Dance With Me//T.H.

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Sweat was dripping down your face as you took another sip of water; you were still trying to regain your breath after running through the choreography for what seemed to be the millionth time that afternoon, the sun that was coming in from the windows only heated up the place more and Tom could see the exhausted expression on your face, but he knew you wouldn't give up, not until you had finished piecing the choreography together at least.

"Baby, why don't you take a break and finish this tomorrow?" Tom asked softly as he snaked his arms around your waist from behind you, you looked at him through the mirror that covered the wall, Y/E/C eyes never leaving his brown ones.

"I would but I just..." Your mouth closed, leaving the sentence incomplete, you shook your head, dismissing the thought that had popped up on your mind, "Need help?"

You turned around in your boyfriend's arms and looked at him with a sweet smile; Tom was even more exhausted than you. He had just returned from a tiring day on set after all, but the moment he heard the music coming from the small dance studio in your shared home, he instantly forgot he was even tired and was patient enough to sit down and watch with a smile as you put your all into finishing that dance.

"I- you're- okay yes I do if you don't mind." You hesitated for a bit before agreeing, the last thing you wanted was to make your boyfriend more tired than he already was, you appreciated how much attention he paid to your work and how willing he always seemed to help whenever you could, "The guys have wanted to learn a choreography for a Grease song and I can't really figure out this part."

The song started playing once again, the familiar lyrics to We Go Together started as you showed him the progress you had made. He watched intently as you moved smoothly throughout the big room, trapped in your own little world as you let the music take control of your body.

You stopped when the part that was troubling you started and Tom started dancing instead, adding moves that went with the song and some of his own into the mix, needless to say, you finished the choreography quick and both of you got a well-deserved rest.

Since that day, it became normal for the two of you to spend hours on the studio dancing and putting together different dance sequences, you were a dance teacher after all and you needed to come up with a different choreography every week to teach the kids.

Tom didn't mind it one bit though. After you had dragged him to one of your classes on his free day, without protest from his side, he fell in love with it as much as you had and insisted on going with you on every opportunity he had.

"Tommy!" You giggled as you entered your shared home, you had just finished the Thursday class and were in a good mood like you typically were after class and the fact that Tom had finally finished all his projects and would be at home for a while with you just made everything better.

"Hi pretty girl, how was class today?" Tom asked; you found him on the backyard, taking advantage of the sunny July afternoon as he practised flips on his big air mat; he was out of breath as he spoke, but he still wore a bright smile as he interacted with you.

"It was amazing; the guys have improved like crazy!" You jumped a little bit and eventually joined Tom on the air mat and you two started jumping around like two little kids high on sugar, "I bet you lost your back handspring." Tom joked with a laugh; you put a hand over your heart and put on an offended expression, which made your childish boyfriend laugh even more.

After hesitating for a second and drying your slippery hands and feet in your jeans, you executed a perfect back handspring; you left Tom with his mouth hanging open in surprise, you laughed and closed his mouth with your hand.

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