Love You//T.H. (SMUT)

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When Tom walked through the door, all he could feel was the ache that spread all over his body. The young man had gotten on a fight with a member of another mob and he had managed to land a few too many good hits on Tom.

It didn't take long for you to run to the entrance and embrace him, trying your best to not hurt him or cause more pain. You cupped his face in your hands and examined the bruises under his eye and cheek, "For fuck's sake. I swear if I see that motherfucker I'm going to kill him," You mumbled, mad at the state of your fiancé.

"Calm down, I'm fine, I swear, just sore," Tom pulled you close and ran his fingers through your hair in a comforting manner. He placed a kiss to the crown of your head, "Of course you are, I ran you a bath right after Harrison texted that you were about to arrive."

Tom smiled and nodded as the two of you walked upstairs and into the bathroom, "After you're done I can give you a massage," You smiled and turned around to get out.

Before you even could set a foot outside, he grabbed your wrist and looked at you with puppy eyes and an adorable pout on his face, "Please join me."

You stayed in a comfortable silence as you both undressed and got into the warm water. Your back was against his chest as he washed your hair with that vanilla scented shampoo Tom was obsessed with. He'd take water with his hands and rinse your hair as he hummed softly.

After you handed him the soap, he began to rub it up and down your arms slowly as goosebumps involuntary formed on your skin at the feeling. Tom moved your hair out of the way and started kissing your neck.

Your hand grasped his hair softly as he started nipping and sucking on your sweet spot. You let out a breathy moan and closed your eyes, moving to give him more access to your neck. Tom dropped the soap as his hand slowly trailed down your thigh. He parted your legs open while you turned around and crashed your lips to his in a passionate and needy kiss. All you felt was lust and a desperate need for more as his hand kept evading the place where you needed him the most.

You pulled away, "Please touch me, Tom. Need more," You whispered. He chuckled but nodded. His hand softly massaged your clit as his other hand teased your nipple. Your head fell on his shoulder as more sounds fell from your lips.

He inserted two of his fingers into your heat and moved them slowly in and out of you as he got back to sucking and biting your neck, leaving a few hickeys behind.

You could feel his hard-on pressed against you as he kept fingering you, eliciting even more sounds from you, "This okay?"

"More than okay, please don't stop," you begged as he sped up his pace and added a third finger. With his other hand, he circled your clit with his thumb when when he felt you clench around his fingers, "I'm gonna cum," You whimpered and he sped up his actions.

"Fuck," You muttered as you came. He kept   massaging your clit softly for a few seconds before you turned around so you were straddling him.

You pumped his length with your hand a few times before sinking down on him completely. He moaned at the feeling of your walls around him, "Feels so good babygirl," Tom mumbled as he placed a kiss on your shoulder.

You cupped his face with your hands and leaned in to kiss his inviting lips. Tom could taste the cherry lip balm you had been wearing when he swiped his tongue through your bottom lip, asking for access. He grabbed you by the hips as you started moving up and down his lenght. You moaned and he took it as his chance to slide his tongue into your mouth.

The kiss was desperate and heated, with teeth clashing and noses bumping constantly. He moaned into your mouth when your walls clenched around him, "I love you," he mumbled against your lips.

"Fuck, I love you too," Your movement became slower and sloppier as you got closer to coming for the second time that afternoon.

You clenched around him as you came and that was enough to make him come along with you, "Oh my God," Tom let his head fall back as he sighed in pleasure.

You got off him after you both came down from your high. His brown eyes looked at you in adoration as you spoke, "So much for taking a bath, huh?"

He stepped out of the bath after the water became too cold. You also did a few seconds after. Tom wrapped a towel around his waist and another one around your body, "I love you."

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