I Need You//P.P. x Teen Wolf! AU

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You tried to hide the claws when you noticed you had started to leave marks on the school desk, but there was a lot of anger in you. You couldn't concentrate.

Peter didn't notice, not until Ned tapped him on the shoulder aggressively. That's when he turned around and saw your face and your claws and even your eyes glowing blue.

He just shook his head and turned back around to look at his notebook, knowing very well that he was the one causing your anger. Peter never really paid attention to your anger because he knew you had anger issues and would probably overreact at everything and that you'd end up containing it.

You did hide your claws and after a few seconds your eyes turned Y/E/C once again, however that didn't mean you weren't ready to kick Peter's ass later on.

"You need to control that or you're going to end up killing us all." Peter whispered from his place next to you. You cracked your knuckles and let out a low animalistic groan.

"Don't you think I know that Parker? Just shut up." You whispered back and relaxed back on your seat.

When you finally made your way back to the compound, the first thing you did was lock yourself in your room, which was conveniently placed next to Peter's. You didn't really get why he needed one, he'd rarely stay over.

Tony, your father, didn't try to stop you that time, he just let you storm into your room knowing you probably had had a tough day at school. Once again.

You dropped your backpack on the floor along with your cheer bag and breathed deeply as you tried to calm yourself. You had almost done it, almost, but the moment your gaze met the wallpaper-covered walls you felt yourself lose control.

There were claw marks and scratches all over the wall, damage you had made on the previous full moon trying to stop yourself from turning.

You slid down the wall lazily and wrapped your arms around your legs, pulling them close to your chest, "I'm a monster.

It only took your eyes to prove that you were a monster, you had killed an innocent.

"Y/N, angel, you there?" You heard Natasha ask from the other side of the door. You opened it to let her in and you didn't even try to hide your blue eyes from her.

"We need you to do something." She whispered, it was obvious that Nat had noticed it just wasn't the right moment, "Supernatural kinda deal."

You nodded slowly, it was always weird to get supernatural activity in New York, but when you did, it was always you who took care of it.

"However, we need Peter to go with you." She confessed hesitantly, knowing that the young boy wasn't exactly your friend. You groaned, could that day get any worse?

"Do I really have to Nat? Can't Wanda come? She's good with all these things."

"Just trust me, you need Parker." Nat smiled and just gave you a pat on the back before handing you an earpiece so you could still communicate with them. You didn't have to wear a suit or an armour to stay protected, you just needed your claws, your fangs and your strength.

Peter stormed into your room seconds later with his suit on and a look on his face that screamed sadness or disappointment. You couldn't tell.

"C'mon Stark, get up. We need to get this done." Peter lifted you up from your spot on the bed and followed after him.

The two of you found yourselves on an abandoned building surrounded by bodies drenched in blood, all of them piled together. All of them with bites right on their chests and a hole where their hearts should be.

"What... What is this?" Peter mumbled, his voice muffled by his mask.

"Well clearly a werewolf that likes to... Eat human hearts I guess." You tried to explain even though you, a werewolf, for fuck's sake didn't actually know what was going on.

"Yeah like that makes a lot of sense Y/N." He exclaimed, you only groaned.

"No shit Sherlock. This just doesn't make sense. I'm not exactly a detective but I'm pretty sure there is something wrong." You warned Peter. You let out your claws and your eyes shone blue in the middle of the night.

Peter just watched you as you turned, you had expected a comment from him like, 'If you don't control it you're going to ruin another mission.' but for once in his damn life he stayed quiet.

You noticed a pool of purple liquid next to the corpses and sighed, it was all a trap and you had fallen right into it.

"We need to hide. Now!" Peter nodded and ran behind you as the two of you walked down the dark empty walls of the building. You weren't paying much attention to what was in front of you, focusing on what was behind you.

You had heard gunshots, loads of them and you instantly knew Gerard Argent was trying to hunt you down again.

"He's come for me." You mumbled, a lone wolf never survived.

You were still running when a wave of panic washed over you, not because an Argent was trying to kill you but because of the arrow you felt piercing your side.

Peter caught you with ease before your body hit the floor and carried you into an empty room.

He took the arrow out of your body, causing you to let out an ear-splitting scream, "Y/N. Why the hell aren't you healing? You're supposed to heal, right?"

You nodded and let your head lean on the cold wall as you put pressure on your side, "I- this is yellow wolfsbane Peter. I'm not healing, this is-"

The sentence got interrupted by a cough, black blood started to come out of your mouth and that's when you knew you were probably done for.

"I'm going to die." You cried out.

"Peter, you need to find a lighter." A panicked Wanda screamed through the earpiece and you watched as Peter started looking frantically around the empty room.

"P-Peter it's no use, there's nothing here and we both know there's someone waiting out that door for us." You coughed out as you tried to straighten yourself back up.

Peter was at your side seconds later, he had taken his mask off to reveal his glossy eyes, "Angel don't do this to me. They're on their way I-"

"I'm sorry Peter." You grasped his hand with force, almost breaking it.

"I should be the one apologizing, I- you never ruined anything, ever, I need you Y/N, your father needs you, c'mon."

He didn't get a response from you though, he only watched as your eyes closed slowly and your hand left his.

Hi! So I am like a sucker for Teen Wolf and I realized that I've never written anything Teen Wolf related soo this came out.

Finally starting my high school courses next Monday!! I'm very excited

Sarah xx

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