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Peter smiled and you swore you felt your heart stop right then and there.

The day had been so relaxing. Tony Stark had been dumb enough to let his daughter and her best friend borrow his brand new car for the weekend so they could go on a road trip and you had decided to just drive wherever the two of you pleased.

Rain was falling roughly and it was thundering. Your feet rested comfortably on Peter's lap, covered by a fuzzy blanket you had found in Peter's room before leaving. You were singing along softly to the song playing for your playlist, "You're just too good to be true, I can't take my eyes off you."

Peter looked back at you when he stopped for a mere second, he felt almost delusional when he thought you were singing it for him. As you looked into his eyes and sang you just looked so peaceful, so pretty... But you were not his for the taken, he knew that perfectly. You deserved someone better than him, but he was just so enamoured by you, your gorgeous eyes, your body (which usually remained hidden underneath baggy clothing), but most of all, your amazing personality and intelligence beyond your years.

He managed to join into the singing, a bright smile on his face as he saw how happy you were. Peter's soft eyes focused on the road once again as he kept driving. You were looking out the window, observing the mountains and the beautiful forest surrounding you. A glimmer was in your eyes at the sight, you had always been a fan of the outdoors. You couldn't even start to imagine all the lively colours things would have once your life was blessed with colour.

"So, Spidey, will you care to tell me where we're going?" You insisted once again. Peter had been driving for hours, you didn't mind it one bit though, as it was relaxing and peaceful. He shook his head; Peter tickled the bottom of your foot with the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel. Your soft giggles filled the room as you kicked his hand away with your other foot, "Be patient Y/N, you won't regret it, I promise."

You nodded the soft smile still in your face as you rested your head back on the window once again and kept listening to the rain falling on the hood of the car. You were so entertained by everything that you had completely forgotten about the book that was sitting on your lap, ready to be opened and read.

"Have you ever thought about the colour of your eyes or hair?" You asked out of curiosity to your best friend. He looked back at you for an instant, "Well I mean, before May's vision turned back to black and white she said my hair's brown, however that looks like, so I don't know."

The car stopped eventually in front of a cabin. A beautiful cabin you hadn't visited since you were a child. You remembered telling Peter it was probably your favourite place in the world. So peaceful and away from everything, somewhere where you could really think and talk about anything without the annoying buzz of a phone interrupting you.

You looked at the lake that wasn't too far from the cabin. It was the place where you had spent your summer vacations during your childhood, a place to explore and take a break from everyone. The cabin was just as you remembered it. It still looked so inviting and warm, even from the outside.

"I thought it would be a great place to stay for the weekend. I love how much you like staying here so..." Peter told you as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. He didn't know if it was the right decision, but after seeing the shine in your eyes, he knew it was the right decision. You ran inside to find shelter inside the cabin even though you were already soaked.

You had decided to watch Carrie with Peter in a true Halloween spirit; the two of you loved scary movies, especially the classics. Peter had bought a big bag of candy in case you wanted some, which you accepted gladly. You had also forced him to put on a face mask with you.

As Peter stood up to sit on the other couch, you spoke softly, "Cuddle me? I'm cold." Peter nodded with a soft smile and slid next to you on the couch and covered the two of you with a blanket.

You would laugh every time Peter jumped during a scary scene and he'd just whine in embarrassment, which made you laugh even harder.

"Just shut up." He whined once again. Peter had gotten scared by the scene in which Carrie throws the knives at her mother, while you weren't fazed at all, but found it funny instead.

"Oh, yeah? Make me." You spoke up as you turned around so you were face to face. A nervous laugh escaped past his lips, he knew you were kidding- I mean- you were, right? Silence engulfed the room; none of you said a thing, waiting for the other to speak first, which you did.

"You don't even know how much I wish I could see what colour your eyes are." You smiled as you cupped his cheek with a delicate hand as if his skin was made out of glass; you were so close to him, so close you could feel his breath on your skin, "May I?" You asked with a trembling voice as you kept looking into his eyes.

A whimper fell from his lips before he nodded. Even the idea of kissing you scared Peter to death because what if you pulled away and your world was still black and white? Then it meant you were actually not his for the taking and would never be.

Your eyes fluttered closed as you leaned in to finally kiss his lips. Your lips moulded together without much effort, you felt a strange tingle in yours as you kissed him. You realized Peter was probably feeling something too after he pulled you closer in desperation and his grip on your waist tightened.

Peter pulled away after a while, his eyes meeting with your (Y/E/C) ones. A loud gasp fell out of his mouth as he saw everything change around him and suddenly, he was able to see colour for the very first time in his entire life.

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