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You smiled anxiously as you sat down on the couch waiting for Tom to walk through the front door.

A big brown bag was held tightly between your hands, your knuckles turning white from how tight your grasp was around it.

Your other hand was positioned over your stomach in a protective way. The anxiety that you felt had been calmed down slightly by focusing your attention on the movie playing on the telly.

Tom was meant to arrive home in just a few minutes. He had gone to pick up the groceries which left you a few minutes to plan your big announcement.

As you heard the door open and then close you stood up from the couch and straightened out your dress. Tom walked straight into the kitchen and dropped all of the groceries on the counter. He saw you standing on the middle of the living room and smiled fondly, Tom couldn't be more grateful for having you as his wife.

He greeted you with a chaste kiss on the lips. You left the hand that was holding the bag stiffly hanging by your side and the other one went to grasp his hair as an attempt to bring him closer.

Once you pulled apart, you eagerly forced him to sit down on the couch, to which he happily listened to you as he noticed your excitement.

Little steps could be heard as Tess and Peter, your other staffie, sprinted into the room to shower Tom with love. Bandanas were tied around both their necks. Meanwhile, you stood in the middle of the room just waiting for Tom to read what they said.

"Big sister?" He read aloud the thing written on the bandana hanging around Tessa's neck. Doubt clear in his voice. Tom looked at you in hopes that you'd answer his questions, "What's all this about?"

You shyly handed him the bag after he sat down on the couch. You sat down next to the brown-eyed man. He opened the bag hesitantly.

The first thing Tom pulled out from the bag was a red baby onesie that read "Thing 1" on bold white letters. His eyes illuminated as he started to catch on to what you were up to.

He proceeded to grab the next thing inside the bag, which was yet another onesie that read "Thing 2". You could hear Tom audibly gasp. He rushed to pull out a pair of tiny shoes that were barely the size of his palm, he then pulled out another identical pair. What followed was a picture of the ultrasound from your first appointment, which had been just the week before.

The last thing he pulled out was a black box, tied with a ribbon. He untied the ribbon and opened the box slowly. Tom looked at the positive pregnancy test with tears already pooling in his eyes.

Tom placed everything back on the bag and hugged you as tight as he possibly could without hurting the babies living in your stomach.

"Babygirl, I'm going to be a father!" You giggled as he lifted your shirt up to reveal your growing stomach and started kissing all over your stomach.

"And you are going to be the best one."

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now