If By Chance//P.P. 2

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Time seemed to stop. Peter could feel his heart cease to beat as you stared into his eyes. It was the first time he had seen you in years and you had changed so much. He watched every movement of yours carefully, just waiting for you to start screaming, but he knew you were better than that, better than him.

You finally replied to him after minutes of staring with a small whisper, "Hey," You stepped back and asked him to go inside. You hadn't heard anything about Peter Parker in years, especially after you found your place after you finally felt safe with other people. It had taken you a long time to build yourself back up after everything that had gone down between you and the guy that was now sitting on your couch. You were so afraid that you were just going to crumble back down.

"Look, Peter," you sighed, "I don't want to be rude, but, what exactly are you doing here?" He gulped at the question, what was he actually doing there? He had no idea! Of course, he could not tell you that because you'd probably kick out. Peter took a deep breath as he processed his thoughts in awkward silence, "I-I came here to apologise."

You let out a loud laugh as you paced around, playing with your sweater sleeve, "Aren't you like three years late? I don't need your bullshit," Was he really trying to apologise? Fuck... Another sigh fell from your lips. After practically using you and giving up on you, he was just going to appear out of nowhere and try to mend things that were already broken beyond repair, you would be dammed if you let that happen.

"I get it. You hate me and I don't blame you. I was an asshole and you never deserved all of my shit," Peter could not believe he was doing that. It was far too obvious that you would never forgive him for what he did, but he had to try, right? You didn't say anything after that, which he took as a good sign, "As much as I'd like to, Peter, I do not hate you."

You sat on the couch opposite of him. You had wished for a moment just like that one for a while. There had always been an itch on the back of your head to talk things through with Peter, just so you could completely move on, "You are right, you were an asshole. You really changed Parker."

He nodded softly as he looked down at his hands in disappointment. Peter was relieved that you were keeping your cool, "I'm not sure what happened to us Peter. Honestly, I thought we could've at least stayed friends, but after Paris, I-You kept lying to me anyways."

You had thought of the millions of things that you'd say once you had a chance, but your mine was just completely blank as you stared at the guy that you once considered the one, which at that point, was just a bunch of bullshit, "I do not regret what we did in Paris Y/N. Yes, I regret how I acted on it,"  You scoffed at his confession, your blood starting to boil as you listened.

"Fuck no. You cannot come here right now and tell me that. Can't you see? I do not care about you anymore," You confessed, a long sigh following. In all honesty, you could not even tell if that statement was a lie. You just pushed all the memories to the back of your head and locked them away, "Please Y/N, just listen."

"It's your turn to listen Peter," You interrupted immediately, "Do you know how hard it was to get over you? Witness you rub your multiple relationships all over my fucking face?! Of course you do not know! You were way too busy drinking, partying and fucking any girl that would let you. You'd just call when the girls realised how much of an asshole you were," Both you and Peter were taken aback by your confession. You meant everything you said, but you had promised yourself to stay calm and at that moment, you were doing a shit job at it.

Tears were falling down from your eyes, and as you spoke, Peter couldn't help but imagine the sleepless nights after everything that happened. Guilt was eating him alive, devouring every ounce of his body. What could he actually say to that? How could he fix things if you both knew how much he had screwed up. It took Peter a long time to fully realise how much he had changed. The moment Harry, his best friend and your brother, abandoned him for good, was when he knew he had gone down a wrong path.

What followed were apologies thrown left and right as Peter looked for forgiveness from the people that were once the most important in his life. He dreaded apologising to you the most, because he knew you had been damaged by him the worst.

"This time around Y/N, I'm not here to excuse my actions, okay? I was a fool to treat the most valuable person in my life as bad as I did. I'm not asking to get back with you either. I wholeheartedly come to apologise to you. You and I both know how meaningful our friendship was and I honestly miss it. I miss you and you know the worst part? I know I don't deserve to be forgiven by you, I do not deserve someone as amazing as you and I hate myself more each day when I remember how terrible I have been to you and to everyone that actually gave a damn about me." Peter didn't care to think twice about all he said, he wanted you to know just how much he wanted to take back his actions.

"I cannot promise this with be easy, Peter," you spoke slowly, "But, I'm willing to try."

"Friends?" He extended his hand out for you to shake. After a few seconds of hesitation, you grasped it firmly and shook it, "Friends."

This is the second part to the imagine If By Chance requested by the amazing Scar_bug10

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