A Pleasant Surprise//T.H.

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You had finally found your baggage amongst all the things in baggage claim. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, you were almost convinced that they had messed up and sent your stuff on another flight.

You had finally been sent home after being on duty for almost a year. Being a combat medic was something you had always wanted to be. However, there were plenty of things you had to sacrifice in order to do so, such as not seeing or speaking to your family and your boyfriend Tom as often as you'd wish.

After staying with your mother, you decided to visit Tom, with the help of your great friend Harrison. Which was the whole reason for you to be standing in the middle of an effort as you tried to locate your dear friend.

You dragged your baggage around as you tried looking for the blonde in another place. After what felt like forever, you noticed him waving at you from behind a couple. A bright smile made its way into your face as he engulfed you in a hug, "It's been way too long since I last saw you Y/N."

"I wish I could've visited y'all sooner. Thanks for making this possible Haz." You let out an excited laugh. You had been more than ecstatic to surprise your boyfriend for so long and you were finally doing it, there was no better feeling.
"Anything to see my two best friends happy. Tom's going to be so excited to see you." He commented as he grabbed your baggage and walked you to the SUV that was waiting for the two of you outside of the airport.
You were going to surprise him at the location where they were filming Far From Home in London. It was minutes away from his home, which most of the time, was lonely because he spent most of his time travelling. You would've moved in with Tom months ago, however, you had to permanently reside in the US.

"How have things been? How long will you be staying this time?" Harrison asked as you both sat down comfortably on the back of the car. You shrugged.

"Things have been quite stressful, but it's all good right now, I'll be staying for two weeks, at least that's the plan." He nodded along as you explained. Haz knew you were only granted with certain days of leave, which meant sometimes you'd only stay for two days or other times for two weeks.

You took in the sight of London. After being away for so long you hadn't realized how much you missed it. Music played from Harrison's phone as a comfortable silence invaded the car. Minutes later, you finally arrived at the studio where a few of the scenes were filmed. Tom had to travel to a lot of countries in Europe in order to film the movie so you decided to wait until he was back in London to visit.

Harrison opened the door for you, you mumbled thanks as you grabbed all your luggage and headed inside the place. A lot of confidentiality agreements had to be signed in order for you to be let in, so you had to stand in the small reception for almost 30 minutes signing form after form. 

After you finally finished signing everything they let you in, "We can go to Tom's trailer first so you can drop off all your stuff." You nodded in agreement, wanting to just drop all your things.

You walked for a few minutes together, greeting all the people moving at a fast pace around the place, everyone seemed in a rush to get somewhere, preparing the extras with costumes and makeup for the next scene. A few of them recognized you.

You walked inside Tom's trailer after you arrived. It was really small, had a tiny kitchen, a couch, a bed, a tv and a little table. It was cosy and you could tell Tom had tried to make it as homely as possible. A low growl was heard as you explored around, you stopped dead in your tracks and turned around to be greeted by the adorable Staffie.

You knelt down on the floor in excitement, you had missed Tessa so much while you were gone. She ran into your arms and happily moved around as you gave her belly rubs while talking in a ridiculously high voice, "Princess, I've missed you. Look how big you've gotten Tess."

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