fact, more milk thank coffee.

"Well, I-uh, I couldn't go back to London without fixing this," He gestured at the two of you, "Look, I know you, or at least I hope I still do," He whispered the last part in a volume that was barely audible for you.

You wanted to whisper back 'You still do' but you didn't, "I know that to others our fight was pointless, but I-What I mean to say is I should've apologised sooner. Fuck, I should've apologised that same day."

Tom sighed and covered his face with his hands for a few seconds. Once his eyes met yours again, you spoke up, "I'm sorry for running. We could've fixed this earlier if I hadn't run."

He softly smiled and it filled you with relief. Tom was not one to really hold a grudge after apologising, so maybe, of things went well, you'd have your best friend back. God knows that you need him as much as you did when you were a child.

Tom stood up and walked to your side and waited with arms open wide until you stood up and hugged him. Tears were already pooling in your eyes when you embraced him. You inhaled his comforting scent and relaxed into his touch. Things felt right.

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